Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

how to get rid of stained teeth from coffee

so do you have clear braces and you are justdying to know how to keep them clear? well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistantwit... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of stained teeth from coffee

so do you have clear braces and you are justdying to know how to keep them clear? well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistantwith solutionz and i'm going to show you and kind of explain to you on how you can keepyour clear braces clear. basically whenever you do have clear braces they are very easyand more susceptible to stains especially if you eat a lot of mustard or you drink alot of tea or coffee like with your natural teeth you are going to get stains but withthe clear braces the actual bracket as you can see here will actually stain it will becomelike a dingy yellow color so what you would need to do and a great way to keep them clearis of course you would need to see your orthodontist on a regular basis and usually about oncea month she will want to see you so that she

can change out the o ring which is the littlerubber band that goes around the bracket and the wire. those since they are rubber theydo have a lot more of a tendency to become yellow so that is also a reflection of thestaining of the bracket so if you get those changed out on a once a month basis that willhelp keep them nice and clear. also too brushing your teeth with hydrogen peroxide, just dippingyour brush into a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and then just kind of focusing on brushingyour brackets really good that will help keep them kind of clear. another form too is ifyou brush your teeth with baking soda and water, that's a great option. once you startto brush your teeth with baking soda and water the foam consistency will start to eat awayat the stains on the brackets. it won't do

any damage to your brackets but it will startto eat away at the stains of your brackets and in return you want to rinse your mouthout with some cold water and then your brackets should appear a lot more clearer and cleanerfor you. once again my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionz andi just explained to you on how to keep your clear braces clear.

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