Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

how to help teeth grow straight

healthy wisdom teeth are an asset toyour mouth. however, when they grow in poorlypositioned or unhealthy they could cause problems. when wis... thumbnail 1 summary
how to help teeth grow straight

healthy wisdom teeth are an asset toyour mouth. however, when they grow in poorlypositioned or unhealthy they could cause problems. when wisdom teeth do not fullyerupt, an opening is created around the tooth allowing bacteria to enter.this area may become infected causing pain and swelling. the area may alsobecome a food or plaque trap causing tooth decay on the wisdom tooth or thetooth in front of it. if a wisdom tooth grows in sideways it may become trappedin-between the bone and the gum. this could cause infection and pain. yourdentist will assess the health and position of your wisdom teeth. to preventpotential infection, your dentist may

recommend removing your wisdom teeth -- acommon procedure in dentistry. if you have any questions about your wisdomteeth ask your dentist. for the ada dental minute, i'm dr. maria lopez howell.

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