Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

brown spot on tooth under gum

these are the seven most painful dental conditions ever. after watching this, you'll be scared shitless about your next trip to the dent... thumbnail 1 summary
brown spot on tooth under gum

these are the seven most painful dental conditions ever. after watching this, you'll be scared shitless about your next trip to the dentist. number 7: dental abscessa dental abscess is an infection inside the tooth or the gums that's filled with pus.if not treated properly, it has the potential to turn deadly. while there are a few differenttypes of abscesses, they generally all have similar symptoms. the pain involved with an abscess usuallystarts off mild, but can quickly become extremely painful. the pain has been described as athrobbing or shooting sensation. the area in question will also swell up & turn more extreme cases, the abscess may spread to the bones & tissue near the teeth, whichcould cause swelling in the face or lymph

glands on the neck. the pain will then spreadto the side of the face near the toothache. if a severe abscess were to go untreated,it could eventually spread internally to tissues & muscles near the infected area. this spreadcan lead to a dangerous condition known as ludwig’s angina, or an infection occuringon the floor of the mouth. this disease can be deadly as it often restricts necessaryairways. in fact, the name “angina” is derived from the greek word “ankhon,”meaning “strangling.” in addition to feelings of being strangled, the face, neck, & headwill also become infected. it is even possible for people to die froman abscess. famous fashion designer & notorious nazi supporter hugo boss died from a toothabcess in 1948. a 12-year-old boy named deamonte

driver died from a tooth abscess as well whenit spread to his brain. despite two operations & six weeks in the hospital, his life couldnot be saved. the same thing happened in 2011 to 24-year-old kyle willis when the infectionspread to his brain & caused it to swell. in the cases of both driver & willis, a delayin treatment was due to the fact that neither of them had health insurance. number 6: periodontal gum diseaseperiodontal gum disease is the result when gingivitis goes untreated. it appears as inflammation& infection around the tooth & when severe enough, can cause tooth loss & damage to yourbone structure. once your gums are infected, they begin pulling away from the tooth. thisspace allows bacteria to form underneath the

gums. it'll then progress by badly damagingthe bone structure under the gums & usually results in teeth falling out or being removedif not treated properly. symptoms of periodontal gum disease includesensitive teeth, bleeding gums, swollen gums, loose teeth, & painful chewing. it is oftenthe result of smoking, hormonal changes, or a byproduct of other diseases such as diabetesor even aids. number 5: edentulismedentulism is a condition in which one is either completely—or at least partially— affects an estimated 158 million people worldwide. as we all can suspect, losing one’s teethcan be very problematic. teeth serve many

basic yet important functions such as chewingfood, maintaining speech, & supporting your facial structure. teeth also allow humansto break their food down in a manner that is more digestible through a process knownas mastication. as a result, malnutrition is a very possible side effect, which mayadditionally have a domino effect. weight loss, constipation, & arthritis have beenknown to occur as well. in the most extreme cases of edentulism, the condition has evenbeen connected to more serious & sometimes life-threatening diseases such as parkinson’sdisease, heart problems, & even cancer. number 4: tmj conditionstemporomandibular joint dysfunction, or tmj, describes a condition in which three importantparts of the mouth experience pain: the muscles

that move the jaw, the muscles of mastication,& the temporomandibular joints (which connect the mandible to the skull). if left untreated,tmj conditions can become chronic & quite painful. symptoms of tmj include dizziness, loss ofhearing, headaches, pain or pressure behind the eyes, pain in the jaws & teeth, & headaches(including migraines & myofascial pain). the jaw muscles may also become stiff, makingit difficult to eat or speak. it's estimated that up to 30% of the adult population isaffected by tmj in some form or another. number 3: tooth decaytooth decay goes by many names, but cavities & dental caries are the most common. regardlessof how they're classified, tooth decay can

have a harmful effect on humans. while theyusually cause symptoms such as pain & difficulty chewing, they can also lead to many of theailments we've already discussed such as abscesses, periodontal diseases, & edentulism. more than2 billion people worldwide are affected by tooth decay is some form, though it is farmore common in developing countries where they often lack proper resources to treatthe problem. broadly speaking, tooth decay describes anyactivity that involves the breakdown of teeth due to the spread of bacteria. it can be broughton by a number of factors such as poor hygiene & poverty as well as other medical conditionssuch as diabetes mellitus and sjogren's syndrome. although diabetes is the result of high bloodpressure & sjogren's is the result of increased

white blood cells, both conditions lead toa decrease in the mouth's saliva production. this is dangerous due to the fact that salivaworks to reduce the amount of acidic activity within the mouth. thus, a decrease in salivaproduction leads to bacteria buildup & an increase in the likelihood of developing toothdecay. while bacteria & dietary sugars are also commonculprits, they alone are usually not enough to cause it. exposure to an acidic environmentis what significantly increases the likelihood of someone experiencing tooth decay. symptoms may initially be difficult to spot.but the effects become more obvious as the teeth decay more & more. the affected teethwill change colors—usually yellow or brown—and

will also be sensitive to the touch. pain& tenderness are quite common too. if not treated, the tooth could crumble & the bacteriamay spread to the surrounding tissue. this has the potential to lead to blood clots inthe brain or ludwig's angina which, as we've already mentioned, is a very life-threateningailment. number 2: burning mouth syndromeknown as bms, burning mouth syndrome describes a condition where there is a burning or tinglingsensation within the mouth without an apparent cause. while medical experts are not exactlysure what causes it, they've floated several different theories around. the first is that it's related to menopause,as many of those suffering from bms are postmenopausal

women. others believe it may be the resultof an autoimmune disease. but there are still no statistical correlations to back eitherclaim. additionally, some hypothesize that bms isthe result of a psychiatric condition, as there exists a connection between bms, anddepression & anxiety. number 1: oral canceroral cancer describes any cancerous tissue within the mouth. the vast majority of oralcancer cases are classified as squamous cell sarcomas: a type of cancer that originatesin the mouth tissue but can spread to the digestive tracts & lungs. in 2013, over 130,000people died from oral cancer in the united states alone.

most cases of oral cancer are the result ofhuman behavior, such as tobacco use, poor dental hygiene, malnutrition, & poorly-fitteddentures. the most common symptoms include small, pale-colored ulcers as well as lumpson the mouth, tongue, inside the mouth, or behind the teeth. while these ulcers are usuallypainless at first, they often become more & more painful as the cancer progresses. oneafflicted with oral cancer will also have trouble swallowing & moving their tongue.they'll also develop painful mouth sores & a sensation known as paraesthesia: a ticklingor tingling feeling inside the mouth or face. oral cancer is, in fact, the most common typeof cancer in india, with about 130,000 people being diagnosed each & every year. it's prevalencestems from the high rates of tobacco use,

including snuff, quid, gutka, & misir. therealso exists common practices such as chewing on the leaves of paan, betel, & areca, allof which are known to cause oral cancer. find out more about deadly medical conditionsby subscribing to they will kill you. and to view more of our videos, visit theywillkillyou.comby clicking on the link in the top right corner of your screen.

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