Senin, 23 Januari 2017

how do you straighten your teeth

are you looking on how to straighten yourteeth without braces? well my name's michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionzand ... thumbnail 1 summary
how do you straighten your teeth

are you looking on how to straighten yourteeth without braces? well my name's michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutionzand i'm going to explain to you different methods on how you can straighten your teethwithout braces. first you would definitely want to see your general dentist or an orthodontistto determine if you're a candidate for straightening your teeth without the braces. a couple ofdifferent methods they might recommend to you is veneers which are basically, it iswhere you are it's a 3/4 of a crown. that's what we call it. and what veneers does isit just covers the facial surface of your teeth which is the front part of your toothand it just basically goes, just looks like your natural teeth. so if you have any crookedteeth, say if these teeth were crooked, what

they would do is they would take an impressionof those teeth, send those impressions off to a lab, then you would come back with theactual veneers themself. they'd slide them on over the tooth, cement them on with dentalcement and then clean up the excess cement and then which then in return will give youan effect of straight, perfectly white teeth. that's one method. another method is withinvisalign treatments which are clear trays that you can wear that put pressure onto yourteeth, that straighten them. that's a method. you would need to be a candidate for thatso you have to check with your general dentist or your orthodontist. and then also too anothermethod is what is called full cosmetic bondings. it is where you have a tooth that is crookedor angled incorrectly and it's not angled

in the same alignment with your natural teeth.what your dentist would do is he would actually shave down the part of the tooth that is crooked,place composite tooth colored material onto the tooth, smooth it out, actually contourit so therefore it looks exactly in the same alignment with your natural teeth. and ofcourse you would then have your end result would be a perfectly straight, white, brightsmile. my name's michelle. i'm a dental assistant with solutionz and i just explained to youthe different methods on how you can straighten your teeth without braces.

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