Senin, 16 Januari 2017

does calcium deficiency cause white spots on teeth

dr. axe: hey, guys. dr. axe here with jordan rubin. today, we're going to be talking about theten healthiest foods that all women should... thumbnail 1 summary
does calcium deficiency cause white spots on teeth

dr. axe: hey, guys. dr. axe here with jordan rubin. today, we're going to be talking about theten healthiest foods that all women should be consuming on a daily basis. this is going to help support healthy hormones,it's going to help with overall skin and beauty. it's going to help you feel and look yourabsolute best. so i've brought in my good friend here, jordanrubin, who is going to be getting into some advanced training on some of the top foodsthat can help hormones. so i'll give you the honors of talking aboutour first food.

let's talk about the benefits of bone brothfor women. jordan: absolutely. bone broth is a superfood by every stressof the word. bone broth is amazing for women really asan anti-aging substance. so think about this. if you are interested in beautiful skin, hair,and nails. and i know what you're saying, "who isn't?" bone broth is my number one recommendation. it helps to build connective tissue and itprovides you with nutrients and beneficial

compounds that you're putting on your skin,you're injecting into your skin, and you're paying a lot of money for. good old fashioned bone broth, you can makeyourself. you can buy it or you can consume a powderedprotein from bone broth. any and all of those are great. and i believe if you're willing to consumebone broth consistently, go ahead and take a facial photograph because you're going tosee improvements in a matter of weeks. dr. axe: yeah, i completely agree jordan. i really believe that bone broth is probablythe number one superfood that women are missing

in their diet. and as you said, it's amazing for the skin. i mean if you are having any type of skinissues, bone broth is something i think typically i've had women coming to me and say, especiallywithin about two week period of time they could already tell a difference in their skin,in their digestion, their joints. so bone broth is just an incredible superfoodyou absolutely want to have in your diet for women. of course men as well but especially for women. the next one here is natto and this is actuallya fermented soybean.

this is really one of the superfoods thatwomen in japan, especially okinawa consume today. and it's pretty incredible because of someof the enzymes particularly and natto which i'll let jordan talk about that are in there. but we know that fermented soya especiallyfor women has been shown to be beneficial. so jordan, why don't you talk a little bitabout some of the enzymes that are found in natto as well as vitamin k2. natto is really a triple threat. number one, natto contains an enzyme callednatokinase which is great for the blood vessels

in the capillaries. number two, natto contains vitamin k2 in themk-7 form, menaquinone 7. mk-7 i think is probably the second most importantvitamin. it's fat soluble, it's only found in largeamounts in natto and in certain cheeses. a lot of people are on a dairy free diet. natto is made out of soy but is fermentedso the chance of allergies is very, very low. where do you get natto? go to a local asian market, order it online. it's really, really amazing.

and the third part of the triple threat isbacillus subtilis natto. one of my favorite probiotics in the planetis found in its largest quantity in natto. natto is amazing but here's a caveat. it stinks. it's great nutritionally, it's a little smelly. but there's ways to make it yourself. mix it with rice. it's a little slimy and stringy but in japanand indonesia they absolutely love it. in india, they love it.

so natto think bones, heart health, and evengut health. we're getting so many bangs for the buck ifyou were here, so pretty amazing. dr. axe: yeah, absolutely. so again, natto, one of the superfood. and it's also great to look for somethinglike natto in your probiotic supplement or specifically bacillus subtilis, a probioticstrain that's in there. as well as it's great to look in differentformulas that you're taking as well, natokinase for enzymes. the next food here jordan will talk aboutis greens.

i know that there's a lot of different typesof greens. what are some of your favorite leafy greensand what are some of those key nutrients that can really support women and then what areaof the body does it benefit? greens are an amazing source of folate. folate is the active form of folic acid. so for women of reproductive age, folate isamazing. chlorophyll is amazing as well. chlorophyll helps to build the blood. we're going to talk about that in a momentbut i meet so many women who are of reproductive

age that have low energy and are dealing withlow oxygen and iron in the blood. anemia is what we call it. chlorophyll is great because it actually isvery similar to hemoglobin except it has a magnesium molecule instead of an iron molecule. my favorite greens, i love cilantro. my wife is watching and she's probably saying,"you don't like cilantro." no, i love the benefits of cilantro. parsley is amazing. obviously, all of the salad greens, endive,escarole, etc.

