Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

ankylosis of teeth definition

greetings. eric bakker, naturopath from newzealand, author of candida crusher and formulator of a product range called canxida. thanksfor ch... thumbnail 1 summary
ankylosis of teeth definition

greetings. eric bakker, naturopath from newzealand, author of candida crusher and formulator of a product range called canxida. thanksfor checking out my video. i've got another question here. this time, i've got a questionfrom nabil sani from bahrain. nabil is asking on behalf of his mother. "is there a linkbetween candida and arthritis?" nabil, i'll answer that question in a bit of a roundaboutway and explain a little bit about arthritis in general.there are about 100 different kinds of arthritis, so it's not just one particular kind we'redealing with. candida has been associated with many different forms of arthritis throughdifferent mechanisms. the common types of arthritis that people have heard about arerheumatoid and osteoarthritis. but there is

also gout, reactive arthritis, all sorts oftypes of arthritis. osteoarthritis we call the "wear and tear"arthritis, and that's not generally associated with a yeast infection. it's not autoimmuneby nature, meaning it's more like wear and tear in general. although there are some relationshipsbetween candida and osteoarthritis that don't tend to be as strong as the autoimmune relationshipsthat candida has with rheumatoid arthritis. there are plenty of research now showing linksbetween inflammatory arthritis and also autoimmune conditions in general and a yeast infection.this happens by different mechanisms. but for example, candida produces lots of differentkinds of enzymes and there is one called phospholipase a, and this particular enzyme has been shownto have a relationship with causing inflammation

in different parts of the body. these enzymesthat candida produce can upregulate and downregulate different parts of the immune system. theycan activate and deactivate certain parts of immunity.there is also research in japan a few years ago now showing that there are cell wall fragmentslike mannan for example or beta glucans. if we look at beta glucans, it's quite an interestingsort of a protein and this protein upsets the immune system. it doesn't really likeit. it's a little bit like if you've got a loud party at your house, you turn the musicup; it can really annoy the neighbors to the point where the neighbors just call the cops.they've had enough. and that's what beta glucans can do. it can call the immune system, "hey,get over here. i've had enough of this crap."

and then the immune system turns up and itstarts attacking beta glucans and attacking tissues around it causing swelling, inflammation,and pain. and these are just little pieces of cell wall fragments from candida.i read an interesting article once that said that when candida dies, it can actually; it'slike a champagne glass that drops. have you ever dropped a wine glass at your house andhad shards of glass all around the place and you can't walk and people say, "don't move.we'll get the vacuum cleaner." well, the vacuum cleaner is the immune system. it's got topick up all those shards of glass. and every tiny little shard can really piss off theimmune system. it can like hurt it. so in turn, the immune system will release differentkinds of chemicals.

and also, the immune system is very cleverbecause it will actually shout out to other white blood cells all around and release chemicalswe call cytokines or cell signaling chemicals. it's a little bit like people getting up inthe tree and beating the drum in the jungle to alert troops to come because there is aproblem. and then of course white blood cells all come to the area and release chemicalthemselves, and these chemicals have got weird names like [trumenachrosis]sp? factor andinterleukin and names like this. so these chemicals create pain, redness, itching, inflammation,all sorts of problems they can cause. and not only that, candida is even smarter thanthat. they can actually release a chemical called gliotoxin and that chemical can actuallyneutralize part of the immune system creating

even more of a problem.candida is definitely implicated with many different forms of arthritis and especiallyconditions like rheumatoid arthritis. in my professional opinion, i've found a lot ofpeople with rheumatoid arthritis, in fact, have got a bad yeast infection. and i findthe same with ankylosing spondylitis, hashimoto's thyroiditis, any of these kind of autoimmunediseases. i remember reading an old medical textbookfrom the 1930s and i think i might actually have it here in my library, a copy of it is. this textbook here, "treatment and general practice articles from the britishmedical journal." i've actually got a section here talking about rheumatoid arthritis. itsays in this book, "in all cases, look for

the hidden infection." have a look at thedate on this book. what can you see there? 1936. one of the specialists in this booksays, "in all cases of rheumatoid arthritis, look for the hidden focal infection." thereare not many doctors that look for infections today when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis.they just give drugs. these guys worked in an era where pharmacy wasn't really big, andthey had to try to troubleshoot things themselves and fix things up with patients. in fact,a lot of herbal medicines were used back in the 1930s to treat people.i hope that answers your question in a roundabout way. "is there a link between candida andarthritis?" there definitely is a link and it could be multiple links. more so with rheumatoidthan with osteoarthritis, so that's worth

bearing in mind. but osteoarthritis can alsobe involved in candida, and particularly, if patients have been taking anti-inflammatorydrugs or nsaids, non-steroidal drugs, for many years, which will wreck their digestivesystem. again, making them more susceptible to a yeast infection. that's that link there.i hope that answers your question in a roundabout way. don't forget to check out my quiz and check out i think you might find quite an interestingbook. and also, don't forget to check out my website with my products, for tuning in.

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