Senin, 30 Januari 2017

nausea with wisdom teeth removal

the great brahma gods.. from each of the five pure abodes... brought the news to all beings…. that a 100,000 years from now…. a perfectl... thumbnail 1 summary
nausea with wisdom teeth removal

the great brahma gods.. from each of the five pure abodes... brought the news to all beings…. that a 100,000 years from now…. a perfectly enlightened buddha... would arise in the world. those are wished to meet up with him... must maintain the five more precepts... and constantly develop loving-kindness.

humans and deities wonder... who the future buddha might be... but no answer was first coming... until the signs appear... making the identity of the heavenly bodhisatta... known... the deities and brahmas met together.. for the sake of inquiring... who the enlightened one would be.

at that very moment..the answer became clear... as they all saw the 5 preliminary signs... appearing in santu sitta deva-putra. the 5 signs which appear were... withering of the decorate celestial flowers on his body... the divine raiment becoming discolored sweat weeping from his armpits. his complexion becoming molded... and a feeling of weariness with the heavenly world...

arising within him. upon recognizing the 5 preliminary signs... the deities invited santu sitta the buddha to be.. to depart from dusita heaven... and take birth in the human world. santu sitta deva-putta.. then made the five full surveys of the earth... to see if conditions were right for his birth. the first criterion...

would that the life span for human being at the time... must not be the short...nor too long. suitable to attaining the dharma. the continent must be india. and the country...the middle country. he must be born into...the warrior caste or as a brahman. and his mother must be one pure in moral conduct ... with much accumulated spiritual virtue.

seem that all these conditions... were fulfilled the buddha to be accepted... the invitation to be born...upon the earth. "kapilavatthu. city" how do you...royal astrologers? interpret the queen's dream. your wife the queen's dream...indicates that... you're to have a son. he will process tremendous merit.

great power and might. he will be peerless! "10 months later" my lord...tradition calls for me..*** to return to my family home at devadaha. to give birth. you have my permission! counselor...let's stop and rest here. we have now completed half of our journey.

the forest park of lumbhini is so beautiful.. and shady. we've been traveling half the day. your must all be tired... let's rest for a while. your highness...if that is your wish... then beneath that sala tree over there. i feels as...i'm about to give birth! hurry hurry!

quickly...join in and help! her majesty's time has come...hurry hurry! she's gonna have a baby! as soon as the bodhisattva was delivered... from his mother's womb. and before he could drop to the ground.. four great brahma gods from the five pure abodes spread a nest of gold to receive...his body.

on that day, a full moon of the 6th month... the year of the buddhism’s birth. equivalent to 623 b.c. i' m the prime in the world. foremost in the world. most excellent in the world. my last birth. there will be no more birth for me. sadhu! (amen!)

"kapilavatthu city'' i have heard the good news of your son's birth. i have come to pay a visit. venerable asita...i thank you very much and that you have been respected.. by the sakyan royal family...for a long time now. would you be so kind to examine my child health... and physical characteristics... the whole family gathered in here will be able to hear.

your majesty please place your child... in the cradle first. so that i can see him well. this royal child exhibits all the characteristics... of a great being..laid down in the ancient text. i have never seen any being... with the signs expressed to such perfection. huh! venerable asita.. i have examined the characteristics

of your new born son. i predict that... when your son has grown up choose he live the household life... he will become...a wheel-turning monarch. a great king of the world. but..if he choose leave... he will become a fully enlightened buddha. supreme teacher of gods and humans.

huh! but it's such a pity! what such a pity...venerable asita?*** it's a pity that i am too old. to have the chance to live to see... this great being grow up. in the future... my son will a great being. with more power and might... than any other in the world.

5 days after the birth of the royal baby. from the 108 brahmans... i invited...for the naming ceremony. you 8 have been selected to interpret... my baby son's characteristics. you're all proficient please..give your predictions for my son's future life. your majesty... having examined your son's characteristics...

i predict that.. choose he inherit of throne... he will become a great wheel-turning monarch. with an empire that spreads..far in every directions. but choose he go forth as a monk... he'll become..the perfectly enlightened buddha. the unequal supreme teacher... and the world. venerable koṇḍaã±ã±a...

you are the last of the eight brahmans... do you agree with the other seven brahmans? that my son has two courses... either to become a great wheel-turning monarch... or to become a fully enlightened buddha? i have considered your son's characteristic in detail. i can see only one path for him. he would certainly not live as a householder. but will go forth as a monk.

and he will become enlighted as the lord buddha this is beyond doubt...your majesty. your predict my son will reject the household life. what would cause him... to make such a decision? your son will see four signs... an old man... a sick man... a death man...

and a monk. these signs.. will inspire him to give up the royal throne. for the sake of the holy life... through which he will become enlightened as the buddha. well...i would like my son... to be a great wheel-turning monarch. ruling the four great continents. the greatest prestige for any king.

from this point onwards...i would not allow my son... to ever see an old...sick... or dead man. or a monk. having predicted the prince's future life the eight brahmans give him the auspicious name ...siddhartha. meaning...he who will succeed in that what he desired.

having return to their homes... each of the brahmans instruct their sons... that when the time comes for the new prince to leave the household life... they should go forth... and follow him. seven days after prince siddhartha's birth. his mother... queen sirimahamaya

passed away. and became a the heaven of dusita. so king åšuddhodana had queen sirimahamaya's... younger sister... mahapajapati...raised prince siddhartha. later the king...took mahapajapati... as his new queen. king åšuddhodana and queen mahapajapati... had a son and a daughter together.

but the queen still loved and cared... for prince siddhartha. as if he were her own son. both of you...would like to go... and watch the plough ceremony...weren't you? today my father has had the city decorated. in preparation for a great ceremony. it only takes place once a year. go and watch!

i will simply sit here you needn't worry about me. with your permission. we're going watch for a while. as soon as the ceremony is finished we'll be right back...your highness. left alone in a peaceful and shady glade prince siddhartha began to sit in meditation. attending the tranquility of the first jhana.

as the afternoon passed by... the shadow of all the trees moved with the course of the sun. except for the shade of the rose apple tree under which the prince sat. it did not shift position. but remained steadily in place. when the companions returned and saw this wonder.

they were startled and conveyed the news to the king who went to see... for himself. when my son was newly born. asita the hermit came to look at him. and to my surprise..he bowed at my son's feet. on that day, i also bowed to my son for the first time. now...

my son has performed this marvel. having seen it i feel i must bow to him for a second time. when prince siddhartha was 7 years old. king åšuddhodana... had 3 ponds dug in the grounds of the palace so that the prince... could enjoy himself playing with his friends.

