Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

how to naturally straighten crooked teeth

why do we correct crowded teeth? why have teeth straightened or aligned? howimportant is that? that's what we'll talk about in this ... thumbnail 1 summary
how to naturally straighten crooked teeth

why do we correct crowded teeth? why have teeth straightened or aligned? howimportant is that? that's what we'll talk about in this next video... aligning teeth - most people think thataligning teeth as being an aesthetic issue - to make things look better. but i rightthat as the third reason for doing it on the scale of from the most important to the least. the most important reason for aligning teeth and creating enough space for all teeth, not necessarily 32 teeth because many people have the wisdomteeth out, but let's say at least 28,

is that will provide a better airway.so the main reason for aligning teeth is to create abetter airway. more space in the upper jaw, giving your nasalpassages more room, more space in the lower jaw, giving your tongue more room to sit without falling back and blocking your airway. so airway is number one. secondly, it is much easy to clean teeththat are all in a line than teeth that are crowded and so oral hygiene is an important part of that. thirdly, as the icing on the cake, itlooks better as well. so getting teeth aligned is an importantpart of the person health profile

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