Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection and teething

so i wanted to talk a little about healthcare with your dog. some things you can do at home. one of the things that is reallyhelpful with th... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection and teething

so i wanted to talk a little about healthcare with your dog. some things you can do at home. one of the things that is reallyhelpful with the dog is, if he'll let you, brush his teeth. you can see, he still hasa lot of puppy teeth here. they're really sharp, sharp puppy teeth. but now would bea good time, see how nice and easy your dog let's me touch his teeth and everything? wouldbe a good time to teach him how to brush his teeth, to train him when he's young like thisto brush his teeth. because then you're going to have clean teeth and you're not going tohave a bad breath. and it also, later on, your puppy may not need to have to have ananesthetic to clean his teeth. and so, it's really nice if you just kind of take yourtime now and make it like a daily ritual and

make it fun for him. and when you get a toothbrushthe first thing you want to do is not just start brushing the teeth, but just let himget used to it. so it'll take about a month for him to understand what "brush your teeth"means. and then, the other thing is there are some special toothbrushes, but it's veryimportant that you get special toothpaste. the toothpaste that we use is stuff that hasno detergent in it, because a puppy doesn't know he's supposed to spit it out. and so,again, we have it in different flavors so that they like the taste of it and it makesyour job a little bit easier to train your puppy, how to take care of his teeth. anotherthing that i think is pretty important and stuff that you can do at home, is puppieshave a lot of problems with their ears and

you can take a little kleenex, maybe a littlemineral oil, and again, see how nice your puppy is, because i think you've already beenworking on this because he lets you mess with him. a lot of dogs don't like to be messedwith this way. but you can see there's a little bit of wax down in here. the ear canal goesdeep down into the ear and what you want to do with that is just kind of clean the areasthat you can see. if you leave the wax alone in there, he'll wind up, a place for bacteriato grow and predispose your puppy to have ear infections. the other thing that you shouldbe doing is to handle their feet. and you can see their nails. it looks like you'vealready trimmed them a little bit, but if you've handle their feet a lot like this,when he does go to the veterinarian or the

groomer and have his nails trimmed, he's notgoing to be all worried about somebody messing with his feet. i can see you've done that.most puppies won't let you do that. when you trim his nails, you can see right here andyou can take off about this much each time. and you have to be careful because there'sa nerve supply and a blood supply that comes down. if you cut it back, even this far, youcould make it bleed and it would hurt him. so, if they get hurt with one nail trim whenthey're young, then they never want anybody touching their feet again.

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