upon seeing that the prince has grown sufficiently to begin his education. king suddhodana sent him to study with the reknowned teacher visavamita. prince siddhartha... trained in 18 arts and sciences until he was adept. he was his teacher's top student. and before too long

he had learned all that his master could teach. when prince siddhartha... reached the age of 16. king suddhodana had 3 palaces built for his son. one in which to reside... during the hot season. one...for the rainy season.

and one...for the cold season. the king wishing to prevent his son. from leaving the household life. consulted with his ministers. and obtained the hand... of princess yasodhara. for marriage time passed by... until prince siddhartha...

reached the age of 29 years. siddhartha. there is nothing worth seeing outside. of the royal palace. since i was a child i've not once set foot outside of the great walls of this palace. i would like to see what is outside.. there is no place out there as beautiful

and pleasant... as right here inside the royal palace. that may be true... but i still like to go and see for myself. please give me go outside father. heh... well, if you really want to... i won't frustrate son. i'll have a royal chariot prepared

tomorrow morning you may go outside. thank you very much father. oh... so this is what it's like outside the palace. why did my father say that nothing worth seeing. and wished for me not to go out. channa! stop the chariot.

what is it your highness? look at that man over there... why is his skin so wrinkled? and why is he having trouble walking? aww. that is an old man your highness. an old man? everyone who live for long enough will come to be like that man your highness.

everyone must come to a state like that... why is that man sitting in shivering over there? he is sick, your highness. he is sick? sickness is a natural part of life we must all experience sickness. everyone of us. your highness! your highness...where are you going?

your highness...please come back! please get back on the chariot...your highness. this a man wrapped in that cloth isn't there? your highness...that's a dead man. and must we all died? yes, your highness. there isn't anyone...that can escape death. even me? huh...

even you are subjected to death... channa! stop the chariot. that is a monk, your highness. calm and peaceful composed with strength truly inspiring. your highness, your wife has just gave birth to a son. my dear child. i've just become seeking for path beyond suffering.

and now, you are born. like a snare for my heart. i will give you the name... rahula...which means... fetter. yasodhara... you are as dear to me as my own heart. are everything to me. but not one of us can escape old age.

sickness... and death. i must find the way for all of go beyond suffering. no matter how much troubles and turmoil. there is in the search. channa...wake up! what is it? channa...go quickly and prepare my horse khandaka

don't let anybody see you. meet me in front of the palace's gate. hurry! at the moment that prince siddhartha... was leaving the palace's gate. vasavatti mara the great deceiver manifested. he was now worried that he could not use the prince's enjoyment.

of sensual pleasures... to keep him under his control. hahaha...ha prince! better go back into the royal palace. in there everything is lovely. pleasant and comfortable! in just 7'll become a great wheel-turning monarch. don't give all of this up.

if you leave, you get nothing but trouble... torment,suffering and sorrow. i don't want to become a great wheel-turning monarch. i don't wish for possession or comfort and happiness. because such things are not likely to free me from suffering nor are they likely to help me assist my love ones and my subjects...

step aside and allow me to pass... do you think you can escape from my power? i'll be here, waiting for see. for a chance to overwhelm with grieve and greater delusion. i'll follow you like a shadow. let's see who will win this battle. "anoma riverside" we reached the river anoma

stop right here channa. if i am to attain... to the supreme enlightened knowledge. may these strands of hair. float away into the air. but if i am not to succeed may they fall to the ground right here. when the prince threw his hair up into the air. it flowed into the sky...and didn't fall dow.

indra, the king of the gods. caught it in the crystal casket. which he then enshrine in the churamanee's shrine. in the tävatimsa heaven. the brahma ghatikara offered the prince the eight requisites of avasamana. and received in their place the prince's remnant which he installed in the dussa shrine

in the brahma world. don't be sad and upset...channa. i'm doing this in order to seek the way out... of suffering for all beings. you must go back and inform my father. that i will not return to the royal palace. until i have attained direct knowledge. of the end of suffering. the horse khandaka was so grieved

to be parted from prince siddhartha. that his heart gave out...and he died right there. the power of his appreciation in gratitude. to his master. carried him to tävatimsa heaven. where he was reborn... as a god. having left channa behind the renunciant prince walked on.

to a mango grove. where he stopped and resided. eating no food for a period of 7 days. "rajagaha city" on the eight day, the renunciant prince left the mango grove. to go for alms in the city of rajagah all the town's people could see that this monk was different from other renunciants.

because of his radiant complexion. and an effortly calm demeanor. oh...he is so handsome. what is he...a god? wow...he is handsome, he is beautiful. that is amazing how could that guy be like that. delighted...the people spoke to one another. praising the monk splendor. saying that it was as if is a god...

had descended from heaven. for humans to see. once the renunciant had received a suitable amount of alms food. he returned to his place of rest. sitting... the prince contemplated the motley food offering within his alms bowl all mixed together.

it was an unappetizing sight. in the past, i would partake of only the most refined and delicious foods. now leading the holy life... for the sake of seeking truth. cannot be any point in being fancy over what i eat. this nourishment is merely a necessity

for sustaining life. king bhimbisala of rajagaha. sent his man on the trail of this samana(monk) whom the town people regarded this splendid like a god. he then went to see... the renunciant prince for himself. when king bhimbisala saw the dignified peaceful demeanor of the young monk.

he felt greatly inspired. then...exchanging conversations with the samana(monk) the delight in his heart increased all the more due to a suspicion that prince siddhartha. had left the palace to due dispute. with his relatives over the throne. king bhimbisara offered the throne... of rajagaha to the prince.

but the prince...refused the king offer. having renounced his own throne. not due to a dispute. but in order to seek the way... beyond suffering. with such firm intention. i'm sure you attain a supreme enlightenment. once you have done so... may i request...that you come

and teach the dhama (doctrine). to myself and to the citizens of rajagaha. the renunciant prince travelled on to the hermitage of arala karama in order to study and practice under him. in a short time, he had learned all that his master could teach and so then he traveled on

to seek audraka ramaputra at his hermitage. before long he had come to the end of this teacher's knowledge too. when he asked about attainment beyond that which he had already been taught. audraka ramaputra could offer no reply. but instead offered him the leadership of the community.

but when the bodhisattva saw... that what he had learned was not the way out of suffering he was seeking. he took his leave. and moved on. in order to continue his search for higher truth. the bodhisattva came to uruvela at senanikama and considered the fresh coolness of a shady forest.

with orderly row of trees and a river running through located nearby to the village. it's seem the suitable place for him to continue striving for liberation. so he ceased this traveling and settled in that spot. the brahman khondanya...was very pleased to hear the news that prince siddhartha... had gone forth.

