Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

why does calcium buildup on teeth

hey guys. dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. in this video, i'm going to share with you how tocure cav... thumbnail 1 summary
why does calcium buildup on teeth

hey guys. dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. in this video, i'm going to share with you how tocure cavities and how to heal cavities naturally. this is something i get questions about veryoften is once you have a cavity, can it be healed? and here's the truth. if you're at the beginningstages or even in the middle stage of a cavity, you can actually heal that outer part of thetooth. now, if you have a very, very severe cavity, there may be an area there that can'tbe completely restored. but again, for the most part, if you have beginning stages oreven an area of a cavity that's i would say sort of middle of the road, you can absolutelyhelp heal that area. i've worked with many,

many dentists and natural dentists and medicaldoctors who have really shown and proven with their patients that you can naturally healcavities. so i'm going to go through my four step processto naturally heal cavities. number one has to do with the foods you're eating and whatto remove, and that is excess grains and processed sugars. now, you're going to find out lateri'll talk about that actually sugar isn't necessarily bad if it's the right type ofsugar. but the first things you want to remove are, again, grains and sugars. now, the problem with grains, number one isthey contain too much of what's known as a nutrient blocker called phytic acid. phyticacid essentially binds to all of the minerals

in grains and beans and nuts and seeds anddoesn't allow you to absorb them. so you might think, hey, i'm eating this bread or thisoatmeal and i'm getting all of these nutrients. the truth is you're absorbing almost noneof it because of phytic acid. this is really the difference of why something like regularbread, or ezekiel bread is typically known as a healthier bread or an ancient grain,fermented sourdough bread is also known as a healthier bread, the reason they're healthieris because they're free of phytic acid, this thing that essentially binds to vitamins andminerals. so when you soak a grain or a nut or a seed,it essentially kills phytic acid and unlocks all of the nutrients in the food, and youneed those vitamins and minerals to help replenish

your teeth and help heal cavities and forhealthy strong bones and teeth and hair and skin and nails. so all of those things areimportant. again, the first thing, step number one isget grains out of your diet or, at the very least, get out processed grains. if you'regoing to consume grains, one serving a day of something like a sprouted ezekiel breador a lacto fermented bread, like a true ancient grain sourdough bread if you're going to consumegrains. step number two, get rid of processed sugar.processed sugar is the first thing that will cause bad bacteria overgrowth in your bodyand cause cavities to start. i think most people realize that, and you hear that allthe time, "hey, stop doing sugar." but again,

it's not all sugar surprisingly. it is reallyjust processed sugar. if you're doing a little bit of raw local honey or manuka honey ona regular basis, that's really the one specific sweetener where there will probably be nonegative effect on your dental health. also some fruit in moderation, wild blueberriesand raspberries and apples can actually be very cleansing and healthy for your teeth.so again, real whole fruit and raw local honey, really the two sweeteners that you can stillconsume and still have healthy teeth. the third thing you've absolutely got to doif you want to overcome cavities is you have to consume more fat soluble vitamins and consumemore of a traditional diet. so fat soluble vitamins and specific minerals, especiallyvitamin d, vitamin k, magnesium, and calcium

are crucial for your dental health. as i mentionedearlier, a lot of the foods we're eating are void of nutrients, and one of the best superfoods for healing your teeth is raw goat's milk kefir, a probiotic rich super food anda dairy food that actually has all of those nutrients in them. raw fermented goat's milkdairy is loaded with vitamin d, vitamin k, and magnesium as well as calcium. those arethe things you need to build strong teeth and, again, to restore and heal cavities. so make sure, again, you're getting goat'smilk kefir. listen, you can't go and buy this cheap yogurt you buy in the grocery store.it doesn't work as well. go to your local farmer's market and find goat's milk yoghurtor goat's milk kefir and drink about four

to eight ounces of that every day. you'regoing to see some great results with your teeth. then last but not least, you've got to makesure you're getting plenty of probiotics in your diet. as i mentioned earlier, kefir andyoghurt, also sauerkraut and kimchi and apple cider vinegar, fermented foods are fantasticfor your overall dental health. the great thing about probiotics is they kill off badbacteria and help eliminate that bacteria and plaque that is one of the chief causesof gum disease today. so again, guys, if you want to heal cavitiesnaturally, my four step process is number one, remove grains from your diet or replacethem with sprouted true grains. number two,

remember remove excess sugar from your diet.number three, remember add in those fat soluble foods, things like coconut oil, avocados,healthy meat products as well as raw cultured dairy. and last, go for probiotics. i recommendtaking both probiotic foods and supplements. you do those things, you're well on your wayto a healthy mouth. hey guys, if you enjoyed this video on naturalcures for cavities, hey, make sure you subscribe here to the youtube channel. i've got a lotof great stuff coming at you with other super foods and natural cures that can help healyour body fast.

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