Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection of teething

(soft piano music) - [mom] here we go. - [dad] so should i do that while she-- - i like to tell parents when they ask me how to wash a baby,... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection of teething

(soft piano music) - [mom] here we go. - [dad] so should i do that while she-- - i like to tell parents when they ask me how to wash a baby, to just go from top to bottom. really, you wanna start with the face. wipe their eyes from the center out. delicately rubbing theirface and in their neck,

always getting into the folds, and i just tell them towork their way down. arms, hands, under their armpits, tummy, you can often flip the baby over so its tummy is on your arm, so you can wash their back gently, getting down to do their lower limbs. we usually do the genital area last. - when you're learning to bath your baby,

some babies are reallygonna be happy in the tub, and other babies aren't gonna be happy. initially, it just takes a little time, and know there's no one perfect, right way of bathing a baby. - so first i get everything that i need, so a face cloth, and a towel, and a fresh diaper. i don't use any kind ofsoaps or anything with her.

just use water to wash her. and then i take my son with me, and we go and get the water ready, and thank you for mentioningabout the water heater, because i forgot that we diddo that with my first son. - [man] right. - [mom] so we got that turned down, so then he helps me checkthe water temperature. and then once everything's ready,

then we'll go back and get her. oh, what do you think? what do you think? - water can run over a baby's head, over their face, over their eyes. some babies really enjoy that experience, and they laugh, and they enjoy it. other babies aren't so fond of it, so it's part of getting to know your baby,

what they like. and of course they grow andchange over time as well. so sometimes using thebathtub is your only choice, and there's several ways to do it. you can be in the bathtub with the baby, or sometimes you can have the baby in the bathtub on its own. so lots of parents will choose to try to have a bath with the baby.

it's really quite fun, andit's a great way to get a lot of skin contact with the baby, and to really enjoy the interaction, so really an enjoyable experience. the only thing is that if you're going to be in the bathtub with the baby, it's ideal to have another adult around, someone who can help you,because sometimes getting in and out of the bath can be a bit tricky

if you're on your own. it's much easier if there's someone there who can help you with towels, and handing the baby off before and after. there are several babybaths available to help you, to help stabilize the baby in the bath. you always, of course, have to keep a hand on the baby while they're in the bath, but there's lots of devicesthat can help you, assist you.

it might be best if theparent had their legs in the bathtub for stabilization, and the ability to interactwith the baby direct, kind of one on one, face to face. lots of parents wanna bathetheir baby in the kitchen sink, and sometimes it's the perfect size, so really a great solution. - make sure we don't getthat water too hot, okay. when we're going tobathe camden, the baby,

we get all our equipment together first. you know, the towel, a bit of soap, and then i wash my hands. obviously clean it, so there's no egg or old potato peelings in there. we also lay a small towel downin the bottom of the sink, just so it's a softer surface, not as cold a surfacefor a baby to sit on. it's the right temperature, not too hot.

hi, sweetheart. you're ready, aren't you. head back a bit. there you go. - [stefanie] and as always, you always have to keepyour hand on the baby, your arm around the babywhile you're bathing it. - [dad] get those underarms a little wipe. - [stefanie] but it's oftenjust the perfect size tub,

and you've got the faucetand the water right there, you can control it when it's on and off, and what temperature. you always wanna check beforehand, before you put it into thesink where the baby is. - [dad] good girl. let's pop you out honey, time to dry off. you're all done. - there you go.- oh, she's all clean, landon.

- let's dry you off, honey. - [stefanie] some parentsactually choose to bathe the baby in the shower with them, andthat's kind of a fun way. they're both in there together, and baby's really secure and in your arms. the only thing i wouldmention is that sometimes, in some showers the watertemperature can change quite quickly without notice, so you just want to make surebefore you start that shower

that you have a device in place where the temperature remains constant. - bathing babies for me is fun. he likes it, so it's fun for all of us, because it's an enjoyable experience. i usually take him in the shower with me. i find that they really like the shower. i turn the shower on so it's warming up. our water takes a while to heat up.

and then when the water's warm, because i don't want to get him undressed until it's time to go in,then i'll get him undressed, and we'll go in the shower together. and then getting out, i alwaysmake sure that the towel is right by the door of the shower because i turn off theshower, then i grab the towel and i bring it into the shower with us, so that you keep the heatin as much as possible.

and then i wrap the towel around him, get him dried off in the shower, and warm all around his head. and i lay him back on the blanket that he was on before i got in the shower. and then it's soft enough fortheir little delicate heads, and he stays warm on the floor and then i get myself dried off, and they can't roll off the floor.

there's nothing to roll off of. and so you don't have to worry about, keep one hand on them as you reach across the room for something else. just takes the worry away. i usually bath him before bed, so then i put my pajamas on atwhatever time, eight o'clock. and then i get his diaperon, and his jammies on, and get him ready for bed.