and hurried to seek out the sons... of each of the 7 another brahmans. with whom he had divined the identity of the bodhisatta according to his physical characteristics when he was just born. he managed to gather and persuade only 4 of these sons and then together, the 5 brahmans ...

left the household life. and set off in search of the great renunciant. the 5 brahmans now going forth. were...khondhanya, vappa, bhadiya mahanama and assaji this group of 5 together were knowed as the panchavakiya (the 5 ascetics) the panchavakiya followed after the boddhisatta through various places

until they found him practicing ardently. in the place where he had settled. they settled there with him. attaining to his needs. with the hope that when he attains the enlightenment he would teach the dharma(knowledge) to them. the renunciant prince was intended on seeking the path to enlightenment. so he took up 3 of the extreme ascetic practices.

that were favored by the practitioners of those days. for the first period... he placed his teeth against his teeth. and his tongue against his palate. so firmly that sweat ran from his whole body. the pain was as severe as someone were gripping his throat tightly. strangling him. when he saw that this was not the way...

to enlightenment he gave up on the practice. and changed to another method for the second period, he restricted his in and out breaths stifling them until both his ears rang loudly his head ached, and his stomach racked with pain his body as if on fire but no matter how great the distress

he did not give up his efforts until he saw... that this was not the way to enlightenment. seeing this...he gave up the practice and changed to another method. for the third period, he fasted until he was emaciated...wrinkled his complexion discolored his bones and sinews extruded.

exhausted of energy and suffering greatly rubbing his hand over his body the hairs stuck to his palm. i've carried out the extreme ascetic practices. pushing the body to limits. which no other could exceed why have i am not yet attained enlightenment? or perhaps... this path is not the liberation.

the bodhisatta is worrying and wondering. about the path to realization. what is the best way to help him... ah..ha! this is the way... one string of that lute is too tight. little plucked and it's snaps. one string is too loose. when plucked the sound is barely heard

one string is just right not too loose not too tight. when plucked... the sound resonated far and wide sweetly. oh...this is the practice of middle way... that lead to enlightened knowledge. but the current state of my body surely can't support efforts

and developing the mind along the path of practice. prince siddhartha. whom we had held in esteem as a bodhisatta down for success if not the practicing strictly for succeeded using all his effort it's still achieve enlightenment. now, he relaxes his efforts.

and eating proper food again. how he ever succeed. venerable khondanya. you are the most senior among us. what do you think we should do? under the circumstances.. there can be no use in attending to him any longer. the time has come for us to take a leave.

on the night of the 14th waxing moon... of the 6th lunar month. the dawn was approaching... and the bodhisatta closed to waking. five auspicious signs appeared in his dreams. which he interpreted... as follows... one. he would achieve enlightenment...

as the buddha. two. he would declare the true dharma for the benefit of all humans and deities. 3 a great number of people would come to trail under him. that establishing.. the buddha.

the dharma(doctrines). and the sanga (monks). four. people of all castes and classes. access training under him. would come to understand the same pure dharma. five people from all over the world would bring offerings to him.

to express their faith and trust. but his heart would remain unstained by even the slide this attachment... to such wealth. in the village of uruvela senanikama. there lived the wealth female daughter... named "sujada" when she was young. she made a vow to the deity

abiding in the banyan tree closed by. so that she might have a husband of equal wealth and birth. and that the first child might be a son. once her wishes have been fulfilled. she prepared the right dish. prepared with cow's milk and honey. as an offering to honor the tree deity. madam sujada!!

what's the matter puna why are you rushing in such excited way? it seems that the tree god has come to receive your offering! i saw him at the banyan tree over there... with my own eyes. he is glowing with the beautiful halo all around him. everyone quickly help!

puna go and fetch a golden tray for the honey milk rice. we will take it out to offer to the tree god. quickly go go! all of my wishes happen so great as regranted. please... may i offer this meal, honey milk rice and this golden tray to you. "neranjara river"

i offer this prayer. if i am to succeed in realizing perfectly enlightened knowledge. may this golden tray float up the river against the current. but if i am not to achieve my goal. may this tray float downstream with the current. ah.... in no long time

three buddhas had become enlightened here. and now one more, it's about to attain. to the dharma. i'm a brahmin konsostiyasa i'm in inspired with great faith at the sight of you. please let me show my respect may i offer you 8 handfuls of blade grass. for as long as i have not yet attain to supreme enlightened knowledge.

even my blood and flesh. should dry up with only skin bones and sinew remaining i shall not rise from this seat. i've been following prince siddhartha every steps. so i just stop him from achieving enlightenment if i let him go ahead with this he will slip out of my glass for sure. i must cut him off now.

i must destroy him. the power of the bodhisatta... spiritual quality and goodness. accumulated over countless lifetimes protected him. as though as invisible armour. his heart is sturdy and peaceful. unshaking by fear. do you think you can escape?

from vassavati mara's control. my powerful weapons cannot harm the prince. i must make use of a ruse. to deceive him. the seat you sit on came to be because of... my own spiritual powers. my troops are my witnessed you must get up at once!

pay attention...king of deceivers this seat come to me... as the fruit of my good actions accumulated through all of my efforts in the past. but who will be a witness... to your ownership of this seat? i will be a witness. darani! godness of the earth. all the merits made by his good actions.

in the past. even the water what he have poured on the ground in dedicate of merits soaked up by my hair and kept close to my head is sufficient to be a witness to his virtue. after his victory over mara. and his host of deceivers. the bodhisatta's mind was firm. focused and concentrated.

at dusk... the bodhisatta began to develop meditate inside. attaining to the first knowledge. "pubenivasa nusatinyana" the ability to recollect his past lives. in the silence of the late night... he attained the second knowledge. "chutupapa thanyana" knowledge of the passing away and rebirth...

of beings according to the results... of theirs actions. closed to dawn. the bodhisatta attained to the third knowledge. "asavakayanana" knowledge of the destruction of mental defilements. complete liberation and freedom from suffering. he does came to be... the fully self-awaking.

buddha. "the 15th day of the 6th waxing moon" 528 bc. craving... with you i've been born again and again. but now you're reviewed. and your power...redundant. after the bodhisatta. had attained to the dharma.

and become the buddha. he sat under the mahabodhi tree enjoying the bless of freedom. for 7 days. then he went and stood in the open gazing back at the mahabodhi tree. in recollecting it's virtues. he stood there and gazed without blinking. after that

the new buddha walked back and forth. between the mahabodhi tree... and the place where he had stood. for another 7 days. having walked meditation for 7 days. for the fourth week he sat meditation. in a crystal shelter. prepared for him by heavenly beings. he sat in contemplated..

