Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

ankylosis of teeth symptoms

welcome. my name’s fred calavassy and i’m here to go throughsome clinical techniques for the manufacture of the somnomedmandibular advan... thumbnail 1 summary
ankylosis of teeth symptoms

welcome. my name’s fred calavassy and i’m here to go throughsome clinical techniques for the manufacture of the somnomedmandibular advancement splint. today we’ll be going through the temporomandibularjoint examination, the soft tissue examination, the clinical procedures associated withthe impression taking techniques and also the bite registrationtechniques. the first part of the clinicalexamination will involve a very basic temporomandibular joint

and muscle screening examination. the first thing we wantto do is just literally see if there’s any pain on palpationof the temporomandibular joints. how is that feeling, sandy? good. okay. no discomfort at all? no. okay, i’ll get you to open as wideas you possibly can. what i’m listening for hereand feeling for here

is if there’s any clicking, popping,grating in the tmj’s. just close. and open. and close. and there’s no discomfort whileyou’re doing that there at all? great. the next thing thati’m going to be doing is just feeling the mainmuscles of mastication, mainly the temporalis. we’ll be feeling the temporalisanterior, the masseters,

the digastrics and alsothe temporalis posterior. so, we’ll just palpatethose muscles. so, the first one that we’lldo is the masseter. so, just clench for me, sandy. and relax. and there’s no tenderness whilei’m pushing there at all? great. and just clench. so, we’re going down tothe angle of the mandible where the masseter’s insertingthere and just clench.

and there’s no discomfortthere while i’m pushing? great. we’ll go up tothe temporalis anterior. and just clench. there’s no discomfort wherei’m pushing there at all? fantastic. temporalis posterior,just behind the ears. just clench. and clench. relax.

you can actually feel thesemuscles activating. and there’s no discomfort wherei’m pushing there at all? great. now we’re going to godown to the digastrics. so, i want you to open upnice and wide for me. and just have a feel of the digastricsas they’re active. there’s no discomfort whilei’m pushing there at all? just relax. okay, just turn your head wayover to this side for me. you can have a good look atthe sternocleidomastoid.

you can just have a bit of a feelof the sternocleidomastoid. okay, there’s no tenderness wherei’m pushing there at all? great. we’ll turn over the other side. and we’re just going to have a feelagain of the sternocleidomastoid. and there’s no tenderness wherei’m pushing there at all? okay. and just straighten up. so, that’s basically completing ourtemporomandibular joint and muscle palpation examination.

and now we can move onto our soft tissue screening.

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