Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

false teeth alternatives

so have you ever wondered on how to cleanand whiten your dentures? well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionzand... thumbnail 1 summary
false teeth alternatives

so have you ever wondered on how to cleanand whiten your dentures? well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionzand today i'm going to show you on how you can clean and whiten your dentures. and herewe have a set of dentures and it's really easy. whenever you're cleaning dentures, youwant to make sure that you just go ahead and use your toothbrush and toothpaste like younormally would with regular teeth. you're just going to brush the denture in a circularmotion, really focusing on the gum which is the pink part and on, on the tooth; like rightaround the gum line and the tooth itself, really focusing, 'cause that's most of thetime where the debris likes to sit and if you let the debris sit over a period of time,it'll actually harden itself to the denture.

so brushing them on a regular basis, at leastthree times a day or two to three times a day, brushing them in a circular motion onthe top, on the front side. you're also going to do the same thing on the inside, you'regoing to brush them in a circular motion. and then what a lot of patients is they haveto also brush the inside of your denture. this is going to free, if you have any foodparticles that are stuck underneath the denture, it's going to free up those food particles;so therefore, it doesn't stick to the denture. so now once we just finish brushing the dentures,you're always going to want to put them in a dipping bath and let them sit overnight.also too, whenever it comes to whitening your dentures, there's really, you really can'twhiten your dentures due to the fact that

the teeth have already been glazed; there'salready been a shade, they're porcelain teeth. so when the lab technician's making them,he's already picked the porcelain shade and then he's glazed over it. but if you, by brushingand keeping your dentures clean, that will prevent them from becoming dingy in coloror to getting any stains on them. so that's why it's really important to brush your partialand your dentures at least two to three times a day, so therefore, you're preventing themfor becoming discolored. but really there's no way to really can whiten them. if you wantwhiter dentures then you would need to go see your general dentist so then, thereforehe'd be able to make you a new whiter set. but once again my name is michelle and i'ma dental assistant with solutionz and i just

explained to you on how, and showed you, onhow you can clean and whiten your partial dentures.

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