the most profound dharma. sisters raka, oradee... that's the reclused gautama who attained the dharma. that's right sister tunha. that's him for sure. our father, lord mara together with all his troops could not defeat this one.

i was humiliated.'s all of us to find the way to take revenges. tanha, raka in this world, i've never met a man who his heart could resist the 3 of us. we who embodied infatuation. and disire oradee, you're right

we will use our femininity to ensnare the recluse gautama in the bond of sensuality. and then tango him for countless times. oh prince! prince... daughters of mara. go back! there is noway you can succeed... in what you're trying to do.

for i have utterly destroyed all kinds of satisfaction and infatuation. my name is tanha and this is raka and oradee. we're not here to tease or deceive you. ฺbut the truth is we are quite to taken with the sight of you. really and truly sir.

no one. no one has ever made us feel... so enamor as you. no one sir. that's right. the 3 of us offer our bodies... and our hearts to your service. expecting no reward. our wish is simply that you find satisfaction in us.

even if only for a short time. that would make us so very happy. i've told you already. i have utterly destroyed all kinds of satisfaction you will not find what you're looking for. there is nothing for you here. you should go away. i'm going! from this moment on...

no one would ever again be able to wile the power over samana gautama. the enlightened one. 6th week after enligtenment. in the sixth week, the buddha sat enjoying the bless of freedom. underneath the mukkalinda tree as he sat.

the rain fell constantly. a king of nagas (great snakes). called muchalinda saw him and was inspired with faith he coiled his body around the buddha. then open his hood... over the blessed one's head. to protect him from the wind and rain. when the wind and rain subsided

he uncoiled from the buddha. and changed his body into the form... of a young man. bowing and paying respect to the buddha. i naga king muchalinda, i'm the buddha servant. i pay homage to the blessed one. silence is happiness for the one who had seen the dharma

delight in the peace of exclusion. harmlessness to all beings. freedom from lust. and overcoming sensuality. these are highest joys in the world. eradication of conceit. is the greatest happiness of all. in the seventh week after his enlightenment. the buddha sat and enjoyed the bless of freedom.

under the tree called "rajayatana" oh lord buddha. you have enjoyed the bless of freedom for seven weeks without taking any food to eat. please accept this medicine of fruit i have brought to you. from the heavenly world. those two merchant brothers. made merit with me in the past.

i should take this opportunity to help them meet the buddha. look that putsa. all of our cows have stopped as if they are fixed to the ground. no matter how much our men whip the bullocks to make them pull the cows still won't budge they just won't move.

that's strange! and why would the... you two merchants. do you know that the just now enlightenment. perfectly awaking buddha is now sitting under the rajayatana tree over there. you better go, and pay your respect to him. then offer him the baked ground grain meal you're carrying with you. it will be a cause for your benefit

and happiness for long time. your two humble servants. bring baked and ground grain meal to offer. please may the lord buddha accept our offering. i lost my own bowl before my enlightenment. when i accepted the honey milk **** from sujada. i floated the golden tray off in the stream

now these two merchants are offering me a meal. a recluse should not have more than one arms bowl we..taprusa and bhalica. declare ourselves to be lay buddhists. we take refuge in the buddha and the dharma. for the rest of our lives. your two humbles servants, bhalica and taprusa. would like to ask you for some object

that we may keep to honor and revere. i have attained the dharma. which is profound and subtle. it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the practice there are several kinds of people in this world. the quick-witted unpon hearing my teaching know and understand them quickly.

just like a lotus flower... above the surface of the water. that blossoms as soon as it receive the sun's rays. those are moderate intelligences having heard my teaching and them receive some further explanation and training...are able to know and understand within short time. just like a lotus flower

levels with the surface of the water. ready to blossom the next day. the slow-witted having heard the teaching receiving further explanation and training persevering with faith unable to know and understand in the end. like a lotus flower below the water. which growth upward before finally breaking

through the surface and blossoming. the final kind of person. no matter how many times they hear the dharma. are unlikely to grasp the meaning or understand. although they're listening may be a call for realization in a future existents. this type maybe compare to a lotus down in the muck and mire.

fall in prey of fish and turtle not rising up and blossoming. this being the case, i'll preserve my life. for the sake of spreading the dharma. i will teaching in calm until the dharma become firmly and estalish and wide spread to the benefit and happiness of all for a long time. sadhu!(amen)'s pity that arala the hermit passed away 7 days ago. and audraka the hermit passed away just yesterday. if arala karama could have lived for another 7 days. and audraka ramapruta just one more day. they would both have surely attained enlightenment. the buddha had known through superhuman knowledge of the passing away

of arala karama and audraka ramapruta then he remembered the panchavakiya. the five monks who had attended him while he was practicing extreme asceticism. each of the five had well develop faculties. if they could hear the teaching they would surely soon attain to the dharma.

"isipatana forest" "the 14th day of the 8th waxing moon ah...that is gautama. the recluse the one to who we formerly attended. so what is this? the one who gave up his austerities. all right. if he comes here...

we won't bother to get up and welcome him. we just put out a seat. if he want to sit down, then let him sit. look... we're so glad to meet with him again. that we forgot to our agreement as to show no interest. even i myself forgot it completely. recluse gautama...

when leads you to visit us here in this forest? do not address me on that way. i have now...attained to the dharma. pay attention to my words. if you follow my instructions before very long, you realized the dharma. you're practicing asceticism for the long time. you did not become enlightened.

so how could you? how could you have attained liberation after giving up your efforts. and causing us to abandon you throughout all of that time... did i ever say anything like this to you all? no, it's true. you have never said anything like this to us before. entangling oneself in sensual indulgent.

tormenting one's body with hardship and pain. these are ways of renunciation not undertake. for they stray from the path of enlightenment. the middle way, that is the noble eightfold paths. it's the practice that leads to nirvana. there are four noble truths as follows... suffering... desire of the body... desire of the mind...

should be understood. craving. which is the core of suffering should be... abandoned. cessation of suffering should be realized. the path of practice leading to the leading to the cessation of suffering should be developed once the buddha had gave...

his first dharma teaching. the venerable khondanya... gained the vision of dharma. and that became this first stream-enterer. anya khondanya! khondanya knows the truth. lord buddha please grant me ordination. as the buddhist's monk. you are now a bhikkhu (monk).

well told teach the dharma. practice the holy life. and put an end to suffering. the buddha gave ordination... to venerable vappa. on the first day of the waning moon venerable bhadiya...on the second day. venerable mahanama...on the third. and venerable assaji...on the fourth.

