Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

how to get rid of white calcium deposits on teeth

whiten your extremely yellow-teeth and getrid of that nasty tartar buildup and plaque with this! tartar is the name of the mineral depositon... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of white calcium deposits on teeth

whiten your extremely yellow-teeth and getrid of that nasty tartar buildup and plaque with this! tartar is the name of the mineral depositon teeth and as the time passes its amount increases and if you do not take care it maycause periodontitis. the best way to remove it is to visit a dentistbut you can also do it at your home. this is what you need: -baking soda, toothbrush, hydrogen peroxide,salt, water, cup, dental pick and antiseptic mouth wash. the most popular and effective tool to removethe plaque is the baking soda.

1st step. mix 1 tbs. of baking soda and half tsp. ofsalt in a cup and then wet your toothbrush with warm water and dip it into the mixture. scrub your teeth and spit. do the process for 5 minutes. 2nd step. mix half a cup of warm water and full cupof hydrogen peroxide. rinse the mouth with the mixture fir 1 minute,spit and then rinse with half cup of cool water.

3rd step. take a dental pick and rub the yellow tartarbut make sure not to scrape your gums because it may damage and irritate them. 4th step. rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouth wash. repeat the process every second day. we offer you other advices in order to helpyou to keep your smile. tomatoes and strawberries. these ingredients are rich in vitamin c andthat makes them great for the oral health.

rub the fruits onto your teeth and leave itfor five minutes. the buildup tartar will soften. after that, rinse your mouth with warm waterand baking soda. you can also use some other foods that arerich in vitamin c like papaya, oranges, lime, lemons, berries and bell peppers. *cheese* cheddar and swiss cheese can help neutralizethe acids that create plaque if you eat it before your meals. the ingredient that is contained in aged cheeseis working as barrier agent.

here are some more advises for you: you should brush your teeth with soft brushmaking vertical movement but you need to be careful with the space between teeth and gums. floss your teeth regularly. salivary glands are stimulated by the intakeof spicy foods. that is how saliva cleans your mouth in anatural way. rub orange peel on your teeth before you goto bed and do not rinse it as it can fight bacteria.

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