Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

how does sodium fluoride whiten teeth

i've been getting a lot of questions aboutteeth and dental hygiene. one of the biggest question is drew, how do i make my own toothpaste... thumbnail 1 summary
how does sodium fluoride whiten teeth

i've been getting a lot of questions aboutteeth and dental hygiene. one of the biggest question is drew, how do i make my own toothpaste?what do i do about all that fluoride? i heard it's bad for me. well, in this saturday strategyi'm gonna show you how to do it yourself. make your own toothpaste and also, i'm gonnatell you a little ancient secret that a lot of people use to know nowadays called 'oilpulling'. so what do you need to make your own toothpaste? real simple and easy, coconutoil, baking soda and a little bit of your favorite essential oil depending on what itis just to add a little bit of the flavor into it as well. our mouth is the first stepin digesting anything. so a lot of stuff people put on their teeth in these toothpaste nowadaysaren't really good. in particular, one of

my worst enemies, fluoride. you be thinkingwell my dentist tells me to, you know, brush my teeth with fluoride all the time. theyput these fluoride trace in my teeth to make sure that i don't get cavities. all this otherthings. and that my friends is a big misconception in my own personal opinion. if you wanna stillput fluoride in your mouth, feel free but there's plenty of evidence out there. in particular,the harvard study that was just recently done like included that over 27 studies throughouttime, harvard did this right? 27 studies throughout time showed that children that use fluorideactually damage their mental cognition. their mental ability. so if you care about yourkids, care about you, i wouldn't be using fluoride. one thing it also does is it disruptsyour pineal gland. if you remember me show,

we brought them on the show a little bit ago,pineal gland is that acorn shape gland in your head that gives you the ability to dream.that's gives you the ability to have lucid dreams. to be creative. to connect to yourhigher source, whatever you wanna call it, it disrupts that whatsoever. so i would usethis toothpaste. i would get something like tom's or something in the grocery store thatdoesn't contain fluoride most definitely. but if you wanna make your own, this is howyou do it. before i make the toothpaste, i wanted to tell you about 'oil pulling' andhow easy this ancient method for cleaning your teeth and optimizing your health reallyis. simple, you grab a tablespoon of coconut oil, something that looks like this. you'llgonna put it in your mouth and you're gonna

swish it around, just like that. got that?you gonna do it for about fifteen to twenty minutes every single night before you go tobed. and what it does, when doing it, it actually pulls the bacteria, pulls all the bad stuffin your mouth gets through the toxins. a lot of people report back and if you have sinusinfections, your lymphatic systems has been damaged through your life, it actually startsto remedy that. which is pretty cool and it's simple. so that's how you do 'oil pulling'.let's get our making the toothpaste. we make it out by adding coconut oil, so why is coconutoil so good for your teeth? it's antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral. it's really goodat getting rid of the bad bacteria in your mouth without killing the good bacteria. somaybe one tablespoon into one tablespoon of

baking soda. it's a one to one ratio. bakingsoda, mild abrasive, it cleans the teeth and it also helps restore the ph balance in themouth. and then also, you add just a couple of drops of your essential oil into it. itsgonna freshen it up, it's gonna make it taste great your absolutely gonna like it. you canactually add a little stuff into it if you want to. all right fitlifer, the toothpasteis done and i want you to take really good care of your smile because when you take goodcare of your smile and you actually choose to smile, as an adult, you know as kids wesmile like two hundred seventy times a day. as an adult, five times. and this is a studythat was conducted. so you wanna make sure that you're smiling all day long, it's gonnahelp you age gracefully. it's gonna reduce

stress and it just sends signal to your wholebody that lowers that cortisol hormone and put yourself in an optimum state. so the purposeof this saturday strategy is not only to show you a healthy alternative to make a toothpastebut it's to get you to recognize that you need to smile more. and to do that i wantyou to take a picture of yourself right now, take a selfie and post it on the blog below,or on the facebook in which you are watching this. or on youtube, wherever you are, whatevermedium you're watching this video on. make sure you post a video or a picture of yourselfand yourselves smiling. this is so huge fitlifer. and for more tips, tools, tactics, techniquesthat you can use in your own life to radically save money, to change your wellbeing, to changeyour health then i encourage you to invest

in the juicer juice system and i'm gonna leavea link below to more than just juicing. we're gonna look at your meal plan. how to incorporatejuicing into your diet as well as what to eat, different of that nature as well. youcan get it by clicking that link below. i'm drew canole and i'm grateful for you showingup today and every saturday strategy. if this is your first time here or your just showingup, i'm grateful for you taking in this knowledge and spreading it out to everybody that youknow because when you share with one person, that persons gonna go off and share with anotherperson and then the ripple continues to multiply out of transformation. and it's our personalgoal, it's my heart's desire to transform as many people as possible. and you play sucha huge role in that fitlifer. so i want you

to know that and we appreciate you. so i'mdrew canole, remember we're in this together and i'll see you next week.

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