Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

how to hide calcium deposits on teeth

welcome to this edition of dental connections brought to you by dental of new jersey. new jersey's leading dental benefits companyand it... thumbnail 1 summary
how to hide calcium deposits on teeth

welcome to this edition of dental connections brought to you by dental of new jersey. new jersey's leading dental benefits companyand its foundation. this series is designed to increaseawareness regarding the connection between oral and overall health. here is participating delta dentalpediatric dentist dr. suzy press. chances are you brush with a fluoride toothpaste but you may not know exactly whatfluoride is doing for you or where it comes from. fluoride is actually reinforcing your teeth andmaking them more resistant to cavities.

our mouths naturally have bacteria. that bacteria breaks down the foods we eatinto acid which attacks our teeth. fluoride sticks to the surfaces of ourteeth to protect them from the acid. fluoride also attracts calcium that is present in our saliva. that helps keep our teeth strong, too. fluoride is a natural substances. you canfind it many rivers, private drinking wells and water aquifers. adding fluoride to our oral health routine

goes a long way towards preventing tooth decay. that's a good thing because tooth decayremains the number one chronic childhood disease in america. did you know that dental cavities arefive times more likely to be found in children than asthma? but unlike asthma, tooth decay is a preventable disease. fluoridated water is helping fight tooth decay in many areas of our country.

the centers for disease control andprevention named fluoridated water one of the top ten great public-healthachievements of the twentieth century. every dollar invested in fluoridationsaves approximately thirty eight dollars in dental treatment costs according tothe cdc. but what if your drinking water isn'tfluoridated? you can still protect your teeth withfluoride. here's how. visit your dentist. ask him or her about atopical fluoride treatment. the fluoride used in the dentist's office ismuch stronger than the one you can buy

at the drug store. the treatment takes just a few minutes. you may be asked not to rinse, eat, or drink for at least thirty minutesafter treatment. but that's so the fluoride can be absorbedinto your teeth. your dentist can tell you how oftenyou need a professional fluoride treatment. it can be done every three, six, or twelve months. fluoride treatments are beneficial forchildren and adults.

especially those with higher risk ofdental carries. even if you have fluoridated water askabout a professional fluoride rinse. your dentist may recommend a fluoride mouth rinse or gel, or an antibacterial mouthwash,too. there is also another way to get fluoride that's by taking a dietary supplement. ask your child's dentist a pediatricianabout it. they can prescribe the proper dose foryour child. remember to ask about both

types of fluoride. a combination of topical fluoride and dietary fluoride has been shown tohave the greatest effect on fighting tooth decay. fluoride it is part of a good oral healthregimen. think about that the next time you brush with a fluoride toothpaste.

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