Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

ear infection or just teething

it's normal for babies to have soft's normal for them to poop eight times a day, and it's even normal for poop to shooto... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection or just teething

it's normal for babies to have soft's normal for them to poop eight times a day, and it's even normal for poop to shootout of their diaper and end up on their back. so, how can you tell if they have diarrhea?even for us doctors it can be tricky. if your baby suddenly starts pooping a lot more andher stool is more watery than usual, she's probably got the runs. diarrhea can be causedby a change in diet, antibiotic, a food allergy, or a stomach virus. here are three steps totake if your baby has diarrhea. give plenty of liquids. if you're breastfeeding, keepit up. it may help your baby recover faster. your pediatrician may also recommend a pediatricelectrolyte solution to increase your baby's fluid intake. you also wanna feed your babynormally. if she eats solids, she can eat

her normal diet, although you might wannacut back a bit on fruit and avoid juice. yogurt with live cultures may speed her recovery.lastly, watch for dehydration. this is the biggest risk because babies can lose a lotof fluid quickly. if she's crying without tears, having fewer wet diapers, her skinseems different, or the soft spot on her head is sunken, call your doctor right away.

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