Senin, 16 Januari 2017

dizziness nausea after wisdom teeth removal

hi guys! it's adelle with hope this video finds you well. if you're watching this, based on the title you mightnot... thumbnail 1 summary
dizziness nausea after wisdom teeth removal

hi guys! it's adelle with hope this video finds you well. if you're watching this, based on the title you mightnot be feeling so great but i wish you a speedy recovery. i have a quick question for youdo you know what this is? this my friends is a prescription for antibiotics that i wasgiven not too long ago. i was experiencing some radiating pains in my jaw. it was alsoaccompanied by some shooting feelings going through my head and my neck on one side. soi ended up going and seeing a bunch of dental specialists one day to get some opinions.basically what was going on in my mouth was that there was an infection likely underneathan old root canal. there's a lot of controversy coming up now about root canals. having adead essentially body part still remaining

in your body is what that works out to. itcan open your body up to bacteria which is what happened to me. there was nothing wrongwith the tooth, there was nothing wrong with the gum tissue um but there was somethinggoing on, some type of infection underneath. he pretty much told me that the only thinghe'd recommend was just for me to take antibiotics for a week and move on with my life. and iwas just like no no antibiotics because i, i have been learning more and more about theeffects of pharmaceutical antibiotics on a person's system. now there's no argument thatantibiotics have save some people's lives and they are entirely necessary in some situations.but if we're using a systemic antibiotic to treat something that's going on in our jaw,we're going to be running into side effects,

serious problems in health down the i'm not here to convince you whether you should or shouldn't use antibiotics for yourparticular situation, that's entirely up to you. i told him i would take the prescriptionhe gave me, think about it, but i was going to use natural methods to overcome my infection.and i did it in one day! so i basically used five things to get over my tooth infectionin one day: ahcc, ionic silver, olive leaf extract, candex and i also used probioticswhich i don't have out because those need to be kept in the fridge. so the first one,ahcc. ahcc activates your own immune system to fight the formation of abnormal cells.i heard from a reliable source that this is actually something that they use to help fightthe anthrax concern that we had when we had

that anthrax breakout, so i mean this stuffis no joke. it's now also being used to treat things like cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, cardiovasculardisease and there are many in vivo, human clincal trials you can find online about ahccthat show the effectiveness. it's not cheap, it's about two dollars a pill. i took it onan empty stomach, first thing in the morning, in the middle of the day, again on an emptystomach so you kind of want to wait about two hours after having eaten. i know that'slike a bit much but i like to be super certain. and then again i took it before bed. i tooktwo of them each time. now the second thing that i took was this product i've got herecalled candex. now basically what candex is, is it's an enzyme that eats through fungalwalls. i know it sounds really gross but let

me explain for a second. we all have a naturallevel of candida and certain amounts of yeast in our body. they produce different b vitamins,they're part of our natural ecosystem. but if we're messing around with the bacteriain our body on any kind of level, the bacteria that normally keep the candida in check arewiped out and you risk having them start to proliferate. that's why sometimes a lot ofpeople who take antibiotics they may experience gastrointestinal problems, yeast i took the candex with during the treatment just in case. so there's no harm in takingthis if you don't have that issue. all it does is digest certain types of cell if you were to take it and eat a salad, it would break down the salad, i also took this on an empty stomach so

i would take the first pill and then waitabout an hour and a half and then take the candex. i took this in the morning and theevening as well. now this is definitely one of the stars of the show. this is ionic silver is found in the soil, in plants that we eat. it's found in nature. the studiesthat show the effects of silver on human health are tremendous. there's a story floating aroundonline about how richer families way back in the day were protected or immune from certainyou know bacteria and viruses that were killing other people because they were constantlyeating off of silver plates with silver utensils. i'm not sure if that's true or not but i thoughtthat's kind of interesting. a great thing about silver is that it only has an effecton single celled pathogens. talking bacteria,

viruses and fungi. now when you're lookingto buy the silver, you'll find there's kind of some controversy over the different qualitiesabout what's out there. i thought i was purchasing colloidal silver when i bought that but thetruth is that real colloidal silver is really difficult and expensive to come across apparently.most of them are colloidal silver knockoffs like this which is ionic silver. but the greatthing about that is it is still effective and it's more cost efficient. what i did withthe silver was, i put a small amount in my mouth and i swished it through the affectedarea for as long as i could, multiple times throughout the day. and it was interestingbecause when i first put it in there, i started doing that, i could feel a pain coming inthe area where it was kinda like it was doing

something in there so i don't know it waskind of a good feeling. all right so let's talk about olive leaf extract. olive leafextract is like another one of those things that's like a miracle supplement that doesamazing things. i don't know what else to tell you but this stuff just basically killsthe hell out of any kinds of bacteria and fungi. i'm talking complete destruction, annihilation,instant death. if you have something in your body that's not supposed to be there, it'sgoing to be royally. i used the olive oil extract again to swish and hold in my mouthover the infected area multiple times per day. so i would kind of alternate betweenthe silver and the olive leaf extract. so the final thing i used were some probiotics.this is probably just running a little bit

paranoid because the ahcc helps your bodyto recognize things that aren't supposed to be there so it technically shouldn't be killingoff your bacteria but i love probiotics. they're super good for you and if you're having anykind of bacterial imbalances in your body, it's kind of a good idea to load up on someof the good, friendly faces. maybe try a couple different kinds. i take them three or fourtimes a day, a couple of pills, it might sound like overkill, i can't say if it works foreverybody but it does miracles for me and definitely something you might want to consider.thanksso much for watching. one thing that i've really come to learn is that you can encounterthe deadliest pathogen on the planet and some people will contract the illness and otherpeople won't. there are a lof of things that

can affect that! stress, diet, the thoughtsyou think about yourself and your life. there's also an extended amount of research on theeffect of parental bonding and attachment with children affecting the development oftheir immune system. now for myself, that's something that i struggled with in childhood.i've had a number of immune related disorders and issues throughout my entire life. thegreat thing about realizing something like that and doing the research is that you canfind ways to heal yourself and move on from that. so just be thankful that you had yourattention drawn to an area of your body that needed looking after. and then just try tolook at places in your life that could use a bit of balancing and i'm sure you'll findsome wonderful healing benefits from doing

that. if you're interested in more detailedinformation about the supplements i talked about, please subscribe to my channel. i'mgoing to be posting a lot more things about that. as well as the different links betweenchildhood attachment and illness, mind and body healing, those things are all comingup and things i love talking about so if you have any questions or any comments, leavethem below or visit my website, send me an email anything like that, i love to hear fromyou. thanks so much for watching and best of luck with everything.

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