Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

wisdom teeth growing in sideways pain

which one is your wisdom teeth? the wisdom teeth are also called the third molars the reason we call them the third molars if you think abou... thumbnail 1 summary
wisdom teeth growing in sideways pain

which one is your wisdom teeth? the wisdom teeth are also called the third molars the reason we call them the third molars if you think about it you have teeth in the front we call those insiors we have the medium sized teethwe call them the premolars then we have molars there are normally three of them the first molar the second most and the third molar so the third molar is a last tooth in your mouth. if it has come out, and you'll find it on the upper left upper right lower right lower left so you

normally have four of them. there are some people who are missing one or two but for the most part most people have them they only bother me every few months i find that people within the age range of about 18 to 21 will often complain about their wisdom teeth, and they'll say every couple months of the lots of pressure sometimes pain and then it'll go away sometimes you even see swelling in their mouth and feel like a little peek of a little white thing coming out of their guns the reason is during those ages and sometimes this is youngest 14, so just fools is 25. it's different for everyone

during that time as the wisdom teeth are starting to push their way up, you'll don't periodically give you a little paint and then stop and then we'll kind of grow a little bit and then stop so that's usually the most typical thing now remember while they're making that push you want to get them out because if they're trying to come out and they can't come out you want to avoid some of the issues that come with the wisdom tooth that can make it complete way out? [there] not bothering me. why should i take them out? one of the main reasons that we take wisdom teeth out at every age is because the wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth they don't get brushed as well

even people who do not have impacted wisdom teeth and their wisdom teeth fortunately for them came straight up and down those people get more cavities on those wisdom teeth so if you can imagine most people they brush their funds pretty nicely they brush their back teeth, okay? but imagine that wasn't suited all the way in the back sometimes i [had] gone off to the sides with your cheek sometimes half undergo have not undergone if it's not getting cleaned properly then you're going to get a cavity i like to stand my office a lot if you can keep them clean you can keep them but even [people] with the best hygiene those are some teeth get cavities so why risk having all the problems that come up with wisdom teeth?

i mean, i've taken wisdom teeth out in 60 year old. it's not very much fun so if you can have that out early you can avoid a lot of the issues that people have by having with the piece is it painful and how long do i get to take off of work or school? now as far as pain is concerned and wisdom teeth there are two factors that we have to talk about the first factor is during the extraction. so if you're having your wisdom [teeth] taken out absolutely, we have to get you know because no one's going to pull your wisdom teeth without with you feeling something that would be very uncomfortable for you and very uncomfortable for me so we known your mouth so you don't feel anything most people just feel pressure

i won't say it's the most comfortable thing in the world but pain is not involved the most the thing that i hear the most often when i'm doing a wisdom tooth or after i've done wisdom teeth extractions if you look it up i think that was so much better than i thought it was going to be you just feel pressure i will talk you through it. you'll be just fine now as far as faster is concerned i definitely give you pain medication and some cases antibiotics if you have an infection or if i think you might get one but for the most part i caution you to not make any plans after i have people they have their wisdom teeth taken out a friday they're they're moving on saturday, and i have some people that they feel a lot more lousy. i feel like most people

discomfort comes from the fact that they're taking pain medication that makes them sleepy and groggy and rest is the best medicine no matter what we give you taking time just to relax watch movie at home be easy until monday [morning] usually you'll be just fine they're usually that great period a week and maybe you felt no for and that sort of thing but for the most part usually within a week you feel pretty good of course if your teeth are impacted you might feel a little bit more painful on one or two of them but having them houses well work that short period of discomfort are you sure you weren't film the other video? well my cheeks blow up like a chipmunk. i? get that question a lot

people always ask if there they had a friend and they had their wisdom teeth taken out and their old cheeks look like a chipmunk most the time that doesn't happen that is just i'm not sure why that happens actually i am sure why that happens? if you have a very a person of pulling your wisdom teeth very aggressively, it's going to cause more drama and most likely you're going to get more swelling most of the swelling is due to just so liquid building up in your mouth i would say i do a lot of wisdom teeth, and i would say about ninety percent of my patients do not have swelling probably a little higher than that, but for the most part we can treat with antibiotics we can treat that with

anti-inflammatory medications like motion just to kind of reduce the chances of slowing but most of the time your cheeks are not going to look like a chipmunk what is an impaction? when we're talking about wisdom teeth and impacted wisdom teeth or an impaction that just means the to get stuck sometimes the truth can be stuck in the gum, and if you look in your mouth you can if you have to choose with gum sitting over top of it sometimes the truth is stuff in the bone which means that the truth is tries to come out with a bone especially in the job a lot of kind of covered half of the tooth and it keeps the truth from coming up completely

sometimes the to discuss against the two steps next to it so a lot of times on the bottom if you think [about] on the bottom this is the tooth in front and then the tooth the wisdom tooth is trying to come out, but it's stuck up against the tooth next to it we have horizontal in fact this means that wisdom tooth is laying down sideways some plans good likeness, so the passion just means the tooth stuck and it can't come out and that's especially why we need to take it out will not be able to eat afterwards and do i need antibiotics now most people i want you to eat after you have your teeth extracted especially when you have pain medication, and you're already feeling kind of lucky you want to keep something

when you tell you not to eat, it's because when you're numb it's very difficult to feel your lips your tongue your cheek so we don't want you to accidentally bite your tongue and hurt yourself but we want you to eat that means [a] smoothie or something soft something that doesn't require a lot of chewing you want to coach your stomach so that when you take your medication it doesn't make you feel nauseous you want to eat you want to give your sense you want it allow your body all the nourishment in order for you to heal quickly now as far as a de buyers concerns antibiotics mostly has to do with infection or preventing infection. it's a difficult extraction why we make the judgment and i will let me know hey i think you needed antibiotics or

sometimes if you came in and you were already filming we want to resolve that infection most things includes every dental emergency most procedures if you had infection to begin with antibiotic is not taking care of the infection what we do is taking care of new infections so what that suit is extracted already the source of the problem is gone and your body has antibodies and it's going to take care of it if your body needs a little extra help to make that go faster that's when we give antibiotics do i have to get put to sleep? most people assume when they have their wisdom teeth taken out that they need to be put to sleep now. let's make a clarification about anesthesia people use putting to sleep and anesthesia all in different kinds of ways

so i always have to clarify when you have your wisdom teeth taken out. we have to numb you we call that local anesthesia that means that your mouth will be enough. you will be fully aware of what's going on we we manage your [ziya] tease with talking with music with you know just making sure that you're okay was listening to you on how you feel during the appointment that takes away pain then we can take it [a] step up if you're really nervous sometimes we can give you muscle relaxants and other fancy anxiety medications before the visit, but that's for your mind that's not for your mouth you still need to be known in your mouth, but just to kind of take the edge off

we sometimes give you medications before the appointment just to relax you sometimes we can do laughing guests laughing guests is really wonderful because you breathe it in through your nose and as soon as you breathe it out, and you leave the office. it's gone so that's the end of that on the other way that sometimes they'll do in certain offices iv sedation iv sedation is a little different they put an iv in your arm and put you to sleep so that you can not know anything that's going on no matter what choice of anesthesia that we choose or as the anxiety we choose you're going to get numb in your mouth so all of those things are to manage anxiety but we need to make sure that you don't feel pain in your mouth while we're taking out the teeth

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