cereal grasses are great, wheat grass, barleygrass, alfalfa, oat, and then of course the cruciferous vegetables which we're going totalk about later. but i love green herbs as well. we could talk about holy basil, etc. we're going to mention sage later. so greens are great for energy and for buildinga healthy baby inside your womb. folate, chlorophyll, many other amazing nutrients. dr. axe: well, jordan, you know one of thehealth issues a lot of women are dealing with today is different types of conditions thatare hormone related to where maybe testosterone

and estrogen levels get too high, progesteronegets too low. we know a lot of these foods can really helpsupport healthy hormones within the body. and greens, one of the things you mentionedwas folate. i mean folate and b vitamins are somethingi think a lot of people are deficient. and especially if you're somebody that's strugglingwith any type of low energy levels. if your energy levels are low, getting moreof those leafy greens and adding those b vitamins is key. the next thing here we'll talk about is redmeat. i know i'm a huge red meat fan.

and we talked about b vitamins earlier thatare found in leafy greens, even more b vitamins are found in red meat. bison, venison, grass-fed beef. red meat has so many benefits especially oneof the things you eluded to earlier is iron. and iron is something a lot of people aredeficient. one problem we run into today is people takingiron supplements. most iron supplements are very hard to digest. it can cause stomach cramping and other healthissues. so the great thing is when you're gettingit in red meat, you're actually getting it

in its food form. it's more easy to digest. and we know red meat is great for that. also if it's grass-fed it's going to containcertain types of omega 3 fats which are beneficial. protein, carnitine, and some other great nutrientsthat really support the body and the hormones. but talk a little bit more about red meatand why women need to be getting this in their diet because this is something that happens,jordan. i think there's a lot of women out there todaywho kind of believes that red meat isn't healthy for them.

jordan: i have met hundreds of women who sayto me, "jordan, i'm iron deficient. what do i do?" "do you eat red meat?" i ask and they say, "no, it's not good forme." wait a minute. you're iron deficient, red meat has one ofthe best sources of iron but you're saying it's not good for you. do you like meat? "oh, yeah, i want a steak really bad."

red meat is great. lamb is a really good one as well. venison is amazing too, and you can get alot of these at local markets. we even consume elk quite a bit. the wilder, the better. but think about this. the form of iron found in red meat is calledheme iron. it is an iron that helps to immediately boostyour serum ferritin or iron levels. i know i got a request to slow down on thebenefits but there's just so much to say.

red meat is something you should include inyour diet as much as you have taste for it. one, two, three, four, i probably do it fivetimes a week because it's that good. well, red meat is hard to digest. i read a book that it sits in your colon. you want to know what's hard to digest? eat a steak but nothing else. and write down how you feel an hour later. then the next day try it with raw broccoli. i love broccoli by the way, but i guaranteeyou're going to feel better from eating the

steak because meat is very easy to digest. it digests in your upper gi system and ifyou consume it with the right, let's say condiments and in the right flow of a meal, you'll bebetter off. so if you're someone who has mood swings,doesn't have a lot of energy, and feels a little brain fogged, or if you know your irondeficient, consume some red meat. you know another great red meat that i don'tpersonally like the taste of it, liver. dr. axe: oh, yeah. incredible. jordan: liver is a dietary infusion.

chicken liver is more mild than beef. liver is amazing. my grandmother years ago had pernicious anemiaand in the hospital they gave her liver. because liver is loaded with b12. red meat is back in. make sure if you're somebody who's avoidedit, especially if you're a woman of reproductive age you are losing iron in your monthly menstruation. it's more important for you if you're below45, even than it is for older women. dr. axe: yeah, jordan.

