Kamis, 12 Januari 2017

can wisdom teeth cause nausea and diarrhea

kidshealth presents how the bodyworks, with chloe and the nurb. what a wonderful day inbodylandia, ain't it, chloe? it's a zombie. c... thumbnail 1 summary
can wisdom teeth cause nausea and diarrhea

kidshealth presents how the bodyworks, with chloe and the nurb. what a wonderful day inbodylandia, ain't it, chloe? it's a zombie. chloe, run for your life. it's me, nurb. i think i'm sick. sick? well, why didn't you say so? that's way easier tocure than being a zombie.

nurb, md is on the job. rhonda? yes, dr. nurb? i'm going to need youto clear my schedule for the rest of the day. cancel my golf housingwith the appendix. yes, sir. chloe, it looks like you'vegot yourself a sore throat. i've got you on bedrest and chicken soup.

looks like there's only onething left to prescribe. what? a bedtime story. phew. tonight's story isa fairy tale called the fellowship of the immunesystem, defenders of the realm. you and i arecharacters in the story. once upon a time, therewas a beautiful queen who lived in a beautiful castle.

the castle wascalled castle chloe, and she took good care of it. here. have an apple, castle. outside of thepretty castle, there were invaders called germs. there are four majortypes of germs. viruses, which thrive in livingcells and cause diseases, like chickenpox and the flu.

fungi, microscopic organismsthat can cause itchy rashes, like athlete's foot. parasites, which can causediarrhea and other problems. and bacteria, tinyone-celled creatures that cause infections likestrep throat and pneumonia. some bacteria help your body,so not all of them are bad, but these guys sure are. queen chloe looked on in horrorat the germs on the horizon. she needed theadvice of her trusted

counsel on how to proceed. there is a threat to therealm, so i need your help. what do you suggest, vaccine? i say, take care ofyourself in a variety of ways before you get sick. start by getting vaccines, alsocalled shots or immunizations. they help prevent bad illnesses,such as whooping cough, tetanus, and the flu. after getting a vaccine,the body is more protected.

good counsel. what say you, hand o' fingers? washing one's hands regularlywill prevent germ invasion. apple a day? one should eat nutritious foods. runny mcrunnerson. get plenty of exercise. hop, hop, hop. snoozer, the snoozer.

huh? oh, get enough sleep. time for my nap. stethoscope, the bold? breathe deep and getregular medical checkups. thank you, advisors. by taking your advice,we should be safe. what was that? it's a germ invasion.

despite our best efforts,germs can sometimes still get into the body. we need a hero. we need-- greeting, i am sir nurbnurblington the third, knight of the immune system. sir nurb nurblington the third? are you serious? that's the worst name i've--

as i was saying, nurbnurblington the third, the handsomest knight in thekingdom, came to save the day. do not fear the germhold, your highness, for we have the immune systemand the work of cells, tissues, and organs that work togetherto keep one healthy and fight infections. immune system, assemble. the immune system is made up oftwo different kinds of cells. often called white bloodcells, lymphocytes, present.

these guys allow the bodyto remember and recognize previous invadersto destroy them. phagocytes, on deck. these guys chew up anddevour invading germs. go forth and fightimmune system cells. they can make us sick, butthey'll never take our freedom. so that's it? those cells went off to fight? yes, your highness.

but the lore for castlechloe's health has just begun. there are battles beingfought all over the castle, as we speak. some major battlegrounds inthe immune system's fight against germs are the body'stonsils and lymph nodes. oh, so that's why i have swollenglands on the sides of my neck. it's the immune systemcells in my lymph nodes working hard to removegerms and make me better. exactomundo.

another battleground islocated in the spleen, an organ tucked under yourrib cage, on the left. the spleen, like lymph nodes,helps you fight infections. [coughing] all of that is goingon inside me right now? can i do anything tohelp the good guys win? you sure can. sometimes your bodycan't do it all and needs some helpwhen it's sick.

that's when you callin, the reinforcements. grandpa jebediah nurb,you know what to do. fire the antibiotics. you only take antibiotics whenyou have a bacterial infection. only a doctor can say ifyou need an antibiotic and you need a prescription. once again, pleasesee your doctor. this message was approved bythe chloe and nurb association. wow.

i had no idea there was an epicbattle going on in my body. no wonder i'm so tired. yeah. it can take a whilefor your immune system to knock out allof the bad germs. the best thingyou can do to help is to take care of yourselfand get lots of rest. [snoring] yup, exactly like that.

the immune systemcontinued to fight, and all through theland, people thanked they're heroes, the fellowshipof the immune system, defenders of the realm. nurb, i'm trying to sleep. sorry.

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