hey guys, it’s ro! today i’m going tobe making some diy dog treats! my dog cookie’s first birthday is in twodays and i wanted to do something special for her, i don’t normally make homemadedog treats, she just eats yummy dog food, but, i wanted to do somethingfor the occasion. i’m gonna be making some homemade treatsbased on foods that she loves. cookie loves to eat peanut butter, she loveschicken, and she loves bananas. she goes bananas for bananas! it’s her favorite! so the first thing that we’re gonna be makingare these homemade peanut butter dog biscuits!
to make these peanut butter dog biscuits,the ingredients you will need, will be: 2-1/2 cups of whole wheat flour, i like touse all organic products for my doggie! and it is a good side note that if your doghas any food allergies, you can substitute the ingredient. for example, if they are allergicto wheat, a good substitute is rice flour or coconut flour. 1 cup of water,1 cup of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 egg, and 1 teaspoon of bakingpowder. the tools you will need will be: a bakingsheet, mixing bowl, hand mixer, rolling pin, these cute wilton pet cookiecutters! i will be using the bone shaped cookie cutter and a fork.
the first thing we’re gonna do is we aregonna combine our flour, egg and baking powder into the mixing bowl. then we’regonna give it a quick mix. next we’re gonna add our water, peanut butterand honey to the bowl. then you’re gonna mix together until everythingis well combined. now our dough is ready, and it’s ready toroll out, and a really good thing to know about this recipe is that it’s notgonna rise very much because we’ve only added one egg, so when you’re rollingit out you’ll want to roll it to the thickness that it will be at the end.i like shoot for about a 1/2 an inch. so you’re just gonna take a little flour, sprinkle it over your surface
so that the dough doesn’t stick. then you’regonna take your dough, press ‘em down, oh it smells so good! it smells like peanutbutter! then we’re just gonna roll it out, about1/2 an inch thick. now you’re gonna take your bone shaped cookiecutter, this is so cute! and we’re just gonna cut out a bunch ofour little peanut butter biscuits! now you’re gonna remove the excess dougharound your cookies and transfer them to your baking sheet. this part is totally optional, but i liketo add a little detail to our dog biscuits! cookie won’t know the difference, but ithink it’s really fun, kind of like
when you make peanut butter cookies, you pressthe fork in at different angles and it has that signature peanut butter cookielook, i like to make signature biscuit look by taking a fork and just pressingstraight down, to make little divots. now we’re gonna bake these in the oven at350 degrees for about 18 minutes, just keep your eye on ‘em! mmmm! they’re fresh out of the oven, they’reall done, and they smell really good! they just smell like peanut butter. theseare also people safe, you can take a little bite, it tastes like peanut butter, it’sa little bit drier biscuit, but just remember, they’re not sweet at all, they’renot like a cookie because there is
no sugar added to them. so, definitely yummy for dog treats. next thing that we’re gonna be making arechicken flavored ice cube bones. i don’t know about your dog, but my dogcookie loves ice cubes, every time she hears the ice cube maker from the refrigeratorshe comes running! the things you’ll need to make these chickenflavored ice cube bones will be: a bone mold, this one is by wilton and i’mgonna be using it as an ice cube tray, organic chicken broth and some boiled chickenbreast. i love this recipe because it is simple andit's super easy to make, and cookie
loves it! over here i’ve got 2 pieces oforganic chicken, i’ve boiled them until they were fully cooked, and the firstthing that we’re gonna do is just shred them, and add them to each little bonemold. after you’ve filled the tray with a bunchof shredded chicken, now we are gonna add our chicken broth on top. to makeit a little bit easier i’m gonna be pouring it into a measure cup with a pourspigot because i’m messy! once you’ve filled the tray with the chickenbroth, now you’re gonna pop these in the freezer for a few hours until they havecompletely frozen. and next, we are going to make a doggie birthdaycake!
cookie is gonna get so excited because it isgonna be a meat based cake, with a peanut butter banana frosting, andcookie loves bananas! om-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! the things you will need for this doggie birthdaycake will be: a mixing bowl, a hand mixer, two 4-inch cookingpans, i’m using spring form pans, because they’re super easy. cooking spray,1 pound of organic ground beef, 1/4 a cup of rolled oats, 1/4 a cup of shreddedcheese, i’m using cheddar, 1 egg, 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 tablespoonof vanilla extract, and 1 ripe banana! the first thing that you’re gonna do isin your mixing bowl, we are gonna combine
our beef, egg, oats and cheese, and we’rejust gonna mix it together, i’m gonna use my hands. now we are gonna split this evenly betweenour two pans, so i’m just gonna eyeball it. now i’m gonna pop these in the oven at 350degrees for about 40 minutes, until the meat is cooked all the way through. our doggiecakes are baking in the oven, and now we are gonna make some frosting usingpeanut butter and mashed banana! which is cookie’s favorite! so i think she’sgonna love this. so in a mixing bowl, we’re gonna add ourpeanut butter, our banana, and i’m just gonna break it up into little pieces, andour vanilla extract.
now we are gonna mix them together until theyare well combined. now our peanut butter banana frosting is ready and this part is totally optional, but i’m gonna be putting the majorityof the frosting into a decorating bag, with no tip, and this will just makeit easier to apply to the cake. and then, in the second bag, i’m gonna beputting a number 21 tip, it has a little star. for a little bit of deign onthe cake. to make it look like a birthday cake! now that our doggie cakes are out of the ovenand have had a little bit of time to cool, they can still be warm, this is justfine.
we are going to level them by cutting offthe top. this will make them easier to stack. now is a good time to pick whatever plate youwant to serve your little doggie cake on, and i’ve got this teeny little mini,i think it’s a cupcake tray, but i’m gonna be using it as my doggie cake tray, cookieis gonna love it! you’re just gonna take the bottom layerof your cake, i’m setting it right here, and i’m gonna put a layer, so that my pattieswill stick together. now we’re gonna put on our second layer,stick it right on top. now we are gonna frost the entire cake. ilike to start on the top, so i’m
just gonna pipe our frosting all along thetop, and then use the spatula to flatten it out and press it all the way aroundthe sides of the cake. our doggie cake is looking so cute, and i’madding some final touches, again this is totally optional and not in the recipe,but i’m gonna be adding a little candle, oh! we’re gonna be celebrating herbirthday a little bit early, and she’s such a little dog so i’m just gonnabe giving her a little slice of this cake, she’s gonna have to share withfriends! and then what do i have here? a little bit of confetti, just gonna put theseon for fun.
ta-da! here are the diy dog treats that we made today! we made, homemade peanut butter dog biscuits,organic chicken flavored ice cube bones, and a doggie birthday cake for cookie, she’sgonna love it. it’s basically a meatloaf with frostingmade of mashed bananas and peanut butter! ill be posting pictures on facebook, tumblr,instagram and twitter, and if you guys make these for your pets at home fora special occasion, please take a picture and send it to me, i love seeing your bakingcreations! even if they are for your pet.
also, i made a video over on wilton’s channel,i’ll put links down below so you can go check it out. but it’s basicallyabout a ton of cool ways to use cookie cutters! like today, we used thiscute little cookie cutter to make dog biscuits! and on nerdy nummies, i usethem all the time, from rice krispies teats to many other things. and also, a big thank you to wilton for partneringwith me on this video. alright, thanks again, bye-bye!
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