one of the things i know that you and i haveboth referenced is that bone broth is nature's multi-mineral whereas liver might be nature'smultivitamin or nature's b vitamins. jordan: absolutely, absolutely. dr. axe: so there's so many benefits. and think about that. how many women today, and i pose this questionto you, how many women are getting bone broth powder or bone broth every single day? not just once a week but every single dayin their diet and how many women ever get something like liver or good quality red meat.

if you're not getting those there's a goodchance that it could be creating deficiency within the body. jordan: and supplements don't necessarilymeet those deficiencies. food is amazing and you can't rely on yournormal nutritional supplements in your diet and think it's going to do everything. you got to start with food. dr. axe: absolutely. next food here jordan, let's talk about eggyolk, an amazing superfood. egg yolk is awesome.

i just read a study that showed that the luteinin egg yolks is four to five times more absorbable and bioavailable than lutein in a supplement. dr. axe: wow. jordan: people use to throw away the yolkand eat the white. what a waste. the yolk is the best part. it's got phospholipids for the brain. if its pasture raised, so from pasture raisedeggs, vitamin e and it's got vitamin d. so this is one of the top vitamin d foods tobuild your bones and help support healthy

hormones. egg yolks are awesome. i try to do 3 to 12 eggs a day dr. axe: yeah. i mean egg yolks are incredible. and i know, you're on the rocky balboa dietor maybe it should be called the jordan rubin diet right now. jordan: yo, adrian. is there adrian watching?

dr. axe: no. actually, probably somewhere. jordan: from philadelphia, pa. dr. axe: so talking about egg yolks here. another nutrient i love is choline. egg yolks as jordan is mentioning, so manybenefits specifically for balancing the hormones. all of the healthy fat in there we're talkingabout. and a lot of times in cooking, jordan, sometimesi'll skip the egg white and i do this a lot of the patients i've had over the years withdigestive issues.

more of them tend to have a food sensitivityto the white rather than the yolks. so a lot of times, even in my gut therapeuticprograms that i create for patients, a lot of times i'll just have them do the yolks. so if you have any digestive issues, you mayactually, or a lot of food sensitivities. what i do when i'm making certain recipesis i'll replace regular flour with coconut flour or almond flour and i'll just double. if it calls for one egg i'll do two yolks. a lot of benefits there. i know jordan, one time i was at your houseand you made a killer ice cream recipe with

egg yolks, raw local honey, and some fruitwhich is awesome. so there's a recipe you can try. jordan: and i got another recipe in the futurethat will show for the insiders where i'm making this raw flan with blueberries. and it is a brain boosting bomb. i call it the blueberry bomb. so stay tuned one of these days and we'llmake it right here in this kitchen. dr. axe: i love it. so let's jump over here, jordan.

let's talk about berries here as well. and i know that i'm a huge fan of berries. almost every single morning i do blueberriesor raspberries, sometimes i do some figs and pomegranates too, some of my favorites. but berries are specifically beneficial weknow for the female urinary tract, the kidneys, the adrenal glands are very important. i'd say the king of all of those would probablybe the cranberry. cranberries are great for anyone strugglingwith any type of urinary tract issue whatsoever, sort of that sour flavor.

we know it's very cleansing doing a cranberry. so one of the things i love actually jordan,doing a recipe with are bone broth powder. i do bone broth vanilla powder and then i'lldo some cranberries in there together and it's sort of like a sweet vanilla cranberry. jordan: thanksgiving right there. dr. axe: absolutely delicious. i also love doing just a blueberry smoothiewith vanilla bone broth powder as well as doing blueberries there and same with . . . ido a chocolate raspberry that's out of this world.