on the fifth day of the waning moon of the eight lunar month. the buddha gave the teaching known as the "anattalakkhaṇa sutta" which means "not-self characteristic discourse" the five groups that we take as ourselves. are as follows... body. feeling.

pleasant, unpleasant. and neutral. perception and memory. mental formations. sense consciousness awareness of mental impression. these five aggregates are not me not him or her. not mine, not his or hers.

not myself not his or herself. all these things are impermanent and insubstantial. it is their nature to arise... persist for awhile. and then pass away. after listening to the teaching. each of panchavakiya.

attain to "arahantship" (nirvana) actually these women are not so attractive at all. my father built me 3 mansions... one for each seasons of the year. he hired beautiful maidens to play music and entertain me. i thought, i was living a happy life. but... now i feel tired of this way of life.

is this all i came into this world for? are these the only things... that can give one happiness in life. then... why do i feel so bored...and fed up? how troubled i feel. how frustrated. it is not troubling here... it's not frustrating.

come this way yasa. and i will teach you the dharma. "däna" or giving... means to training one's heart ... to know generosity, to know sacrifice. "sila" or morality means establishing one's heart within the full doctrines of goodness. heaven is the reward for a host of heart.

the harm of sense pleasures... is the heat and worry that come with attachment to the sense of a self. the benefit of renunciation is that... present suffering can be abandoned with no other suffering taking its places. after the gradual teaching... the buddha taught the four noble truths. once he has given that teaching

yasa attained to the full vision of stream entry. hey... these are my son yasa's shoes. wait here all of you i'll go after him myself. here come the father... if he meet with his son now, it may prevent him for realizing the dharma.

you, sit in there... have you seen a young man named yasa? he is my son. please take a seat first. and after that, you will meet with your son. then the buddha gave the same dharma teaching that he had given to yasa. the buddha has helped gain...

the vision of dharma. i declare myself as buddhist and take the triple gems as my refuge. for the rest of my life. yasa! hurry back home! your mother doesn't stop crying. out of worry for you. let's go back now.

*** yasa had now heard my dharma teaching twice. and has fully penetrated in it he is now an arahan (attained enlightenment) with no sources of returning to the household life. yasa, now you've gained what is truly supreme. please may i invite the lord buddha to receive almsfood at my house this morning.

once, the wealthy man has left. yasa requested ordination. as a bhikkhu(monk) once yasa's mother and wife... heard the buddha's teachings they both gained the vision of dharma. attaining the full vision of stream entry. they declared them self as buddhists into refuge in the triple gems.

becoming the first... female followers of buddhism. vimala... subhahu... punaji... and kawampati. you are my close friends during the time when i was a layman. now i've gone forth.

and do not concern myself... with worldly pursuits. for what reasons are you all here? we heard, you've gone forth. i was sure... you must have had good reasons to do so. and so we came to see you. what if that the cases... i'll take you to meet the lord buddha

the one who had shown me the light. i would request the lord buddha. to give you instructions as well. follow me. listen all of you once you know the unwholesome and the roots of the unwholesome. know the wholesome and these roots. know decay and death

as well as their causes. know the cessation of decay and death. the path leading to the cessation of decay and death. once you know... suffering and these causes. the cessation of suffering. know the path leading to then you can be said... to have the right view.

the 50 of you are all friends from my home region. if you need help with something... i will do whatever i can... to help you. when we heard that you are ordained... as a monk we felt inspired and imitated us want to ordain as well.

very good. i would take you to meet the lord buddha. but you must make request... for ordination yourself. listen all of you. a bhikkhu in this dharma vinaya is taught not to grasp at any states hearing this... he understands with wisdom

understanding with wisdom... he attains to knowing... all states as they arise. knowing feelings as they arise pleasant feelings, unpleasant feelings not the pleasant, nor unpleasant feelings. he considers the impermanent nature of feelings

he observes the arising persisting and passing away of feelings. seeing impermanences... he grows weary of feelings weary and disinterested... he is able to let go. meditating on letting go not grasping or clinging to feelings. leads him to contemplation

and realization of cessation. bhihhkus. you have now attain... the sublime dharma. so go forth and travel from place to place, spreading the dharma. proclaim buddhism

for the benefit of the many. but let no to travel on the same route. as for myself... i will go to uruvela senanikama, to spread the teachings there. because of that one courtesan, the 30 of us has have to go through... all this trouble. forcing a way through the forest

and the cotton plantation. that's right! she stole our cloths and our jewelry. if we catch up with her then. wwwwww...wait! look! there is an ascetic sitting under that tree over there. let's ask him if he saw her pass by. ascetic sir, do you see a courtesan dress in green pass by here?

please sir! she took off with our clothing and our jewelry so now we're searching for her. but we can't seem of find her. all of bhadhavakiya. it is better for you to seek for this woman or to seek for yourself. heu....

i guess... it would be better to seek for our self. in that case... i will teach you the dharma. the wise person rids himself of infatuation, and preoccupation with the 5 sensual pleasures. he see that life is shorted, and to be distracted... by such pleasures.

it's like being snare and bound up... just as a fish is caught by a hook, having taking the bait... it's a cause for much suffering and struggle there after. bhadhavakiya, you have now all been ordained. as buddhist monks. so go forth and proclaim buddhism. by spreading the dharma...

for benefit and happiness of all. "uruvela-kassapa the hermit" "nadee-kassapa the hermit" "kaya-kassapa the hermit" ascetic sir. why are you coming into my hermitage? venerable uruvela-kassapa. i've come to ask permission to stay here.

here we practice fire-worship... but this ascetic is not of our kind. what does he want? i'm sorry sir, i have no accommodation for you here. please...look elsewhere. but i will suggest... that you travel in the different directions from this. this bank of the neranjana...

is occupied by we three jadila brothers. my name is uruvela-kassapa the surrounding area belong to myself. and my 500 followers further on down the river, it's the hermitage of my younger brother. nadee-kassapa and his 300 followers. the area beyond that...

is occupied by kaya-kassapa, my youngest brother. with his 200 followers. these three riverside hermitages are full. there is no room for you to stay. but i can see a place which is available. where ascetic? in your fire-worship enshrine. please give me permission

for me to stay there. ascetic, i don't mind if you stay in there. but i must warn you... that there is a fierce and strongly... poisonous serpent there. if you spend the night in there, your life will be engraved danger. uruvela-kassapa

please give me permission to stay. the serpent king will do me no harm. if you say so...please make yourself comfortable in the fire-worshiping house. by now, the recluse must have been burn up by the fire of serpent king. aw... this recluse has a great might.

