Kamis, 12 Januari 2017

calcium spots on teeth

if you see a white spot on your nail, here'swhat it really means.learn what nails shows about health. the white spots on the fingernails... thumbnail 1 summary
calcium spots on teeth

if you see a white spot on your nail, here'swhat it really means.learn what nails shows about health. the white spots on the fingernails, whichcan appear as dots or lines, are called leukonychia.while the spots are temporary, they grow out asyour nail grows, and depending on how fast your nails grow, it can take up to eight monthsfor the leukonychia to be completely gone. nails typically grow about one eight of aninch per month, which can change if you're pregnant or your climate changes. however, poor nutrition, aging and infections are said to slow nail growth lets discuss about some of the common factorsof nail spot.

zinc deficiency:zinc is a metal that is normally found in the human body. a zinc deficiency in a person commonly causeswhite spots or streaks in their nails. a change in the person's diet can help toresolve this problem.some foods that can help to add zinc to the person's diet are oysters,baked beans, yogurt, crab, beef shanks, spinach, nuts and whole grains. dehydration:white spots can also be due to dehydration รข€“ simply not drinking enough water or usinga nail polish remover with too much formaldehyde or toluene.

other causes include allergy to nail productsused, a fungal infection or mild zinc deficiency caused by changing hormone levels, colds orviral infections. if you want strong, healthy nails, be surethat your diet is rich in vitamins a, b, c, d, e and iron, calcium, zinc and sulphur,as well as the essential fatty acids. protein deficiency:a protein deficiency in a person will show as horizontal bands that extend across thenail bed. these lines are known as muehrcke's lines. due to the fact that these lines are on thenail bed and not on the nail plate, they will not simply grow out with your nails.when theprotein levels return to normal, these lines

will usually just disappear. there are some rare cases in which these linescan be indicative of liver disease. there is a way to test to see if these linesare muehrcke's lines or not. just press down on the nail plate, and ifthe lines disappear then they are muehrcke's lines. eat foods which are rich of protein: turkeybeast, fish (salmon, tuna), , lean beef, tofu, beans, yogurt, nuts and seeds. calcium deficiency:possibly because of the numerous calcium enriched nail strengtheners on the market, there isa widespread belief that calcium deficiency

causes leukonychia. in order to treat calcium deficiency, youcan simply add calcium to your diet, drinking orange juice or any other calcium fortifiedfood or drinks will help. remedies: lemon:lemon has strong antibiotic properties which are beneficial in curing fungal infectionand strengthening the ravished cells.soaking nails in a mixture prepared by mixing lemonextract and iodine in equal amounts is very effective in treatment of fungal and to getrid of white spots on nails. garlic:garlic possesses potent antifungal properties.

garlic paste can be applied to the infectednails and left over before it is washed and dried with clothes. coconut oil:coconut oil has vital antifungal attributes which make it an effective nail/ toe nailfungus. coconut oil must be applied locally on theaffected areas thrice a day helps to get rid of white spots on nails. in addition to their antifungal properties,oil also prevents the contact of nails with moisture thus inhibiting the growth of fungus. tea tree oil:tea tree oil is known for its antifungal properties.

applying tea tree oil locally on the affectednails is very effective in curbing the growth of fungus in nails. tea tree oil is one of the best natural homeremedies for nail fungus. yoghurt:yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus which is effective in curing toe nail fungus,especially if the infection is caused by mold or yeast infection. yoghurt can be topically applied on the nailsand left to dry for around 20 minutes before being washed. now if you have these spots on one or twofingers it is ok.

if you find these spots on all of your fingersthen it is the time that you get concerned and see a doctor. white spots on all the nails may indicateserious conditions like diabetes, anemia, cirrhosis, cardiac disease or kidney disease.

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