so again, doing berries on a regular basisvery good for the adrenals, for the kidneys, for the urinary tract and bladder. and just in general in chinese medicine, ifyou study ancient chinese medicine you'll see that berries and pomegranate, those ingeneral are very good for just supporting both the male and female reproductive organs. just in general very, very good so berry issome of favorites there because they're so rich in antioxidants and so many other compounds. jordan: we could have easily added pomegranate. pomegranate shares a compound with raspberriesand other red fruits called ellagic acid which

is amazing for cellular health. helps propagate the healthy cells and saysayonara to the unhealthy ones. i have been on a berry kick. they always love berries but i'm consumingone pint of blueberries daily without fail. and i recently went to the local health foodstore and they said blueberries are in short supply right now so i stocked up on frozen. but i've been very diligent. i heard an amazing story of a woman at a farmer'smarket who is dealing with a severe health issue and she said, "i ate a pint of blueberriesfrom the first day till the last day of the

market in the season and now it's gone." and it was a pretty serious condition justfrom eating blueberries, and i love them. and blueberries and other berries have fiber. but particularly blueberries they have pectinwhich is great to cleanse the body. blackberries are amazing too because of theseeds. they're very large seeds. blackberries aren't really a berry. they're actually a multi-seeded drupe. i might ask you to comment on that later.

so remember that blackberries are not reallya berry, they're a multi-seeded drupe. dr. axe: christy is asking, "would you sayyou should try and eat all of these foods daily?" well, i'll say this. so again, right now we're covering the tenhealthiest foods for women. i would say many of them would be try to getin, daily would be great or at least maybe three times a week for many of them. i think bone broth is something you can absolutelydo every day, berries every day, greens every day.

red meat maybe you try and do it every otherday or something like that. but in general, most of these you can absolutelydo every single day. and again, these are the top ten that allwomen should be getting on a regular basis. marietta said, "what do you think about vitaminb12 shots?" well, i'll tell you. we talked about red meat earlier and liver,that's the real vitamin b12 shots. so i would say if you're deficient in vitaminb12, just to kind of answer that question a lot of times it's actually a probiotic deficiency. jordan: it is, absolutely.

and vitamin b12 shots are certainly not abad thing but it does require a physician and it is an expense so you can meet deficienciesthe way god created you to meet deficiencies through eating. dr. axe: someone says, "how do you get a decentmeat?" i think going to your local farmer's marketis a great place. a lot of times we actually and naturally here,buy from some local amish farmers who raised grass-fed beef. we have local bison as well and venison. so that's where we get our red meat is a farmer'smarket.

i mean you can also shop at a health foodstore. and today online, i mean there's some greatsites have it shipped to you. so there's a lot of great places. so jordan, let's jump in and talk about themany benefits of avocado. jordan: avocados are amazing. they are really soft and easy form of fiber,lots of potassium, lots of vitamin e, and monounsaturated fatty acids, otherwise knownas oleic acid or omega 9. and avocados are amazing. last night, we had this really great mexicannight and at my house we have a big family.

six, seven avocados gone. i'm always trying to eat last although nikkiwould say she's always last because she's doing the prep. but the buttery taste of avocado, it's amazing. i think that an avocado a day will keep alot of things away or at bay at the very least. one avocado a day is amazing. you know there's hundreds of varieties ofavocado. now we mostly consume the hass avocados whichare primarily from california. i love the bigger florida avocados.

some are called bacon avocados. the large ones are really, really yummy andthey're a little bit sweeter. avocado is awesome. there is a great use for avocados in smoothierecipes. when you make a mouse, mix it with chocolate,cacao, etc. so that we'll be sharing some of those recipesas well. but avocado is also great for beauty, it'swonderful. avocado is one of my favorite superfood. and i used to always tell my patients, "hey,an avocado a day may keep the endocrinologist

away because they're so good for your hormones." magnesium and potassium, those are two nutrients,jordan. minerals, magnesium, potassium, i would saytwo of the highest that people are deficient in on a regular basis. we know magnesium is a relaxation mineralso it helps you relax. you know potassium supports healthy kidneyand adrenal function. also it's great for cleansing your body andyour cells, very important. so avocados are incredible food. so flax seeds are one of my favorite superfoods.