but despite his power, he still not yet an arahant like me. this ascetic has indeed of great might the gods of every heaven realms take turn to come each nights to hear his teachings. he still not yet an arahant as i am. this has been a tumultuous rain and it has flooded the whole area.

surely the ascetic has been washed away or drown master sir! master! look over there! this ascetic has so much power. but despite all of these the fire-worshiper is so proud and conceited. he insist he is an arahant. how stubborn he is.

your way of practice... does not lead you to the path of truth. so why you conceit yourself as arahant? having deceive yourself, you deceive others. if you could give up your pride... and practice according to my teachings. in no longtime, you'll be truly be an arahant. oh

i realize my fault. please may the buddha allow me to take... ordination. and teach me the dharma. you are the master of a great hermitage with many followers. you should make this known to all of them. this robe and fire-worship in implements. must have washed down the river

from where my two others older brothers live. something must have happened to them. brother uruvela! brother nadee! oh...kaya! your two elders brothers have found... the right way of the dharma. quickly, bring your 200 followers, to approach the buddha.

the one who illuminates the path. all bhikkhus. all things are burning contact with the eyes, ears nose, tongue body and mind are burning. feelings. mental formations and consciousness with the present.

painful... or neither pleasant nor painful... are burning. burning with lust, hatred and delusion. burning with birth, aging...and death. burning with sorrow lamentation...pain...grieve,

and despair. the well tough known disciple seeing this... becomes weary of thoughs and feelings. being weary, he releases his clinging. releasing his clinging. his heart is freed. oh!... the buddha has come to stay right here.

when i was a young prince i met five wishes. may i be crowded in king of the makada state. may the buddha come to my land. three. may i have an audience with the buddha. may the buddha teach me the dharma. and five. may i realize his teachings.

it seem that all of my wishes... are about to be fulfilled. follow me! we're going to seek out the buddha. and ask for his teaching. däna or giving. has forgiveness as its highest form. if one develops giving along with forgiveness. one becomes gentle and restrained.

and one's heart becomes cool. this is because one has to let go... of one's attachment... to material things. and to one's sense of self. and now... all of my wishes have been fulfilled. oh...yes! your teaching fills me with the greatest joy.

may i invite the lord buddha... and all of the bhikkhus... to have a meal in my palace... tomorrow morning. the lattiwana park where you stay... is far from the city. it is not convenient... for the faithful visit. please... may i offer the veruvana park to you?

the veruvana park is cool, shady and very large. not far from the city. but still quiet and peaceful. please. give me your permission... to build a monastery...for you here. "veruvana monastery" oh! this is the great veruvana monastery.

as saw in foundation for budddhsm has now been laid. since i...assaji, left the buddha at the deer park in order to go and spread his teachings. i've not met with him at all. "the nalanda district" (nearby the city of rajagaha) upatissa...

you're not enjoying in the play are you? you seem completely indifferent and uninterested. ask youself the same question golita. you seem quiet unimpressed yourself. heu... neither the actress and all of viewers... will live for more than 100 years. in no longtime, we'll all be dead.

we absorb in watching entertainments. seeking fun but for what benefit. surely, could be better to seek the path... beyond those suffering. i've been thinking the same way as you. all right then... let's seek out the teacher under whom we can live and practice. to which hermitage should we go?

which teacher should we seek out? these days, there are so many sects but we should chose the school of master sanjaya it's large and respected, with many followers. located right in the city of rajagaha beside ourselves. left to persuade of followers to go with us.

all right. we'll leave tomorrow. the two of us have trained on the master sanjaya. until he has nothing more to teach us. quite so.. this*** doctrine that not teach the way... the way to deliverance as we're seeking. if that so..we have to seek out another hermitage, another master. we've been friend for a long time

expect if we make the promise that who of a one of us discover the path out of suffering first. will seek out the another and inform him. agreed?agreed. this renunciant...walks with such inspiring mindfulness and composure. i've never seen any recluse like him before. i must take this oppertunity

to prepare hime a seat and attend to his needs. then when he has eaten. i will politely ask him where he come from. venerable sir. my names is upatissa. but some people called me sariputta after my mother's name sari. please may i be permitted to ask you?

where did you ordain? who is your teacher? whose teachings or words do you follow? my name is venerable assaji. my master is the lord buddha. from the sakyan clan. i'm his disciple and follow his teachings. and what exactly did you master teach you? i've just been ordained

and i cannot give you all of the profound teachings. but i can give you brief version. what ever dharma arise to the causes. the great teacher explain those causes. and the ending of those dharmas. upatissa you repeat me such short teaching that you heard.

and it's enough for me to see the dharma. quickly, let's go persuade master sanjaya to seek out venerable assaji's teacher. in this world... of would you think there is more... intelligent people or foolish people? more foolish people master. such being the case... let those intelligent people go to study

under samana goatama. i stay here for the sake of foolish. bhikkhus. those two friends walking in here together. are to be my pair of foremost disciples. the one well established in morality. develops ever person awareness... of they arise in the mind. seeing such objects arising...

and ceasing continually. he begins to grow weary of them. becoming weary, he lets go of his grasping and clinging. letting go of grasping and clinging... his heart is released. having heard the buddha's teaching. all of two friend's followers attained arahantship.(fully enlightenment)

but upatissa and golita themselves. with the great accumulation of spiritual qualities in wisdom were disposed to a slower... but more profound realization of the dharma. and therefore... they not yet become fully enlightened. the two of you are now ordained as monks. i give you the name which should be

an honor to your mothers as follows: venerable sariputta and... venerable moggallana. 7 days later moggallana. employ the method for overcoming doziness. that i taught you. moggallana feeling with the pleasant

unpleasant or neutral is impermanent. it is of the nature to arise and decease. being impermanent... it make for suffering. being impermanent, it is transitory and insubstantial unreal anitjang [impermanent]

dukkha [suffering ], annatta [non-self] venerable buddha sir. i take the feel that all things are disagreeable to me i do not delight in anything. that's being the case... you should not delight in your view, should you? deekanaka. some people have the view... that all thing are disagreeable to them.

some have the view... that all things are agreeable to them. and other have the view... that somethings are agreeable and something dis agreeable to them. each of these views are base on grasping and clinging to the notion of a self. remaining attach. one continues to grasp the feeling

as they arise who ever should reflect on such feelings as impermanent phenomena conditionally arising existing and passing away. will come to grow weary of condition of phenomena. this weariness leads to the fading of lust. with the fading of lust... comes freedom from attachment. when the heart is free from attachment

one knows the heart had been freed hearing the buddha's teaching. a bright stud which over turned reveals stud which was hidden shows the way to one who was lost shine the light in the darkness. i take the buddha, dharma and sangha. as refuges for the rest of my life. the venerable sariputta...

was now the buddha's right hand disciple foremost in wisdom venerable moggallana... was the buddha's left hand disciple. foremost in psychic powers. both became great support to the buddha. as he continued to spread his teaching to people far...and wide. oh venerable assaji...

today had brought such a wonder. yes, indeed. many of buddhist's faithful disciples. hearing that the lord buddha was staying in veruwala monastry traveled separately to meet him and pay their respects. this one great meeting was the occasion for four great marvels.

