joseph tittel predictions for 2015, includingsome about planet x in the first video, i read a list of 18 reasonswhy a viewer on my channel, backtoconstitution, named, 'yesican2012' thinks planet x is real nobody on my channel ever listed this manyreasons to believe in planet x it was cogent! after reading that list of 18, i turned theattention to psychic, joseph tittel and began to read some items in his list of 110 predictionsfor 2015, but when i read #7, i had to stop and rest, overwhelmed by what i had read i'll read it again, so we can pick up wherewe left off, but let me say a few words, first
before making the first video, i read theentire list, predictions for 2015 by joseph tittel there were many that screamed planet x, yetjoseph tittel never mentioned planet x, nibiru, wormwood, the destroyer, herculobus or anyother name that this alleged dwarf star and traveling companions has been called in the first video, i raised the question,'does psychic joseph tittel know anything he can tell us about planet x or are the impressionshe's getting not yet connected to this suspected incoming dwarf star and its several planets,some with their own moons?' among the planets and moons are also trillionsof hunks of space rock, the average one is
about 70 pounds, that might rain down uponyou and your closest family and friends, killing some of them from what i have read, the lucky ones willbe those who die, not those who live if you happen to be driving along the highwayand the tail of planet x is wafting by, it might take you out, early in the game andthen you'll miss the light show people laugh about planet x and although idon't know if it's real or not, the evidence is mounting and i consider it a serious subject,worthy of one's sober regard if this traveling entourage of space debrisdrops just one 70 pound rock about 154 kg on the car of those who are laughing, theycan forget about life!
they won't have one and they won't be laughingany more! the kinetic energy of a 70 lb rock movingat 10 km/second could turn sand into glass a car will melt from the heat of impact andif it doesn't evaporate, that will be something! planet x goes through space, acting like avacuum cleaner, picking up all kinds of debris along the way and when it passes by the earth,this debris will rain down upon us there is one thing you don't want when you'reriding around, looking for hot chicks; hail the size of a basketball, made of rock, notice, ok? if planet x is real, it is reported to dwellmost of the time out in the kuiper belt where there is a whole lot of space stuff floatingaround and it might travel into the ort cloud,
as well people think that planet x moves through spaceat a constant speed if you throw a basketball straight up, doesit move at a constant speed? as soon as you let go of that ball, gravity,an acceleration, begins to act on that ball, drawing from its speed, 9.8 meters per second,each second in a short time, the ball has no more velocityin the up direction and begins to fall back toward the earth planet x is doing this with the sun, but sincethey are both in space and neither is going to strike the other, it just goes back outand comes back in, over and over, but the
speed changes, constantly when it's coming in, it's gathering speedand when it's going back out, it's losing speed, every second, until it stops goingout, just like the basketball and starts coming back in we don't know how far it goes out some say the kuiper belt, which is just beyondthe last planet, now neptune and some say the oort cloud, which is a theoretical collectionof space debris, some of it the size of a planet or at least a moon here is a sample of things we found out therein the kuiper belt and the reason why pluto
had to be reclassified and is not considereda planet any more a lot of people are unaware of the story i'mabout to tell you the real reason why pluto got kicked out ofthe solar system he is puny and he didn't want to go to thegym and work out and get huge he voted for obama in the puppet race he believes the government's official accountof 9/11, the 19 arabs with box cutters, fairy tale he goes around calling everyone a 'conspiracytheorist' then one day he was caught drinking lite beerand that was it
they threw him out! no, i'm serious! that's the truth! i wouldn't lie to you! ok, don't believe me! some of these objects are larger than pluto,so what do you do? do you make them all planets? how many of them are there? what will we still find in the oort cloud?