and just a personal story, my mom struggledwith chronic constipation for years. jordan, it was so bad at one point. she was having an average of one bowel movementa week on her own and that was for years and years and years. and it was really, part of it was a resultof her going through chemotherapy and that's really when a big part of it started. she started with leaky gut, a lot of digestiveissues. we started doing a really unique meal forher where we would drive out in the country. we bought goat's milk kefir that was raw andwe did flax seeds.

we mix those together every single day andit absolutely transformed her digestive health doing that mixture of the probiotic kefirwith the flax meal. we would do like five or six tablespoons offlax meal. and there she would do that once or twicea day and totally transformed the health of her colon. so i just know i can speak to the benefitsof flax seeds with the beneficial lignins and some of the other things are actuallybeneficial for hormones. but talk to me a little bit about how you'veused flax seeds and some of the benefits for hormones in women.

and i want to mention this week, we won'ttell you exactly when. we're going to be discussing how to improveyour colon health and you're going to learn more about flax seed and possibly about probioticdairy. flax seeds are a great source of lignins whichare great to support breast and reproductive health. don't just focus on healthy reproductive systemand breast health one month of the year. focus on it all year. flax seeds are amazing. they're also one of the top sources of omega3 fat alpha-linolenic acid.

it is an amazing fat. there's been lots of great information onflax seed. johanna budwig and others have talked aboutit for years. i love doing ground flax. i like buying flax seed crackers. you can make your own really easily with flaxseeds. put a little liquid in there, spread it ona baking sheet. get it on the pilot lighter as low as youcan in your oven. it's a great source of fiber.

flax has a good source of protein and it issuper for women for reproductive health, breast health, colon health. it is a must. many women are avoiding soy. we mentioned fermented soy which is actuallygood for you. but if you're avoiding soy and still wantto get beneficial phytoestrogens, flax is a much more favorable source. it actually binds with those xenoestrogensin the environment. not only does it help detoxify your colonbut it can help balance your hormones.

definitely make it a point to consume flaxand products that contain it. the next one here is cruciferous vegetableswhich i'll talk about and hand off to you, jordan, for sage here. but cruciferous vegetables, one of my favoritesuperfoods, we're talking cabbage. we're talking broccoli, cauliflower, brusselsprouts, even kale. many of these fall within the cruciferousvegetable realm. and one of the great things about cruciferousvegetables is they actually support your body in creating a compound called indole-3-carbinolwhich is actually, as you mentioned, a side benefit of flax seeds but also helps yourbody detox phyto and the xenoestrogens that

we're exposed to. if you're using non-organic healthy make upproducts, you know those can increase xenoestrogens plastics, non-bpa or probably just in generalmost plastic bottles are going to cause those issue. consuming too many carbohydrates and sugarson a regular basis causes increase estrogen and sometimes testosterone production. so one of the great things about cruciferousvegetables, think about it. i was kind of doing a hormone detox. i mean really helping cleanse your entirebody.

also, these foods are so nutrient dense. we know there's anti-cancer compounds in mostcruciferous vegetables, if not all. so again, cruciferous vegetables, i actuallydon't recommend eating them raw in most cases. i think cooked cruciferous vegetables, oneof the greatest superfoods in the planet for your hormonal health and overall health. it's something, i know my mom talked abouther and her health. i mean i have her, she does steamed cabbageand cauliflower and broccoli almost every single day along with some steamed kale becauseof the really anti-cancer benefits are so powerful there.

so jordan, last thing here. let's talk about the crazy, amazing benefitsof sage. jordan: sage is probably my favorite, if notin the top three for women who are pre or peri-menopause or going through menopause. sage works very effectively to amelioratesome of the challenges during the menopause period. sage is also loaded with antioxidants. there's lots of varieties. people like white sage a lot.

it tastes really good. in fact, some people don't realize this butchia is a form of sage. chia is the seed of salvia which is sage. sage is absolutely amazing. it could be consumed raw or cooked or juiced. not a lot of people do it or you can use sageessential oil. so i think sage and herbs in general are absolutelyawesome. i do want to go back to the cruciferous vegetables. there are three great ways to get them rawif you want to.

