thing and she could take down a cow with one swift pull of hear dr. lee: ...thing and she could take down a cow with one swift pull of her leg. just take 'em down. patient: and well, they can like take a glove and go in the rear of the cow... dr. lee: yeah, and they know how to make the moo's.patient:
dr. lee: yeah, they feel like it's satis[fying], it's very cleansing, i think, to a lot of people. patient: ha... my god.
dr. lee: wanna take a look? how big it is... dr. lee: look at that thing. it's in there!
patient: wow. i don't...dr. lee: don't want that to fill up again. patient: idon't know that that's so "cool", but...dr. lee:
oop! there! ooh, look at that one! that one came out... feels like a little disc coing in there. it is like a little disc. like a little coin or something.patient: mmm hmm. let me give it a little squeeze, see if that way....okay... sfx:
this thing popped out like a little pebble! patient: oh my gosh! it's like a disc, it looks like a river rock. actually it's kind of hard. it feels pretty firm, but look, let's cut through it and see. do you care? yeah, i know it's kind of cool. patient: yeah it is dr. lee: cool what your body does.patient: it does. dr. lee: it is cool what the body does.
dr. lee: i think it's just a cyst.patient: never even got any bigger. dr. lee: just a cyst. it's like a, um ,just got trapped under there. never open to the surface. we'll send it in. dr. lee: ...that sounds like a nice family thing to do. dr. lee: so it looks like you have a big -- make sure i'm not hurting you. dr. lee: i shouldn't be, right? patient: nah, you're not hurting me.dr. lee: okay, good. don't know..? how long has this been here?
patient: uuuhhh..about...who knows? dr. lee: you know what, it might have been, though, because i don't know thought about them so much. we didn't really talk about removing them. so it could be that it was there --- let me try to squeeze this -- patient: it wasn't bothering me, so i don't bother it. i mean, if i saw it in the mirror iwould do something, but... i don't usually look at my back. dr. lee: yeah, it's not easy for you to look at, and it's also not easy for you to take... patient: my girlfriend says she told me about it a long time ago, and itold her it was a mole.
dr. lee: aaahhh.patient: a beauty mark or something. dr. lee: we got most of it out. i'm gonna show you in a minute. patient: what causes it? dr. lee: it's just like your skin grows and gets tucked inwards. and you get a, you have this little sac actually i'm going to ... i'm showing everybody the little sac right now and it flakes into that... so, um, you know... gonna make a little nick in here.
dam i have never seen it in places like this
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