the real cause of tmj disorders the temporomandibular joint disorder, calledthe tmj in short, is a fairly common disorder of the jaw which affects nearly sixty millionpeople in the american population. people who suffer from this condition arelikely to experience pain that may be temporary, but may also last for at least a few years. for those who are affected with this problem,it is important to understand what causes tmj disorder in order to treat it. it can't be stated for certain exactly whatcauses tmj disorder, although there are some standard contributing factors.
these factors can be categorized into thefollowing groups: issues: tmj disorder is most commonlycaused as a result of derangement of the jaws. this is a condition known as "malocclusion"wherein your teeth are no longer able to fit together the way they are supposed to. this condition can be a result of situationssuch as ill fitting dentures, tooth removal or any minor or major dental surgery, missingteeth, advent of pre molars and growth of wisdom teeth. 2.trauma: about 99% of tmj sufferers claimthat their condition was a result of some sort of trauma or injury.
even minor blows on the head, face or jawcan result in trauma. whiplash and traction appliances used in whiplashinjuries or problems like ill fitting braces can also prove to be contributing factors. 3.habits: some of the things we unwittinglydo in our daily lives result in tmj disorder. a common cause is bruxism, or the habit ofcontinually clenching one's teeth. bruxism puts undue pressure on the teeth andjaw resulting in the damage of cartilage and ligaments in the tmj area. other bad habits include chewing on pens/pencils,biting finger nails, chronic gum chewing and bad postures that put pressure on your faceand jaw, such as, sleeping on your stomach
and holding the phone on your shoulder. situations: stress has been knownto cause tension in the muscles. prolonged tightening of the muscles affectsthe tm joint by putting enormous pressure on it. eventually the tense muscles tend to shortenand result in misalignment. social situations like family problems, financialissues, legal hassles and health concerns are stress inducers and must be dealt with. 5.emotions: emotional upheavals resultingfrom depression, anxiety, fear or anger have adverse affects that can negatively affectyour whole body including the tm joint.
certain simple precautions should be keptin mind in order to prevent a tmj disorder. for instance, although yawning is a reflexaction, one must take care to not open one's mouth fully but partially while yawning. similarly, excessive chewing of bubble gum,habits like biting nails or chewing on pencils must be avoided at all costs. as the tm joint facilitates essential activitieslike talking, chewing and swallowing, it is important to take care of it. since the causes of tmj disorder are so varied,the approach to treating it should also be multi dimensional.
there is a wide variety of treatment availablefor the condition, ranging from simple exercises to complicated corrective surgeries. however, if you are looking for a permanentsolution to your problem, it is best to adopt a holistic approach. in treating the condition holistically, youstrengthen your body and equip it to heal all by itself. not only can your body recover from the ailment;it can also prevent future occurrences of it. in the case of tmj disorder therefore, combiningrelaxation therapies, which would help reduce
stress, with jaw exercises, such as controlledtmj rotation, and working on body postures that affect the head and neck, would providea wholesome remedy for tmj disorder. only through holistic treatment can your bodybe restored to a state of well being. this article is based on the book, "tmj nomore" by sandra carter. sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionistand health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate tmj disorders solutionguaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of tmj and dramatically improve theoverall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without anysurgical procedures. learn more by visiting:
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