raw sauerkraut which is very good for thebody. sprouts, broccoli sprouts are awesome. broccoli sprouts, kale sprouts or look formicro greens in your health food store. and my favorite cruciferous vegetable whichis underappreciated, watercress. watercress has all the benefits of all thecruciferous vegetables and probably is the most powerful when you eat it. we have watercress growing wild and organicout of our spring on our farm. we'll do a facebook live from the spring onetime and show people fresh harvest and you eat it and you get this wasabi like taste.

by the way, wasabi is great. radishes are great. so cruciferous vegetables are awesome. sage is something that you should use, reallywomen of all ages but there was an incredible study. i believe a 40% reduction in hot flashes formenopausal women by consuming a sage or a sage extract. and we mentioned, these are the top ten foodsfor women. there are many others.

keep in mind, we're going to be sharing allof that throughout the coming days and weeks. also, men, just because we say these are thehealthiest foods for women, you still need to eat your greens. i know you're excited about the red meat. men do great with flax seed. this is meant to be for women and then men,they love it. in fact, there's not a single food here thati wouldn't be thrilled to serve my kids. in fact, when i left this morning they wereall consuming bone broth. they all had greens and we're going to dousethem with the rest of them later.

i just want to throw out a few recipe ideasthat you guys i think you'd appreciate. hey, with bone broth this week, do a bonebroth chicken soup or a bone broth smoothie. get some bone broth powder, make a superfoodsmoothie, it's fantastic. with the natto, mixing that with a littlebit of rice can typically be good as well. or you may just down a few teaspoons and thendo a chaser. the next thing here are greens. i love doing saut�ed greens. i get saut�ed spinach with some garlic andcoconut oil. so freshman's garlic and coconut oil, it'sa great side to a grass-fed beef burger.

you can do a grass-fed beef lettuce wrap whichi love. egg yolks, a lot of times i would try jordan'samazing ice cream recipe. egg yolk, i think he used maybe a little bitof coconut meat or milk, some raw honey, some fruit. blend that up in a blender, vanilla extract,so delicious. berries, again add that into the bone brothsmoothie you're doing every day. again, blueberries or cranberries with somevanilla bone broth powder. actually, i thought of an idea. actually, one time i did this.

i did cranberry and sage. i threw a little bit of sage in there withthe vanilla bone broth powder, it was great. avocado, again make some guacamole this weekwith some cilantro or do a chocolate avocado mousse as jordan was talking about. a little bit of cacao powder, a little bitof honey or maple syrup with avocado is great. add flax seed in this smoothie, cruciferousvegetables as a side. and again, sage, you know sage is great onitalian dishes. i love doing it with chicken especially asa chicken dish. so those are some great ways to get some ofthese foods into your diet.

talk a little bit about this new women's multi. this is something that you and i formulatedtogether. and, jordan, i know in the past there's acompany i recommended who really have some top quality products. i thought that they were the best in the industry. what you've created here and what we formulatedtogether i believe has gone a step beyond what the other company is doing. and i really believe this is the best multiin the entire world. this is what i have in my wife, chelsea, istaking.

it's what i have my mom taking, my sistertaking, and all of my patients that i take care of. again, it's this new certified organic women'smulti and i think that a lot of people aren't . . . a lot of people today are taking a multior not taking one but it's not organic. i know it's so important. so talk a little bit about this multi thatwe co-formulated and the importance of organic when you're buying supplements. well, first and foremost, if you're usinga multi and research shows that 40% to 60% to 70% of people are, women of course morethan men, look and see if there's a usda organic

seal. now i'm not talking about the name organic. i'm talking about a usda organic seal. that guy, real small. we have gone to great lengths to find certifiedorganic foods and there's a plethora of them. foods, herbs, and spices to create a realfood based, certified organic multi for women. and here's a little secret. we also have one for the men you love as wellbut we're counting on you to buy it. isn't it true that the women seem to be thegatekeepers of health.