"chaturanga sanipatta" means that 4 marvels occurred together on the same day. 1) on that day 1250 disciples of the buddha came together. without having made any prior arrangement. 2) each of those disciples had been ordained by the buddha himself. 3) each of those disciples

was attained to arahantship. 4) the meeting took place... on the full moon of the 3rd lunar month which is named "maga" today is the day of the chaturanga sanipatta. i deliver the "ovada patimokkha" to the bhikkus. to refrain from all evil, to do good to one's utmost

and to purify one's mind this practice is the fundamental principle of buddhism. "kapilavatthu city" kaludayi, my senior counselor... ever since i first heard that my son had attained enlightenment an become the buddha. i've been wishing to meet him.

nine times, i've sent the counselors each times accompany with the retinues of 999 in subjects... to invite the buddha to come to kapilavatthu. each times the party of 1000 has disappeared without a trace. that is 9000 subjects i've sent and heard nothing in return.

well, kaludayi... since you're my senior counselor. and have been close friend with my son since childhood. i must send you with your retinues to seek out the buddha at veruvana monastery. and invite him one more time surely will succeed in this. yes, your majesty.

i will do my best to bring the lord buddha back to the city of kilapavatu. and with your permission i would also like to request the ordination from the lord buddha on this occasion. i give you my permission. counselor kaludayi. please make your journey as quickly as possible. i'll be waiting to hear news from you.

each of you should diligently train yourself as i'll not grasp... at the internal sense feels of the eyes ears, nose, tongue body and mind. i will not grasp at the external sense feels of form, sound, smell...taste bodily contact

and the mental objects. i will not grasp at contact between the internal and external sense feels i will not grasp at feelings. i'll not clinging to the five aggregates of the body. feeling, perception thought and consciousness. i will not cling to this world

or the next. when i see clinging to all that i've seen heard, known felt, thought and imagine all feelings of attachment to this would also cease. a person's heart may be purified to consistently apply efforts and practice. through wisdim, through dharma.

and through morality. not by means of one's class family or property. lord buddha, summer begins tomorrow. all the farmers have harvested their crops. the path to the city of kapilavatthu is opened and suitable for travel. your father had the strong wish to meet with you and your disciples.

please...under compassion travel to the city of kapilavatthu and teach dharma to your father. please...teach dharma to your relatives there. i accept your invitation kaludayi. please inform the bhikkus so that they can prepare themselves. for travel. the road from rajakaha to kapilavatthu

is 60 leagues. the lord buddha along with 20000 disciples would travel one league par day. in 60 days, they would arrive at kipilavatu city. "nigrodharama monastry in kipilavatu" my brothers chose ***this banyan grove to build nigrodha monastery as an offering to the buddha. it's been 60 days,

since venerable kaludayi sent news of the buddha's departure from rajakaha city. my relatives... are waiting here to greet him. the lord buddha and 20000 bhikkus have arrived, your highness! the lord buddha's relatives are clinging to the view that the buddha is junior to them

because he is younger in age. they position their young princes in front of themselves. so that they won't have to pay their respects. when my son was newly born and asita the hermit bowed to him. at that time i also pay homage for the first time. seven years later during the royal ploughing ceremony.

my son sat in meditation. and the rose apple tree shaded him throughout the afternoon. its shadow not shifting with the cross of the sun. within seeing this, i pay respect to my son for the second time. now on this location a truly wonderful marvel has appeared may i take this opportunity

to express my veneration for the third time. "pokkharavassa rain" this is pokkharavassa. the red rain unlike ordinary rain it soaks only those who wish to be soaked by it. for those who wish to remain dry every drop would roll right off just like water drops

roll off of the lotus leaves. my father...and relatives. this is not the first time this red rain had fallen upon such in assembly of relations. in the past, when i was born as vassantara. "pokkharavassa also rained down on a congregation of myself and my relatives. listen all of you.

who ever upholds morality will have happiness in this world and the next. who ever upholds morality will be blessed with wishes and good fortune. who ever upholds morality has an unobstructed path to nirvana. therefore, may you all uphold the purity of morality. my son...

why do you bring shame to me... like rolling around collecting alms of rice and food in this manner? you're of royal lineage and heir to my throne. or are you of the opinion... that i cannot afford or provide you or your disciples... with enough food myself?

father... at the moment of my enlightenment. i departed from the sakyan royal family lineage. and was established in the lineage of awaken buddhas. my going for alms round... is in accordance with the tradition of all buddhas. the venerable sangha(monks)...

also practice this buddhist convention. father please pay attention to this teaching. when a person clings to... an indulgent in form.. feeling... perception...mental formations... and sense consciousness. that person is bound by a snare of mara(satan). and burden with the whole mass of suffering. when such a person doesn't cling

or indulgent in that person is free*** from a snare of mara. and release from the whole mass of suffering. please...may i invite you and all your disciples... to receive alms food... in the royal palace... in the three days that you arrived in the palace... myself and queen mahapajapati... have listened to your teachings

and develop in the dharma more and more each day. however.. bimba...who was your wife... has not yet emerge from her room to approach you. she has stayed right there the whole time immerse in misery. i would like to invite you to please go and speak to her.

so that she also may benefit from your teaching. father... i will go to teach bimba... taking venerable moggallana... and venerable sariputra... my left and right hand disciples with me. why have you been so unkind to me... your wife? when you left for the holy life.. you left in silence.

did i do something wrong... to make you leave that way? if i did something wrong... then what is the fault of rahula(son) born that very day. that you had to leave him bereft of a father. bimba... don't be so melancholy.

what i did would to help you and all beings. but you might have a chance to know the way out of suffering. bimba...we were born in this world for making merit together... as we have for many lifetimes. now is the time to reflect on those births and lifetimes according to... the truth as follows...

i am of the nature to age. i have not gone beyond aging. i am of the nature of sicking. i have not gone beyond sickness. i am of the nature to die. i have not gone beyond dying. all this is mine...beloved and pleasing... will become otherwise. will become separated from me.

