Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

false teeth alternatives implants

now we come to the critical issue: cost. finances.implant is not cheap. it's an expensive product and unfortunately the companies that m... thumbnail 1 summary
false teeth alternatives implants

now we come to the critical issue: cost. finances.implant is not cheap. it's an expensive product and unfortunately the companies that makethese implant products know that it's an opportunity for them to make a big profit and so they'reprices are high. and because their prices are high, we have to kind of pass that costonto the patient. but there are basically between fifty to a hundred legitimate companiesin the world that makes dental implants, and of that fifty to a hundred, maybe only tenof these companies are going to be the one--we call it the big daddy--that will be aroundfor awhile. and why is it important in that sense? well, the bottom line comes down toit. implant materials are parts. and these parts sometimes do break down, do have issues,if you have an accident and one of the posts

gets damaged, and we need to fix it. well,if this company is no longer in business, we have a hard time fixing this post, andbecause of that, we don't have any parts for it. and if you don't have the parts for it,either we leave that implant in there or we have to take that implant out and place adifferent type of implant to fix it. and you can tell by doing so, it's going to cost youmore money, and money probably not going to be the issue, it's going to cause you morepain. and so that's what you don't want. also, material wise. as we talked about before,that titanium, it's just not titanium. there are different grades of titanium, and differentcoating, different company makes different makes different type of implant with differenttype of titanium with a special coating, or

special bonding ability to help this implantbeing successful. so, the bottom line is you should research it. ideally, i think you shouldstick with a larger company and the renowned company that's been around, because they willcontinue to have the parts if necessary, ten, twenty, thirty years down the road. whilemany of the smaller companies, already in the last five years, you've seen them beinggobbled up by these other companies, and just kind of--they just kind of disappear. so,it's a very vicious market. in some way i kind of look at it like the semiconductorcompany. these companies are here today, and next day these dot coms are all gone. implantsare going to be exactly the same way. people are jumping in mainly to make a buck and youhave to careful what you get is not something

that is temporary but it should be somethingthat is long term. you know, again, even though it's three to four thousand, make sure youknow what the product is. make sure you see the dentist open the package from a certaincompany that you've looked at, not something that they just open a little--a blank pieceof zip-lock and they just grab it out from there and they use it. it should come in asterile package. it's basically, the environment of placing something in your mouth shouldbe sterile and should be clean, and it should be--kind of follow a hospital type environment.why do we do that? we want to ensure the material be clean and be safe. and that is really criticalbecause if it's clean, success rate is high. if it's dirty, and we don't know where it'scome from, it's not sterilized, you just don't

know. and even if we put it in our own sterilizer,it's not the same. you want it to be manufacturer sterilized. you know the packaging is clean,it has an expiration date on there. and some of these packaging companies, they basicallysaid you can keep this for ten or twenty years and it'll still be sterile. well, that isjust hogwash. it just doesn't work that way. so, do your homework. i think it's very importantthat you know what you're receiving. at our office, patient education is everything. iwant to patients to know exactly what they're getting, and want the patients to know whythey're getting that and they feel confident with it, and if they do, then we have a goodproduct and this will be successful.

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