what's great is we both have wives that aretotally into it. and i don't know about you but i introducedmy wife to health and wellness and now she's like, "you're going to give that to the kids." so she's actually gone even to a deeper levelthan i. but if you look at your multivitamin and youdon't see it loaded with fruits and vegetables and you don't see usda organic, it's timeto switch. well, but i have a bunch of my other multi. put it in the cabinet, put it in the pantryand try the axe organics organic multi for women and for men, and it's at a great price.

i'm really excited about these products. when you look at the nutrients from holy basil,from lemon, from guava, these are certified organic foods. the vitamins in most vitamin and mineral supplementscome from pharmaceutical companies, coal tar derivatives. and years ago, synthetic vitamin e came froma byproduct of the film development industry. calcium comes from rocks. these are real foods. you will love it.

dr. axe: you can read the ingredients hereon this multi. i'm just going to read off a few of these. we have guava extract, holy basil. holy basil, one of my absolutely favoritesuperfoods out there today. amla berry, i mean amla berry. i know chelsea loves doing that because sheloves having healthy skin. dr. axe: so amla berry is fantastic here aswell. cranberry that we've talked about. oh, my gosh, i mean the list goes on.

you could check all these out here. we're going to answer some live questionsright now that you guys are bringing in. jordan, somebody said, "what do you thinkabout yogurt or kefir as a superfood for women?" so i just had that question here. i think yogurt and kefir are both great. however, it is difficult to find properlyprepared yogurt and kefir, and from the right source. many people are sensitive to dairy becauseof a protein called a1 beta-casein. i recommend if you're going to do yogurt,let's do sheep milk or goat milk.

raw is really good. grass-fed is important. many people don't want to do dairy so theseare the other options. and as i mentioned, cheese is good too. soft cheese such as brie or camembert, that'sthe other source of vitamin k2 that's less stinky. but yes, i believe good quality yogurt andkefir typically from either grass-fed sheep or goat milk. and then we created a great dairy productcalled amasi years ago that's from cow's milk

but it actually has beta-casein a1 free profile. so i do think dairy can be good. dr. axe: great. you know one of the things, i actually havea question here about sage. lisa asks, "is sage good for pcos and hypothyroidism?" jordan: i think sage is great to support yourthyroid and your endocrine system. those conditions you mentioned, they are reallysymptoms in my opinion. herbs and spices rule the plant kingdom. remember i said that.

fruits are great, vegetables are awesome,but herbs and spices rock. in every program we teach, you're going tosee us mention more and more of them. so sage is really good for female challengesand it's great to boost your overall cellular dr. axe: i got a comment here from rene fisch. she says, "i wish i could share my extra goat'smilk with you all." bring it on. we love some good, fermented goat's milk. i know jordan, we have a farm and missouriand goats, sheep, cows, i mean a lot of them are out there.

jordan: we'll introduce you to some of them,too. but we are always taking offering and donationsin the form of goat's milk. they traded food in the past, that's how welived. and the person who raised the sheep was definitelywell respected, let's just say that. dr. axe: great question from helen here. she says, "what are the most beneficial foodsfor ms and the neurological system?" jordan: when you're dealing with neurologicalissues and lesions, etc., fats are king. so if you look here, we've got great fatsin red meat, in egg yolk, certainly in flax seed and avocado.

but i can't say enough about bone broth. if you're dealing with anything regardingthe immune system or the endocrine system or the neurological system, you've got tobuild that connective tissue. so fat, connective tissue building proteins,and there's other foods. we're going to do a show at some point onhow to build and boost the immune system and that will cater to that question really well. but if you're dealing with something neurologicaland immunological, all of these foods can have a benefit. dr. axe: nancy says, "is there anything youcan do for inflammation of the gut or any

of these foods specifically good for gut inflammation?" when you're dealing with gut inflammation,you're also looking at fats, but bone broth. i know i'm going to sound like a broken recordhere. but bone broth from chicken, beef, turkey,or fish has compounds that soothe the gut. avocados, one of the best gut friendly fiberproducts as well. flax seed you mentioned is great for the gutconsumed in the right amounts also. dr. axe: all right. and then we have chris who i think is joking. she says, "pizza helps me tremendously."

