Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

is calcium buildup on teeth bad

fillings may soon be a thing of the past!thank goodness cuz the only kind of filling i need in my life is the kind that goes inpie. hey ever... thumbnail 1 summary
is calcium buildup on teeth bad

fillings may soon be a thing of the past!thank goodness cuz the only kind of filling i need in my life is the kind that goes inpie. hey everyone, laci green here for dnews. cavitieshave got to be one of the worst parts of being a human. i've only had one filling in my lifewhen i was like 12 and i'm still mildly traumatized. but thank goodness -- fillings may be a thingof the past in as soon as 3 years! what a time to be alive! researchers at king's college london havecreated a device that can fix cavities by spurring teeth to repair themselves instead.the current procedure for treating tooth decay is based on some pretty primitive stuff actually-- it's basically the same today as the original

procedure discovered in 1875. the tooth decayis drilled out and then the hole is filled back up. back in the day, the hole in yourtooth was filled with silver, but now they're filled with amalgam or resin. the new procedureis called electrically accelerated and enhanced remineralization, and it basically sidestepsthe drilling and filling phases altogether by using an electrical current that remineralizesthe tooth. there are two steps. first, the surface of the tooth is prepared, and thenthe device delivers an electric current that forces minerals like calcium and phosphateinto the tooth. this effectively rebuilds the tooth -- which makes the tooth even strongerand naturally repairs the cavity. the scientists say that the electrical current used is gentle-- so gentle, in fact, that you can't even

feel it. i meeeaaann.....this sounds like a dream cometrue does it not? as an added bonus, the cost of the procedure will likely be about thesame price or cheaper than current tooth decay treatments. and, the device can even whitenteeth. sign. me. up! the only known drawbacks tonote are that the device can't repair cavities which have progressed too far -- so you'llstill want to stay on top of your dental appointments. the scientists also noted that the devicecan't actually physically regrow a new tooth so....you're out of luck on that one. i'msuper excited for this thing to get rolling -- about 35% of the world's population dealswith untreated tooth decay. it's a problem

that only been exaggerated in recent decadesby the increasing availability of sugary foods. so basically: this thing could literally changethe world! are you ready for it? let me know what youthink about this new device down below. thanks for joining me for dnews everyone! don't forgetto subscribe for more science updates.

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