Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

nausea after wisdom teeth out

-(pear) got your teeth whitened too!so how did it go? -hey, pear!-yeah? -i didn't feel anything. -yeah, felt kind of good, didn't it... thumbnail 1 summary
nausea after wisdom teeth out

-(pear) got your teeth whitened too!so how did it go? -hey, pear!-yeah? -i didn't feel anything. -yeah, felt kind of good, didn't it? -ugh... i feel funny. is this real life? -yes, this is real life. -okay, now... okay, now i...

i have two fingers. -actually, you don'thave any fingers, orange. -no fingers? [screaming]-whoa, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay! you never had fingers. -i don't feel tired. -you don't?-uh-uh. did i get my teeth whitened?-uh-huh. -did i get my teeth whitened?-yes.

-[babbling]-no, no orange, don't do that. -[continues babbling]-no-no-no, don't do that. -why can't i do that? -because it could messup the teeth whitening. -you have four arms.-[chuckles] actually, i don't have any arms, orange. -no arms?[screaming] -orange, orange, it's okay! orange, i never hadarms in the first place.

-i feel funny. why is this happening to me? -it's okay, orange.it's just from the medicine. -is this gonna be forever? -no, it won't be forever.-[groans] hey, hey pear.-yes, orange? -airbag. [pop!][pear exclaims] captioned by spongesebastian

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