Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

how to get rid of stained teeth from braces

today i'm going to talk about how to cleaninvisalign braces. i'm dr. david wagner, dentist at northwood dental, clearwater florida. ... thumbnail 1 summary
how to get rid of stained teeth from braces

today i'm going to talk about how to cleaninvisalign braces. i'm dr. david wagner, dentist at northwood dental, clearwater florida. invisalignbraces have to do with a clear plastic tray. as you can see this tray is a little bit discolored,but to clean the tray you could actually brush inside and this is very good. but, the bestway to clean your invisalign braces is to get an ultrasonic machine. these ultrasonicmachines are like what jewelers use and you can get them for home use. and you would takeyour invisalign tray, you would place it into a small plastic bag with some mild detergentand water of course, and then immerse the whole thing in there. and this will then removethe accumulated debris and stain that collects to these from the constant wear of your invisaligntray. so, the best way to do it, of course

is brush after all the times you eat foodor anything or drink anything, but of course you can't eat with those in. but, the ultrasoniccleaner is the best way. i'm dr. david wagner, northwood dental, clearwater florida.

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