Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

initial calcification of teeth

elite facts presents bizarre diseases withno cure 9. elephant-iasis not elephant-itis is a thickeningof the skin. this is a disease that any... thumbnail 1 summary
initial calcification of teeth

elite facts presents bizarre diseases withno cure 9. elephant-iasis not elephant-itis is a thickeningof the skin. this is a disease that any one of us can get as it is caused by parasiticworms passed on through mosquito bites. a slightly different form of the disease iscaused through contact with certain types of soil and passed through the foot mainly.itis one of the most common disabilities in the world. efforts to eradicate the diseasevia vacine are well under way and it is hoped that it will be successfully gone by 2020. 8. mã¶bius syndrome is a rare disorder inwhich the facial muscles are paralyzed. in most cases the eyes are also unable to movefrom side to side. this means no facial expressions,

no smiling, frowning, yawning or the likes.they're not mentally underdeveloped in anyway and have full brain capabilities. the causesare not fully understood and there is no treatment aside from addressing the symptoms 7. fibrodysplasia is a very rare disease thatcauses parts of the body to turn to bone when they are damaged. so if you pull or damagea muscle, it will regrow as calcified bone. imagine if you exercised, the pain from strainingyour muscles was bone growing in its place. this can often cause damaged joints to fusetogether, preventing movement. unfortunately surgical removal of the bone growths is ineffectiveas the body “heals” itself by recreating the removed bone. the most famous case isharry eastlack who became trapped in his body

as his entire body became bone apart fromhis lips. 6. this is sanju bhagat from india at theage of 36. he is fully pregnant with his own twin. because sanju lacked a placenta, thefetus inside him attached directly to his blood supply. fetus in fetu is an extremelyrare disorder in which a twin somehow becomes connected to its twin while still in the womb.in some cases the fetus in fetu will remain inside the host twin unknown until it beginsto cause problems. in more common cases, the signs are visible from the outset and areoften initially confused with cysts or cancers. 5. the elephant man is probably the most famouscase of proteus syndrome. the disease causes excessive bone growth, excessive skin growth,and frequently comes with tumors. only 200

cases have been confirmed worldwide sincethe disease was officially discovered.the case of the elephant man has been the solereason that this disease is so widely known. sufferers have normal brain function and intelligence. 4. lewandowsky-lutz dysplasia is an extremelyrare inheritable disorder in which warts form on the skin. it normally affects the handsand feet and gives the impression of horns growing or the skin turning into tree bark.there is no known effective treatment for the disease though surgery can be used toremove the warts. unfortunately, after surgery the warts begin to return and it is estimatedthat a sufferer would need at least two surgeries per year to remove them each time they growback.

3. hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome isa disease that causes premature aging – so rapidly that a young child can look like avery old man. its been studied by scientists as it may lend clues to the natural agingprocess in man. the disease is caused by a genetic mutation, and does not pass from parentto child. the sad fact is most sufferers will pass by the time they're teenagers from heartattack or stroke. 2. cutaneous porphyria is a disorder thatcauses blisters, excess hair, swelling, and necrosis of the skin. its unaffectionatelyknown as the vampire disease, its actually meant to be the source of these tales. itcan cause red colored teeth and fingernails, and after exposure to sun, urine can turnpurple, pink, brown, or black. the disease

is due to the overproduction of certain enzymesin the body. the disease literally translates to purple pigments 1. diprospus is a rare disorder in which theface is duplicated on the head. this is not to be confused with fetus in fetu, this isn't a separate human thathas been absorbed, its the duplication of limbs only. diprosopus is caused by over productionof a protein strand. the protein determines the make up of the face, and when there istoo much of it, you get a second face in a mirror image. if you do not have enough ofthe protein, you can end up with underdeveloped facial features. sadly, children with thisdefect are normally stillborn, but a young

girl born in 2008 survived for 2 full monthsbefore dying of a heart attack. don't forget to like us and subscribe formore elite facts

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