there is a lot of junk out there i don't believe in the 'big bang' theory i believe that energy and mass are two differentforms of the same stuff that's what the aliens told us and they saidthat matter is frozen energy i think that matter is always being formedeverywhere, from energy and that's why there are galaxies, in all directions there is an expansion of this matter and soit's all moving away from the rest, as it is formed it doesn't trace back to a singularity, assteven hawking says in 'a brief history of
time' i think it's silly that all matter in theuniverse was once compacted into a single unit the size of a period, at the end of asentence who came up with this theory? it's absurd! matter is created in every cubic centimeterof the universe and it is attracted by all other matter and there is a repulsive forcetoo, which makes it move away from matter yes, there is a kuiper belt and an ort cloudtoo and many other clusters of matter, going out as far as the next star and new solarsystems are constantly being formed and astronomers will tell you so
planet x goes out on its elliptical orbit,picking up all this matter and dragging it along it passes by a planet that used to be locatedbetween mars and jupiter one of the objects in the planet x/nibirusystem is large it strikes that planet and shatters it then we have the asteroid belt, obviouslythe remains of a planet in that zone and currently being used as a docking station by beingswho are passing through this area or patrolling in the summer of 1947, there was a crash atroswell, new mexico one survivor, airl, told us a lot about ourplanet, the solar system, the sun and the
group that owned this home we live on, untilher group entered and kicked them out the series is 'alien interview' and i'm notgoing to say any more about it, other than they are based in the asteroid belt and theydon't want to be on a planet with gravity the moon is more desirable than the earth,she said she said her group owns 60 million earth-likeplanets and they have no interest in our planet, but she stuck around, learned english andthen began to teach her teacher about our sun and our planet, which i'm sorry to say,is a prison planet she told us 60 years ago that we would havea planet x, but she did not call it by name the military killed her and her soul wentback to the base to get another body
they can pull a soul into a high fidelitybody and so they don't need to eat, sleep, drink or go to the bathroom planet x gathers debris and drags it along the man who saw it on the hubble space telescopetold us it's a blazing star with trillions of pieces of space junk, in tow and his friendsin the cia told him many things about planet x and i think his tale sounds believable,but i'm waiting until i see it in the sky i'll get up one morning and whop! dar it is! north, isn't north, any more something is pushing the north pole in thedirection of east
just check your compass this is evidence of something, but it wouldbe hasty to say it's indisputable proof of planet x collect the facts and the conclusion willleap out from the evidence space is full of tiny particles and largerpieces of junk and they clump together so that light can pass through trillions of lightyears and still reach our eyes or our telescopes you see, when they taught you about our solarsystem, they only mentioned the major objects in it they forgot to tell you about all the spacedebris that goes all the way out to infinity
that stuff is gathering up and forming newplanets, moons and stars, like jupiter and our sun jupiter is actually a sun, because it givesoff more light than it receives from our sun the aliens don't count jupiter, as a planet it's all gas and it's giving off a lot oflight if you tell an alien that jupiter is a planet,they'll laugh at you and they won't take you for a ride on their ghetto machine be nice to aliens, because we might need themto give our despotic dictators a long ride to a distant planet where they will neverbe able to return to earth to enslave anyone,
ever again! one man had the privilege of viewing planetx on the hubble space telescope he said he watched it coming in for a decadewith his cia buddies the cia is the one that sells the heroin andcocaine do you need any? if you do, call the cia and maybe they willdeliver, but you have to tip if you're one of the 70% of americans whoare taking prescription drugs, you call big pharma and a doctor who gets kickbacks willwrite out a prescription for you it's a thoroughly corrupt system and so weneed these aliens to ship these guys to a
distant planet, to get rid of them, so bevery nice to aliens, if you meet any the insider watched planet x coming in fora decade he said it's a blazing hot star and has trillionsof pieces of junk tagging along and that this tail stretches for millions of miles that's his testimony do you want to believe it? if he's right, we might be adversely affectedby the tail of planet x some of that debris is the size of a mountain,so when we talk about planet x, there is a lot of freaky shit involved
the van allen belt, which protects us fromthe microwaves of the sun, much like the metal box on your microwave protects you from themicrowaves, so you don't cook, when you put your nose to the glass to see if your popcornhas begun to pop what if someone took away that protectivemetal and exposed you to the microwaves of your oven you'd pop, like popcorn and that ain't nofun, now is it? when the van allen belt collapses, we're allfried, because the sun is the mother of all microwaves and although most live on the coast,it don't matter, we're all toast! you're gonna wind up one white ghost!
the elites built themselves a nice cushy bunkerdown beneath the earth so they can survive that's nice, but i don't think they are preparedfor farts and vomit or containment of disease when someone down there gets a nasty caseof the us-created h1n1 flu virus or the now-patented ebola virus you are aware that the center for diseasecontrol has a patent on the ebola virus, aren't you? they intend to make a killing off the ebolavirus and somebody is spreading it with vaccinations! this is low down, dirty and positively rotten,but that's what the elite do! now they have an underground city for themselves,but not for you!
