Senin, 16 Januari 2017

do calcium deposits on teeth go away

we got a code six slash sugar crash, i'm headedto a scene, you know sugar cravings, they start small, you know one thing after another,a... thumbnail 1 summary
do calcium deposits on teeth go away

we got a code six slash sugar crash, i'm headedto a scene, you know sugar cravings, they start small, you know one thing after another,all of a sudden you're twenty pounds heavier, you don't have too much confidence, your selfworth is to the floor. so it's sbi they actually hired me to start solving this crime sceneand that's exactly what we're going to do today, we're going to a crime scene and i'mgoing to get to the bottom of it, too much sugar enters my city, the city of san diego,the sbi fights back, let's do this. suspect's down, i got a possible sugar crash at 325,i'm going to need some potential back up, we got the blue, pink, and the yellow... anotherone! alright fitlifer, drew canole at the end of this video i'm going to be giving awaya four hundred dollar jay kordich powergrind

juicer to one lucky winner who has left acomment below the blog that's how we play the game every week so leave a comment afteryou watch this video for another chance to win. in this video i'm talking about somethingthat's really exciting to me, see, i don't know if i have shared this with you but iused to have a sugar addiction, i was addicted to candy bars, i love butter fingers likealmond joy, all of these things that i knew weren't good for me and every single timei looked in the mirror i wanted to be transformed, i wanted to be something else and i used totell all my friends my family that i was on this diet program, you wait, you see, onlytwo months later to fail, fall short once again. what happened was my confidence plummeted,my self worth was at an all time low and then

finally i discovered somebody's truths thati'm going to share with you today. so i was looking at npr the other day, they literallyresearched fifteen thousand studies on sugar and the effects and it's very apparent thatsugar leads to obesity. who would have thought, right? oh common sense, when you eat sugarand things that spike your insulin up all day long you're in body fat storing you're not going to be able to bust through and get the body that you want if your bloodsugar's up all the time, so what we do is we like to emphasize on eating things thatdoesn't have a lot of sugar in it, that will help you breakthrough those sugar much easier can it get? filtered water, i recommend drinking water that doesn't havefluoride in it, radiation all those other

things, amazing water for you okay? numbertwo, this is kind of a ninja technique, glutamine can actually help you deal with sugar cravings.alright so we have cacao, which is the anti oxidant side of the coco plant and then wehave dark chocolate. when you eat sugar, your body is actually depleted from magnesium.did you know magnesium is responsible for three hundred bio-chemical transactions inyour body in every single day? you need magnesium. alright so if you're ever craving sugar, oneof the easiest simple techniques that you can use is to actually eat some this is loaded with good fat and help you break free from that, almonds actuallywork really well. also, limes and mint, we're going to add it in the juice recipe in a secondwhich will help you bust through those sugar

cravings as well. so sit tight fitlifer, let'sget it going with this juice recipe, i'm excited about this. there we go... alright, so whowon the juicer this week, wait for it, here we go, kathy myers, congratulations kathy.kathy writes in she says i had osteoarthritis and borderline ra, i was thirty years oldand headed for a wheel chair. i started juicing almost everything from the farmer's took awhile but i healed myself, i dissolved all the calcium deposits, i became pain freeand still have no arthritis at eighty four years old, kathy that's absolutely amazing,congratulations, give it up for her. we love you, the juicer's going out to you. alrightfitlifer, if you're still confused, you know we've laid out some food to eat, we've madea juice recipe for you, if you want a fourteen

day step by step program that's going to showyou exactly what to do, supplement protocol, what to eat, what to juice, every single thingthat you need to do, hot to work out to be successful with this program and finally breakfree from those toxic taste buds that are holding you back so that you can have theconfidence, the sex appeal and everything that you're looking for then i encourage youto download the beta breakthrough below, just click the banner that says get sexy with drewyou can get it right there and join our community. so if you loved the information in this videomake sure you join the juice party below, last week we had seven hundred comments ofpeople sharing their personal experiences, people meeting each other giving themselveshelpful tips, tools and tactics that they

can implement and that's where it really starts,you guys. so share your information below this video, let people know what you're doing,this is amazing. drew canole, remember we're in this together, i'll see you next week.

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