Senin, 16 Januari 2017

disadvantages of teeth bonding

the tooth area but when you do a bridge whenyou look at this we have to cut the tooth out tremendously. so you're looking at a perfectly... thumbnail 1 summary
disadvantages of teeth bonding

the tooth area but when you do a bridge whenyou look at this we have to cut the tooth out tremendously. so you're looking at a perfectlyhealthy tooth on both sides that has to be, basically, a compromise in order to replaceone single tooth. and then, you know, once you replace it, it̢۪ll look fine everythingis good. but the thing is, it's at what cost? versus, you maintain these two teeth and puta dental implant right in that area and it will be fine. and so, the bone loss is a verycritical thing that we really want to prevent and we know that doing dental implant stopsthe bone loss process and as long as you can keep that healthy. and the difficulty of maintainingit healthy? brushing, flossing everyday you know just like how you have to take care ofyour natural teeth this is really no different.

this is why it's important that, i think,if you do have a missing tooth, or teeth you should replace it with a dental implant; it'sfor long-term health. you know, some patient they don't know why their check is sinkingin and because they have no teeth in the back. and because they have no teeth in the backall the pressure's up in the front. these front teeth cannot take the pressure of thebite so over time these front teeth just become shorter and shorter and shorter. well whenit becomes shorter our vertical, from the tip of the nose to the tip of our chin, asit shrinks, it becomes more and more deficient. and when that happens the tmj is affectedbecause the muscles' being stretched because this, the chin is going up. now, when we tryto reclaim that vertical by opening it up,

a lot of time we cannot because once the muscleis tensed up when we try to change it back it actually creates more pain for the patientso you don't want to wait until it's too late before we can fix it. you want to catch theproblem at its earliest stage because when it's at its earliest stage it's the easiestto do. when it's at a old stage meaning you know when it's something that's been aroundfor 10, 20, 30 or 40 years or more then our hands are kind of tied. we're limited of whatwe can do. so basically, you know, having implants, it prevents bone loss. and the mostimportant thing is if you have some bone loss if it's in the, you know, the fixable stagewe can always replace it. replace that bone, bring that whole area back to normality andlife will be much simpler.

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