did any of these geniuses think that maybeone of those viruses they intended for us, just might seep into their underground citiesand kill them, instead of us? what about fluoride? they have been collecting fluorosilicic acidfrom the fertilizer smoke stacks, because it's too deadly a poison to release into theair they ship it to your water company and putit into your drinking water how do you like that? did you have a say in what they are puttinginto your drinking water? fluoride is a deadly poison, more deadly thanlead and almost as deadly as arsenic and it
doesn't belong in your drinking water if you are not complaining about it, theywill continue to add fluoride and anything else they want to get rid of, cheaply! so think about this and decide if you wantto protest! your cities are actually paying them for thistoxic industrial waste! it's too poisonous to put into the air, so they put it into your water just to showyou how much they care! when you dig into the facts you find that your health isn't what's on their mind
you're drinking their toxic waste and it'sall about their accumulation of wealth fluoride is rat poison and rat poison, isnot good for your health! do they think they can keep this industrialwaste out of their underground cities? water seeps down, into the earth, where theelite have their bunkers, far from the microwaves of the sun or the hail of rocks that willfall upon our heads fluoride will find them and poison them, aswell, down there in what i call 'hell' i hope they enjoy the water, fluoride andall because it will do to them what it has doneto us for the past 50 years; brittle bones, mottling of the teeth, fluorosis, brain cancer,lower iqs for school age children, heart problems,
behavior problems, kidney problems, calcificationof the pineal gland and destroying the bone in the hip, so old people can't walk, without$100,000 worth of hip replacement surgery this is no way to treat old people, childrenor the rest of us, but that's what they're doing when planet x passes and they run down totheir underground cities, that fluoride is going to chase them down there and fuck uptheir water supply! what happens to the fluoridated water thatcomes out of our tap? it is used to flush toilets and it goes downthe shower drains it goes onto your landscaping and lawn andplants don't enjoy that!
it's poison! it washes away and seeps intothe earth, whenever it rains! that's why they don't allow it released intothe air, at the fertilizer plants! get it? if you get it, then why don't they get it? why don't they realize that if fluoride isin the environment, it's going to wind up in hell or their underground cities, don'tyou think? when they taste their water down there inhell, they're going to discover that it contains fluoride! it's poison!
so where does it all go, once it enters thesewerage system? it goes to the water treatment plant and thenwhat? the bacteria is treated and when the wateris safe, it's released into all the lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks and oceans, so it'savailable to all of us they are foolishly releasing fluoride intothe environment! are you happy about that? well, that's what a thinking person has torealize, but these people don't think that far ahead all they think about is money, starting wars,having sex with children, selling drugs and
worshiping their god, satan they're not fit to lead and they're not fitto live and so what do you suppose will happen, in the end? they are going down into a hole, while planetx passes, if it's real they believe they will come out and life willbe beautiful for them they intend to use this natural event, thiscatastrophe in which 90% of people could die and they're going to just pick up where theyleft off not so fast! they have no experience in living undergroundand this one is a beta test for them
would you bet your life on a beta test? will they succeed or fail? i don't think they will succeed on the firsttry, do you? there is certain to be a barrage of problemsto solve and these people aren't problem solvers they create 1,000 problems for every one theysolve, through chicanery and deception just look at the fluoride mess they have contaminated the environment forhundreds of years! for what? to save money on the proper and responsiblemethod of disposal? these are the people who rig every election,blackmail corrupt politicians, steal money,
gold, oil and sell drugs to the 7.3 billionpeople on the planet do you think that behavior prepares them forlife, down below, in hell? i'd say, hell, no! they need 'we, the people' to come up withsolutions to the gnarly problems they're going to encounter on this beta test of life, inhell we're not going to be there! they lied and we fried! we died and our corpses are scattered around,stinking like a hitler concentration camp they went down, deep into the ground to livein cities they built a long time ago
they knew planet x was coming and they quietlyprepared they told us nothing about it and on the nazinightly news network, this story never aired! those on the surface die of one thing or another there are microwaves and falling rocks andfrightened people running into caves for cover unlike the underground facilities stockedwith the best of everything, these caves have no food or water or warm blankets to protectthe occupants from the freezing cold they knew we couldn't survive and so in theend, they seized all our bank deposits, wealth and confiscated all our silver and gold! to find that we have been left out in thecold, in the sun's microwave oven, with rocks
of 70 pounds, on average, falling like hailand one could say, 'we've been had!' they took our guns away because they knewthat we'd be raging mad when someone vomits that air will be aroundfor a while and when someone uses a toilet, there has to be a way to vent that bad airso it doesn't contaminate the good air and i don't know if they have thought of all that if someone sneezes, the germs will lingerforever in this hole that i call hell how do you prevent mildew and mold when rockscontain water and the deeper you go, the warmer it is, so it certainly isn't cold, down therein hell! the aliens who set up life on the surfaceof our planet, earth, have thought of everything
and they covered all of that it took them many tries to get it right andthey did the task very well the elite, on the other hand have just oneattempt and it has to be absolutely perfect or they all die one mistake and they're all dead and therewill be no one left to figure out why with cell phones, food delivered to grocerystores, gasoline stations and electricity coming to your home you've got it made inthe shade planet x comes by and the chaos begins andthe ease of your current life will quickly fade
life, the zetas said, will be hard, in theaftertime and it will be much easier to just perish the life you are living now, will be nothingbut a fond memory, to cherish some of you are saying that you despise theelite and you want planet x to wipe them out i guess you're thinking that this is likea summer rain storm and it will pass and you'll survive, no doubt planet x is serious business and that's whymartial law is planned when people who live within 100 miles of thecoast figure out that they're going to die, they will be moving, like nomads, across theland
in america, that means 210 million people,seeking refuge in a place that is safe do they really think that inland they willfind enough extra food, water or living space? we can't accommodate 210 million refugeesin america and there will be 5.6 billion refugees worldwide, if you count them people live near the coast, where there areothers! they like the beach! they don't collect in large numbers way up on top of a mountain! when they haven't eaten for days and are desperatelythirsty, they'd do anything for a drink if you have water that you're saving for yourown family and deny it to them, they'll kill you for it! what did you think?
