everyone talks about plaque and how dealingwith it is such a major component of proper dental health,but what’s the big issue? plaque is horrible. it is a soft,sticky film that builds up on your teeth over time due to themillions of microscopic bacteria that call your mouthhome. if you don’t spend the proper time looking after your mouth,too much of this plaque can lead to gum disease, cavities,and tooth decay. when multiple layers of plaque combine withminerals present in your saliva, it hardens into a white, chalkycalcified substance
called tartar.follow the steps properly toremove teeth plaque fast. brush your teeth properly brushing your teeth properly after each mealprevents the formation of plaque/tartar. use a soft-bristletoothbrush for brushing and brush at all angles, overall the tooth surfaces so that the teeth are thoroughlycleaned. always remember to hold the brush at a 45 degreeangle to the gum line. oil pulling
oil pulling is an age-old practice that supportsoral health and helps remove plaque from teeth. swish 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconutoil around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes.spit it out. do not gargle with it or swallow it.brush your teeth as usual. repeat daily, in the morning before eatinganything. baking soda the old stand-by baking soda removes plaquefrom your teeth, advises mother.com . it works. simply poura bit of baking
soda into a small bowl, dip your dampenedtoothbrush in it and use it to scrub away plaque. alternatively,you may mix a pinch of salt into a tablespoon of baking soda andbrush with this mixture to remove plaque. orange peel if you wish to go with the simplest yet affordablesolution, then this method is just perfect for you.you will just need an orange peel. orange peel contains anti-bacterialsubstances and this can give a tight fight to the plaquecausing bacteria.
the method of application :first, take an orange peel. clean this well in water.then mash up the peel. apply the mashed paste directly on the plaques.if the mashing procedure takes longer time period, you can rubthe peel directly on the teeth like a toothbrush. rub this forat least 10 minutes. leave this for one long hour. then cleanthe mouth with luke warm water. aloe vera aloe vera is effective at dealing with gumdisease caused by plaque and tartar. being an antimicrobial,it kills the bacteria
that cause plaque buildup. plus, it fightsbad breath. lit an aloe vera leaf and extract the pulp.rub the pulp directly on your teeth and gum line.leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.use this remedy twice daily. white vinegar white vinegar contains acetic acid that canhelp prevent demineralization of enamel as well as preventand reduce accumulation of plaque. it also has antibacterialproperties. mix 2 teaspoons of white vinegar and 1 teaspoonof salt
in â½ cup of warm water.rinse your mouth with this mixture once or twice a day. cloves ground cloves have been widely used for agesas a home remedy to relieve toothaches. it can also be usedto fight microbes in your mouth that may cause plaque and tartar. mix 1 teaspoon of powdered cloves and a littleolive oil. apply this mixture on your teeth. wait a few minutes,then rinse it off with lukewarm water. do this twice a day.also, chew 1 or 2 cloves on a regular basis
to support oral healthand reduce bad breath caused by the bacteria in your mouth. i hope you enjoyed watching video abouthow to remove teeth plaque naturally at home. subscribe to our channel and learn more aboutnew things. thank you.
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