Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

how to get rid of stained teeth from smoking

original teeth colour depends on the colour of the dentin lying we need the enamels excessive intake of coffee tea wine chocolate a stick fo... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of stained teeth from smoking

original teeth colour depends on the colour of the dentin lying we need the enamels excessive intake of coffee tea wine chocolate a stick food heavy smoking aging in proper oral hygiene would reduce whitening of teeth here have some home remedies to whiten and brighten your teeth first home remedy for this we need toothpaste and baking

soda take half tablespoon and baking soda and toothpaste mix bakin g soda and to rest well bless your teeth with this and reigns with warm water do this twice in a week you'll get brighter shining teeth second home remedy for this we need an orange take an orange take the peel of the orange and rub your teeth with the white layer of the orange peel the

white layer of the orange contains compounds which helps to remove superficial stains on your teeth third home remedy for this we needed them at all take a crash tomato and drop on your teeth it work as natural teeth whitener for the home remedy for this we need happen cider vinegar and baking soda take one tablespoon of apple cider

vinegar and 1 tablespoon of baking soda mix it well apply this paste on your teeth and leave it for 2 to 3 minutes then rinse it off with warm water by doing this you'll get brighter and whiter teeth fixed the home remedies for this we need lemon take a lemon peel the lemon and rub you tease with the white layer of peel you will get brighter and

whiter he'd by doing this 6th home remedy but this we need salt and toothpaste take half tablespoon of salt add toothpaste to it mix it well apply this on your teeth and gargle with water then rinse it with warm water by doing this you will get whitening teeth thank you for watching this video like

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