take a look inside your mouth at the big molar teeth in the back. see those deep grooves on the tops and sides? that's one of the mostcommon places for tooth decay or dental caries to begin. you can help prevent cavities fromdeveloping by brushing after meals and snacks - at least twice daily for two full minutes.try to cut back on sugary snacks, soda pop and sports and energy drinks. otherwise what's going on in these teeth could happen to yours. if food deposits are allowed to stay in thepits and fissures of the teeth, bacterial acids and enzymes can dissolve away the enamel. acids from food and drink can also directly dissolve enamel. here's another place wherebacterial plaque accumulates. on the sides of the teeth along the gums and between theteeth. that's why it's so important to brush
the sides of our teeth as well as the tops,angling the bristle tips beneath the gums... and then flossing between the teeth everyday to get rid of the fuzzy plaque. if it's allowed to remain between the teeth, you may develop cavities on the interproximal surfaces, which require the removal of more healthytooth structure to fix. it's also where most gum disease begins.
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