- there's lots of opinionsabout whether you can bathe a baby when theumbilical cord is still kind of attached, at the beginning. there's no danger in doing that. a lot of people choose to wait until it falls off becausethey feel that'll happen sooner if it doesn't get as wet,and that's a fine way to go. but there's no danger inbathing the baby sooner if that's your preference.

- [tammy] were you concernedabout his umbilical cord? - yeah. i wasn't really told what to do with it. i was kinda just told tojust rinse it with hot water. - yeah, well rinse it with warm water. the best thing to do is just let the cord dry out on its own. in the bath it gets wetsometimes and that's okay, but the less wet it gets,

the better it is, 'causeit dries out faster and then just falls off by itself. of course if there was any redness around the cord that younoticed, or any discharge, like a little bit of yellowdischarge coming off of it, or if when you werechanging ethan's diaper you notice that there was a smell to it, then that would be somethingyou would wanna let your doctor or your midwife know about,

but generally, just leave it alone and let it dry out and it falls off. washing his face first,that's really important, because you wanna sort ofwork from your cleanest area, to the dirtiest area. so you wanna make surehe's got a clean bottom before he gets into the tub, you know, you don't want him tohave just had a poop, and then make sure you wash his face,

and you don't need anysoap on a baby's face. and you always wanna wipefrom the inside of the eye to the outside of the eye. (baby babbling) (laughter) are you tellingus about the bath experience? are you? yeah? you've got to get your two cents in. and then when you'rewiping the second eye,

you always use a differentcorner of the face cloth, because if there was anydischarge in one eye you don't wanna transferthat to the other eye. so always inside to outside, different corner inside to outside. wash their face, and then youkinda start down the neck, and the trunk, and the arms, and the legs, and then the bottom last, as well. - i usually give hismouth a little rinse too.

- that's a really good idea. it's nice for babies to get used to having your finger cleaning outthe inside of their mouth, because down the roadwhen ethan has teeth, you're gonna wannastart brushing his teeth as soon as they come out. and so if he's used to having your finger and a little clean washcloth wiping out the inside of his mouth, then it gets him,

it's easier to transition over to the toothbrush when he needs it. and babies too, when they're teething, you were saying he's starting to drool, and when they start to teethearound three to four months, they really like it actually if you just take a wet washcloth and kindof massage around on the gums, because it helps to feel good and sometimes he'll really clamp down andsquish down on your finger,

because it feels.- yeah. - yeah, it feels good forhim with the teething. - take this off. - many parents like tomake sure the diaper area is clean before they putthe baby in the bath. it doesn't have to be a vigorous cleaning, but a good wipe-down isnice so that when the baby's in the bath there's noneof that in the bathwater. cleaning of the genitalarea for boys and girls,

it's really not so difficult. in fact, it's like any other body part. you just wipe the area clean. for little girls youmight wanna be careful to wipe from front to back, and for boys, there's really nothingspecial you have to do but just wipe the area. for little boys who've been circumcised there's nothing extra thatneeds to be done in the bath.

- in terms of differencesbetween boys and girls, it's very important with girls to wipe from front to back, because otherwise you canbring infection and bacteria that are naturally on theskin around the back passage forward to the front, where the urethra, the peeing tube, is very short. so when one wipes front to back, both with bathing andafter diaper changes,

and indeed when you're toilet training, they need to learn that. with little boys, it's not such an issue, but again, just treat thetesticles and the penis like any other body appendage, like the ear or between the toes. just wash it, generally. no special attention to the foreskin, and particularly, no pullingback of the foreskin.

it's there to protectthe tip of the penis, and it doesn't, in fact,become mobile and retract often until boys are teenagers. one way of looking atit is that the foreskin is, for a baby in diapers,like gift wrapping, that protects the tip of the penis. so it shouldn't be regardedas special in any way. ears and water are fine together. so if baby is comfortablewith head in the water,

and you get water in theears, no problem at all. they don't have to bedried in a special way, and this is a point in timeto emphasize that nothing, nothing goes in the baby's ear. you can dry baby just bylying her ear down on a towel, and then the other side. - they always say with a baby, that you never wanna putanything smaller than your elbow. so literally, any earwax,or anything that's in there,

it will come out naturally over time. you can put a tiny drop of olive oil in, and that helps to kindof clear things out, but if you think that he is perhaps, had an ear infection or something, if he was really, andbabies do tug on their ears, but i mean he's tuggingon it kind of constantly, and crying, and inconsolable,then you would obviously take him to your doctorand have him checked out.

but babies normally tug on their ears, but it's kind of any behavior that's different from their norm, and i think with ethan you would know, because he's such a good natured guy. when you have such a lovely,healthy boy like ethan, you want to make sure thatall his creases, you know, because he's got littlefolds in his wrists, and his elbows, and his thighs,

you wanna make sure thoseare cleaned well, and dried. he's not out playing in thesandbox getting dirty yet, but you know, they stillsometimes get crusties in their neck, like if youdribble some milk down his neck, or you know, in his diaper area. it's important to washthose areas quite well. - use your hand gently just between the folds of the legs. there's no need to go inanywhere inside the folds,

you can just wipe across them. tends to be the foldsin the baby's thighs, and down to the outside of the labia, which is the folds that needa little bit of attention. and the human hand is wonderful. there's nothing like the human finger, and it will go into an armpit, or the folds in the skin,or behind the knees, where a face cloth may not go.

