Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

ear infection vs teething in babies

how do i know if my baby is self-weaning orgoing on a nursing strike? what is going on? as a breastfeeding mother, it can be difficultto dea... thumbnail 1 summary
ear infection vs teething in babies

how do i know if my baby is self-weaning orgoing on a nursing strike? what is going on? as a breastfeeding mother, it can be difficultto deal with baby self-weaning or nursing strike, especially if it comes on suddenly. after all, you and your infant have establisheda routine for when to rest, when you are home and away, and when you nurse. baby self-weaning or nursing strike can dramaticallydisrupt this routine and can be difficult for both the mother and the infant to adjustto. over time, the female body adjusts to a specificbreastfeeding routine. when it's time for your baby to eat, yourbody makes more milk and your breasts become

engorged.if you do not feed your infant, pump, or manually express the milk, your breasts can becometender and sore. remaining engorged can put you at risk forinfections such as mastitis, as well as plugged ducts.your baby suddenly going on strike and refusing to nurse can also put you at risk of developingthese conditions. if your baby is refusing to nurse, the firstthing to consider is the age of the infant. if the baby is still under a year of age,she may be refusing to nurse due to an ear infection, dislike for an ointment or medicationyou're using on your nipple area, or a routine that has been disrupted.

this is called a nursing strike. if your child is older than a year old andhas begun to eat table foods and drink other liquids, she may simply be weaning herselfslowly. if this is the case, you'll have to adjustto your baby nursing less frequently. use ice packs or warm compresses to cope withany discomfort you experience, and express milk as necessary to keep yourself comfortable. avoid pumping a great deal of milk regularly,however, as this will encourage your body to make more.

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