Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

calcification of primary teeth

>> i like what you dso jimmy, on friday, you asked >> jimmy, on friday you asked methe question as host of the show, if there wa... thumbnail 1 summary
calcification of primary teeth

>> i like what you dso jimmy, on friday, you asked >> jimmy, on friday you asked methe question as host of the show, if there was one thingthat i want want people to know, what would it be? and i said that you're actually5'3". i was lying and joking. but i didn't get to ask you whatyou would want people to know about. >> what i would want people toknow?

>> yes. >> that i really want thismotorcycle. >> and that's the new premise ofthe series we're kicking off today, what do you really wantto know. what do delmarva people wantpeople to know about their area of expertise. >> and we start with yourdentist. and dr. lee acy is a>> it's safe for pregnant women

to undergo dental treatmentlocal anastetics, is that >> it is true. and they have done studies andthere is really no difference in major medical outcomes based onthe safety and the advances that we have in anasteticsand pregnant women can still break a tooth or have a cavity. and it's better to have needstreated. >> it's not a good idea to brushyour denture with the same natural toothpaste as you use onyour teeth.

>> and patients are alwaysconfused about that. and we tell them no, don't usethat. they make specific toothpastefor partials and dentures. and they're surprised. and the toothpasteis abrasive and breaks down the denture. >> and the third word of wisdomhas to do with crowns or caps. >> anything that's made ofmetal, porcelain or a combination of the two thatcovers the tooth that has been

treated for filling or coveringa root canal. >> just because the tooth is notright in the in front of your mouth doesn't mean it's notimportant. >> and a lot of times wethat the back teeth isn't seen so why fix it? the more back teeth you lose, ifyou take one out here and there and it begins to cascade, thefront teeth are doing jobs that they're not meant for and theyend up breaking or having future problems.

>> and dental x-rays. essential to the prevention andtreatment of disease. >> absolutely. >> why? >> we look for many things whenwe look at x-rays. not just cavities. we're looking at bone health andthe levels of bone. we can assess the gum disease orcysts and tumors and calcifications in>> what about the radiation?

>> now it's so much less to getthe dental radiographs and you're doing it fairlyinfrequently. compared to the normal radiationyou get walking in the airport or staring at your computerscreen for days. >> i didn't know that. what about electric versusmanual toothbrush? >> i'll be honest with you. i switched to an electrictoothbrush. there's no comparison to howmuch cleaner it is with an

electric toothbrush. >> it gets to more surfaces andvibrates and you get to a lot more than you thought. >> you said that people aresurprised to learn thatroot canal treatment is rarelypainful. >> the root canal is not what'scausing pain. it's the solution to get out ofpain. the longer the infection hasbeen present, it may be harder to get numb.

and now withhave changed. it's not really a big of a dealas it used to be. >> wow.and another thing you say you need to know has to do withteeth whitening. over the counter products thatcause whitening are considered cosmetics and not regulated bythe fda. >> anything like a whiteningtoothpaste, you're going to whiten your teeth just by thefact of brushing surface stain away, but the products are notactually breaking down to create

the process that causes realwhitening of the tooth structure itself. so for those kind of needs, weoffer trays that you can wear at home, in-officing whiteninand there's over the counter strips and gels, but they don'twhiten the same way as the in-office process. >> gum disease is bacterialinfection that's treatable in most cases. >> everybody has plaque.

we all get it. it doesn't matter if you brushyour teeth two times a day. and plaque continues to build upand a lot of times it builds up between your gum and tooth. and the material there oranaerobic. and they like to stay there. if you don't get rid of that bybrushing, flossing, and routine dental cleanings, it could causeinflammation, bleeding, bad taste, bad breath.

avoiding routine home care isnot beneficial. >> and we have a picture here. >> what are we looking>> the healthy gums on the left side is what we want to see.and gingivitis is on the upper ride side. that's inflammation of the gums. it's treatable and reversible. that means you've just startedthis process rolling. and you've updated your homecare and done flossing and that

changes. andfollow-ups to prevent those diseases. >> the other one you want topoint out is fluoride. >> right. >> and you said an optimal levelin fluoride in safe levels effective in preventing issuesin kids and adults. >> the bacteria we have in ourmouth, we all have it. i depend on which ones and whiamounts.

and if we can help them get lessdecay, we want to. and the bacteria can't dissolvethe tooth and cause as many cavities. >> boy, that's a lot ofinformation in short amount of time. >> it is. >> if you would like moreinformation, go to>> and thank you, very much for coming in this afternoon.

>> now you know. something else that iswell-taken care of, the beautiful ponies. and shawn was waking up with thechickens, or should i say the ponies? as these beautiful creaturesmade the beach walk. we'll see what's going downnext.

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