so just really exploringher body with your hand feels good to her, and itwill work very well too. - it is important to dry in the folds, and all the little areasand nooks and crannies. just patting dry while you'recontinuing to talk to the baby and rub the baby is agood idea after the bath. - how about that little neck. gently, gently. - [mom] all better?

are you all better now? all clean. ethan's all clean. - it depends on the natureof the rash, and a bad rash, the baby may actually beuncomfortable in warm water. in which case, i would usecold water on the change table, rather than bathing them. again, with cold water,remember, they cool quickly. so you don't want to leave them wet.

you need to dry them andget them dressed again. and then if you've been givenany creams to put on it, it's an ideal time after bath time, because the skin is clean, there's no grease or dirt on the skin and then your ointmentswill work most effectively. you mentioned the fact you don't use soap, which is fine, many people don't. if you do decide you want to at any stage,

look for the products thatare pure and simple soap, without scents, coloring, or fragrances, because babies skinsare relatively sensitive when they're born. and any soap productsshould consequently be ones that are as pure as possible. and always, if you changeproducts, try a little, just on a small area to make sure they don't cause irritation.

- [tammy] when you're bathingethan it's really important that he doesn't need any soap on his face, and babies don't need a lot of soap because they're generallynot getting very dirty. it's just cleaning the dried bits of milk out of their neck foldsand things like that. - babies don't need soap. as i like to tell parents, it's not like they're rollingin the mud at this age.

babies need to be bathedwith usually just warm water for the first little while. at some point you're gonnastart with some soaps, and you should reallybe conscious of the fact that they shouldn't have scentedsoaps, or harsh chemicals. so really just a pure soap,or one that's meant for babies is probably ideal for their skin. water that's too warm andsoaps that are too harsh will dry the baby'sskin and lead to rashes

and irritations thatjust aren't necessary. sometimes dads or partnersfeel that they don't have enough time with the baby, or a big enough role during the day, as moms have been reallyfocused on feeding the baby, whether it's breastfeeding or bottle. this is a great opportunityfor them to step in and take on one of the roles of parenting, and really get someone on one time with the baby.

nice bath time, isn't it. (parents speaking softly) (mom laughing) - there you go. - the two reasons you bath baby is one, for cleaning, and the other,to have some special fun time. so, if baby is sending youmessages, i don't like this, then that's a time torespect her feedback, and just back off a little.

usually they'll relax down. (baby crying) - i'm often asked, how oftenshould i bathe my baby. the truth is, babies are not very dirty. they don't need to be bathed every day. they do need to be cleaned every day. so all those lovely folds that they have, under their neck, and in theirarmpits, and in their groin, those should be wipedout every day, for sure.

but to get in the bath isnot necessary every day. having said that, lots of people enjoy givingthe baby a bath every day, and it's a wonderful experiencefor both the mom and baby. it often becomes a night timeritual that the baby gets used to beforegoing down for the night. so you can bathe the baby every day. - there you go, there you go. bundle you up.

you're a little bundle. - there's also a lot ofresearch showing that touch will actually stimulate braindevelopment and growth in babies. there's a pediatrician from south africa called dr. nils bergman, and he talks about how thebaby's first six months, like i was saying about wantingto be skin to skin with you, that's the baby's habitat, and that's basically where they live,

and where they learn about trust, and about feeling secureemotionally and physically, and that their needs are getting met. so it's really wonderfulto see that you guys have that connection, andthe way he just looks at you like you're his special person. - all set? (kissing) - very soon you're going to find that this is a time you andshe look forward to.

the chance to play alittle at the beginning, to sing, do a littlesplashing, enjoy her smiles. the sensation of being in thewater will be good for her, and it's one on one time, which every parent canhave with their baby, and contribute so much. not just to their cleanliness, but also to thestimulation and experience, which they drink in,

and is part of theprogramming and exploration that they want to do right from birth. - zip you up. zip you up. all done. all done, honey. there we go. are you nice and clean? good girl.

(kissing) that's better. you just wanted to be up, didn't you? - when she first camehome to bathe her myself, so i had my husband do it. and then he would actuallytake her in the shower, and bathe her in the shower, and he felt so confident doing that. so watching him do it ithought, oh it's not so scary.

so now i bathe her in the bath. i have her in the bath with me. - now i actually bathe herin the bathtub with me. i find it easier, and it's kind of a littlebit of bonding time for us, and she loves being in there with me, kicking in the water andsplashing around (laughter). - she was slippery, and i was terrified i was gonna drop her (laughter).

but it worked out, and we're now pretty proat it, so (laughter).

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