you think you know your neighbors, but whenthere is no water or food or gasoline or air to breathe without the smell of the dead,people will turn on each other and do anything to get their families fed martial law will be a necessity, in orderto keep coastal dwellers in their homes, until planet x passes if you prefer to go where you think it mightbe safe, you'll find there isn't room for you or the roving masses in times when people had little chance tosurvive, they ate the dead and we've all heard the story of the donner party and their tripout west
when the food ran out, they killed their oxenfirst and next, they killed the native americans and ate their bodies and eventually, ...wellyou know the rest cannibalism, was resorted to and is once againlikely, in this catastrophic event the elite have their underground cities toseek refuge, which is a cause of much scorn and for those who will have to make it onthe surface, planet x isn't something we can prevent the psychic joseph tittel gives you his 2015predictions and when i got to number seven, i had to stop he was talking about coastal areas and ifyou are like most, you could be leaving the
coastal areas, where life has been sweet andlooking for a mountain top i will continue now with my reading of josephtittel's list of impressions he has received let me read those which i found most interestingand i'm sure you're be intrigued to finish #7 he mentions issues with coastlinesall over the planet he says they are in great danger in so manyways when he says that earthquakes will be moreand more common in 2015 and 2016, that can only mean that something is acting upon theearth and it is waxing, not waning in other words, it's coming in, not goingout he says a gap opens up along the coast andwater rushes in
is he talking about california is this the san andreas fault? if it splits off of california, then the nextline makes sense he says it looks like a large river says it might be forming islands i have read that california, in the aftertimewill be dozens of islands, after the polar ice melts and sea levels rise by 675 feet here is a map of a 100 meter rise in sea leveland 100 meters is only about 325 feet look at this map and then imagine double that!
that's what the zetas are predicting and theyhave more predictions that came true on just one newsletter, than the entire bible has! they evolved from insects and i don't knowhow insects think, but with an average iq of 275, they are nearly twice as intelligentas albert einstein, one with one of the greatest human minds joseph tittel mentions yellowstone and that'sout west says they are connected and so i think californiaand the san andreas fault might be it under yellowstone, the earth is hot and that'sbecause plates are rubbing against one another if any large object comes whizzing past theearth, yellowstone is going to react to it
and that's what joseph tittel says will happen yellowstone park is in for some major shiftsand events over the next few years he said few years, not decades or centuries few years! yellowstone is a big deal, if planet x isreal i live in arizona and i don't think i'm clearof danger yet i'm not patrolling yellowstone park likean, up until now, 'envied' park ranger they had it made and i hope they get out intime i wish we could get the animals out, as well,but they have a sense about things and they
might know just what to do i guess we'll find out, in time our psychic sees floods in texas and i recallwatching the zeta report on this as their warning came forth a wave comes in via houston and rolls allthe way to dallas/ft. worth the land is flat and the wave knocks overeverything in its path then it goes back out to sea, dragging everyvehicle and the rubble of what were buildings, as it continues its wrath if a big wave comes into new york city, whatdamage would you expect?
the statue of liberty would be one of thefirst things affected, anyone with intellect would suspect i want to stop there, because we've had enoughfun for one day planet x isn't discussed that much and todayis friday i want to have this video finished by sunday so, i will continue the joseph tittel predictionsfor 2015 we'll pick up with prediction #9 and i'lltell you more about what this psychic has seen i enjoy bringing you these predictions! thepleasure is mine!
thanks for watching and i'll see you nexttime
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