hi guys okay, so clearly this video is going to be a little bit different because i'm recording it on my iphone but the reason i am is because i am about to go to the dentist to get all four of my wisdom teeth taken out, and i am literally, absolutely terrified you guys may or may not know this about me, actually i don't think you guys know this about me, but the dentist is one of my biggest fears ever i don't really know why, i'm just terrified of the dentist and i went about a month ago, and they told me i had to get all four of my wisdom teeth taken out and i've honestly been dredging this day so long but it is finally here. so my mom is in town,
and she's gonna take me to the dentist, and i asked her to film me after i get them out. 'cuz in case you guys don't know, which i don't know why you wouldn't know thisbecause there are tons of videos of it on the internet. when you get your wisdom teeth, they sedate you, and afterwards, you're like on drugs and a little bit loopy and crazy and you basically say some pretty crazy sh*t, so i wanted to record it to one: just have it and know what i said. and two, to share with you guys because it's probably gonna be really funny. but yeah the next time you see me i'll be ten times uglier, and on drugs. so here we go.
pre-surgerythey start to give me drugs(i don't remember any of this) it's starting. (laughs) what's starting the drives doing withthat building doing that like in this like thing here and value went up anddown and i've never experienced anything like this in my hand we're about to get started we are putting the drugs and my eyes arenot even looking in the same direction i'm slow going on here i play to much
oh my stars i'm going to take the coupleof bolts ok you want to keep awake this any last words for anybody on last wordsbefore i go out let's see next i don't know what is gonna happen idon't know how long it's gonna take working for my final rest into surgerygoes my they're literally gonna rip the teeth out of my mouth shut down time they're about to put me on my next onemedicine and count on from time let's see how far we can i'm going again i'm gonna make it - seven anything goes right through them
nope maybe have a 10 make it ten want i'm well done oh yeah 04 04 and on all that - that's magic later and now i live onyou . out oh i'm going on around you feel likeyou're on drugs your army is right here bread i'm not home yes what you wake upsome more for your homie and no all
right how the hell all done yes how no i only trailer where to findthe card all right really i only here to have afriend in i near a long number what we did is we gave you someinjections and local numbing stuff like novocaine for that when you wake upyou're not gonna have any pain i was the whole fire you should you should be nice andcomfortable for the next couple hours i have no face yeah all right you reallywant in and he'll get out
yes oh for yes wait to come home early you can give us sleep no more make surethat those have been you happen to know how only do i want how i only knew i logugly jan i was so what how do you do a little running so whattime is it right now yeah we going - 8:30 and now only night i know it's later than that oh hang on i really go on the rungswhere you are i like you i lon at least no payment andally known around here as ellen north here on the generous is not here
i'm not she's not here no i don't know i wish i knew why you're talking hard we understand you doing good walk a runway right now now and starving me too on sorry going on so on way it was a little blood around a little bit ofblood make sure to slide looks like a lot
it will be a long i don't think it happened to happen whenthey're going to take your teeth out they took the moon no way they want itin my mouth ya know where are you going to take alook at me and then you a good job thank you so intolerable cookie mary gonot do you think my hair was done and it looks good going on the range know why because it'sreally cloudy and i'm calling left field no way got my injections gotten evenmore beautiful is that what i look like i love terrible
i look dead going on this is not a real is not having a lookat that meals that's los angeles were you allright on i can raise look at my outfit i'm ready to walk therunway guys we're helping get the hell outtahere nice and slow and she's standing brucelow yeah you're doing great yeah i totally onthis your mom when you walk out with their watches ok guys i just got on the surgery
wow i can't move half of my face what surgery went well just like that iconic trimmer andbetween that's just gusting and i apologize that you have to look at thatblood when i was driving me home right now i don't know where the hell she going itcomes she's lost clearly thinks she's turningleft on winning your drive like what's wrong i was not having itall she doesn't know what she's doing i mean i'm just a little disappointedthat there was no celebrities in the
waiting room when i was done that notreally they come out and show their support but they didn't show any some more sowhatever guys my throat hurts because i am so thirstycouldn't give me anything give me water barely they barely knew honor i've got a civilwater like things that's not hearing water you know i need a little bit morethis long my face is bleeding and try to wave itoff for you guys i don't remember fun fling what thelawyers and i know i was was was it took
a long time and now it's no longermorning it is nighttime dinner time and i guessyou prolly cant even dinner me oh there's one of my tongue oh mom will take care of it that's so fucked up i'm sorry you had tosee that it's really so rose oh my god i know disgusting right nowbut what i'm gonna do you know ok guys well i ok guys well i have to ice my face and i think igot enough footage hopefully i'm gonna go ahead and thevideo right here
thank you so much for watching i hopeyou liked it i hope it made you love i hope you giveit a big thumbs up and i hope you leave me a comment down below in the commentsection because i love you guys and i want to read the comments and yeahpretty much i'll talk to you later and i will seeyou all next saturday with another new video bye guys
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