jordan: wait, wait, hold on. so i'm glad you mentioned that because youcan make a pizza crust, watch this. i'm going to take what you meant to be a jokeand turn it into a positive. but you can actually get, remember we saidis second to natto in vitamin k. certain cheeses are great. you can have a vitamin k rich pizza. tomatoes are great for men and women and youcan do a sprouted crust with flax seeds, and josh you mentioned this, sage for italian. and you can get a little red meat on there,right?

you can put some egg yolk in the crust. so despite your best efforts, we found healthypizza for women. in all serious issue. you can make anything. dr. axe: in fact, last night for labor daywe had some good friends of ours over. pete and mary. and actually i made a healthy pizza for them. so we used a gluten free flour crust. we did lots of basil, fresh basil which weknow is good for hormones.

we did some tomato sauce, we did some organicmeat, and i did lots of onions and mushrooms which are great as well. so yeah, it can absolutely be done. jordan: my kids eat pizza a lot but it's alwayssprouted and has great healthy toppings. and i make them eat healthy foods before theyhave the pizza. but there's almost nothing you could throwat us that we can't turn into something super healthy. dr. axe: yeah, you absolutely can. and by the way, i have somebody question.

can you give us a cauliflower pizza crustrecipe? if you go to my website right now,,or just look up dr. axe pizza crust, we actually have a healthy pizza crust recipe, actuallythree healthy pizza crust recipes for different things on my website, jordan: and zucchini crust pizza is greattoo. and just two nights ago, we have this littlespiralizer and we even found a way to buy zucchini noodles. but i did an amazing italian. and last night i had cauliflower rice, sowe're doing it.

dr. axe: well, jordan, i see people all thetime who say, "i try and shop organic especially for my meat but a lot of them aren't takingorganic supplements." so talk about the difference between . . . becausethere's a lot of people out there using junk multis and not using certified organic. jordan: or there's many high quality multivitaminsbut they're not organic. there is less than a handful of certifiedorganic multiple vitamins available today. and here's what's great, two easy to swallowcaplets a day. sorry, two a day. and you're getting loads of food and all kindsof nutrients that come from guava, holy basil,

lemon, amla berry, etc. so again, if you have a multivitamin and youwant to put your multi to the test, look on the label and see if it has the usda certifiedorganic seal. it's a little green thing. that means it's certified organic, third partyvalidated. and if you're not, put your multi to the side. put it in the pantry, donate it, whatever. dr. axe: awesome. actually, i got a call from my mom becausei mean i love my mom.

jordan: not on facebook, just a call. dr. axe: yeah, just a call. and she called me a few weeks ago becausei sent her this right when we got it. i sent my mom a pack and she was like, "oh,thanks so much." she's like, "i love the pack." she says, "you know what i love most of all." i said. no, she says, "well, i love it's organic." but she says, "i also love that the capsulesaren't giant."

she said, "the multis i was taking beforewas like swallowing horse pills." so she said she could take them so easilyand love this. so again, i know my mom is loving this multi. jordan: and i have to thank you now becausemy mom who i told to watch, i didn't send her one, three weeks late. sorry mom but you're coming to visit soon. you'll get one. it's really, really good i promise. see, if we want our moms to use it and ourwives to use it, that's why we have to share

it. people say, "jordan, you formulated hundredsof products. why? how?" well, i formulate products for me and my familyand i'm blessed to share them with you. and we have collaborated in the past. dr. axe has been a fan. he's recommended the formulas that i've createdand he said, "jordan, can we do something together?

can we create products that are beyond what'sbeen seen before?" and this is beginning the fruits of our labor. you're going to see things over the next days,weeks, and months that you're absolutely going to want to jump on. so i hope people can boost their daily nutritionbecause these foods are amazing. someone said, "can i have them everything?" if you consume these foods every day, youdon't need this. but if you don't and i've tried, you probablycould stand to benefit from a real food organic multivitamin.

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