i'm the owner of my karma. heir to my karma. born of my karma. abide...supported of my karma. whatever karma i shall do... for good or for ill... of that...i will be the heir. my mother tells me ... that you have great treasures...

you have great wealth. but since have no desire for royal wealth. as your royal successor. i wish to request my inheritance which is mine my right. external treasures... bind one to the round of death and rebirth on the wheel of samsara*

better to give the noble treasure that is the most excellent internal treasure into the worldly wealth. rahula...i have the most excellent and noble treasure to offer you. sariputra... release rahula from worldly suffering. and bestow him with noble treasure by ordaining to him as samanera(novice).

rahula...from this point on... you are a samanera (novice) rahula. when siddhartha left the palace and sought buddhahood. i expected that nanda... wished remain inherit the throne.*** but then the buddha took nanda off to ordain. that left only my grand son rahula. who might succeed me. then the buddha ordain rahula as well.

if i don't do something... soon the whole sakyan clan may go forth. i must quickly go to the nigrodha monastery. and plead with the buddha. please lord buddha. from this point on... should any householder's son wish to ordain...

in the buddha dispensation if his parents don't give their consent. please...don't give the ordination. father...i agree to your request. tomorrow i will leave... together with the venerble nanda. samanera rahula... and the bhikkus sangha... for the veluvana monastery in the city of rajakaha.

"jetavana monastery" nanda. since you are first ordained.. you have not been intent... on the practice of dharma. or the living of the holy life. all your though *** returning to the household life. my heart is contently yearning for my wife.

janapada kalyäni. there is not a moment spent*** when i don't think of her.**** nanda come with me. and i'll show you things that you've never seen before. those are apsara goddesses in heaven. what do you think about them? everyone of those apsara goddesses

is beautiful in face and form. i can think of nothing to compare with... even my wife... janapada kalyäni has not half of their beauty. nanda can you see... that what you thought before to be exceedingly beautiful ***in comparison

to great her beauty.**** yes, lord buddha. i can see. i'll make up my mind to practice the dharma. i live the holy life without letting my heart be upset with janapada kalyäni ever again. i've now seeing for myself*** that there are countless goddesses in heaven. many times more beautiful than her.

nothing could more tightly than a woman. nothing can **woman's heart more tightly than a man. in is like a *** to obsession and infatuation it brings one to birth and death again and again.

dragging one down into a mass of suffering. that's right nanda. there is no pleasure equal to the peace that can be found within one's own heart. for as long as human rush around seeking external distractions. they will never meet with genuine happiness. nanda, when you release your clinging and view the whole world that empty.

your heart will be free. open...expansive...radiant and joyful. autara why did you send someone to ask for... such a large sum of money from your father. i'm your husband. i would have given it to you myself. there was no need to bother your father. dear husband.

since i am married i have had little opportunity to make merit. i wanted the money to buy food to offer to the lord buddha and his disciples. i ask my father for the money... because he shares my fate in the lord buddha. it's not easy. that i have no wish to accept your money good husband.

let it be as you wish. my intention is to prepare the food myself and invite the lord buddha and his disciples to receive food in our house for 15 days. and i am afraid that during that time i would be unable to perform all my wifely duties. i've heard that here in rajgir. there is a courtesan called sirima. whose beauty is renowned throughout the city.

all of human get enjoy her charms.*** because her fee is so high. with these 15 days, i'm going to hire sirima to take my place as your wife. that case... let it you wish. autara...are you exhausted? oh.. dear husband! miss sirima.

look at her... instead of letting others do the work she is doing it all herself.... her face is dirty, her clothes are all soiled. she should be relaxing in the way fitting of her station. and instead she is finding way of tiring herself out. look at him.. how he*** and indulgent he is. he thinks, he is so rich...

that he has no need to make merit. very foolish he is. look at autara. she is looking at me with the smile of contempt. as if she is scolding me with her eyes*** it's *** i'm not putting up with this.! autura look at me!

you wanna fight?'re gonna get what you want. sirima i owe you with debt of gratitude because you agreed to take over my place as wife temporary... allowing me to fulfill my wish to make merit. no matter how you treat me... i will not become angry...or vindictive. why is this boiling water unable to hurt her?

hey! this prostitute is dare to attack our employer!*** come on! let's get her! come on guys! stop! all of you...don't hurt her. sirima is like a friend... to whom i owe a debt of gratitude. i'm not angry with her. autara... i'm a courtesan who you employed.

i forgot myself, and start of imagining myself as your husband's wife. and so attack you.*** but your heart is so noble. it is filled with loving kindness... and you have not shown me even the slice of small of anger. i have wronged you. please forgive me...

oh... get up sirima. if you want to ask for forgiveness. then you should ask it from the lord buddha. who i revere about all of *** tomorrow, i will have completed 15 days of offerings. please...come and offer food and listen to the dharma with me. a person should overcome anger with none anger.

overcome evil with goodness. overcome stinginess with generosity. overcome killed speech with word of truth. those in growth in worldly enjoyments. indulgent in sense pleasures. intoxicated by standing extravagance... praise.....rank... prestige...and power

cannot see the noble beauty of truth. heu...she still so young and beautiful too young to die. the day that this woman listened what taught from the buddha. she gave up her life as a courtesan and turned to making merit everyday. but life is uncertain. and now...not much later on...

she is dead. let's get down *** it's already time to cremate the body. hey...wait a minute! we can cremate it yet. oh..why not? the buddha has requested king bimbisara to order us to keep the body for 3 days. -heu? -for 3 days! whatever for?

when sirima led her life as a courtesan. all the man in rajgir were infatuated with her.. everyone wanted to sleep with her. now she is dead. i would like to sell her to the highest price. i would start at the price she charged for her body during her lifetime. 1000 kahapanas. who wants too start the bidding?

sirima has been dead for 3 days. her corpse is starting to decay. her fluids are flowing out of her body. this smell of the corpse filled the whole cemetery. somebody would have to be crazy to buy the body. hey! king bhimbisara reduces the price to 900 kahapanas. 800. haha..800 kahapanas for a rotten corpse.

700 a half of the original price and still no one is making a move. 100 kahapanas. if nobody is going to buy this corpse.. then i will give it away...for free. it is the nature of all conditions to arise... persist for awhile...

investigate the impermanence of all condition phenomena. the tears of beings wandering through samsara are beyond measure. the bones which had laid down upon this earth covered without gaps. this is something that is truly sobering to know. one who is still attached to forms...

sounds..tastes..odors and physical sensations. cannot find liberation from this world. sometime later... the buddha went to stay in the anupiya mango grove. the place where he has stayed overnight. when he first went forth. 5 sakyan princes. prince bhaddiya...prince anurada

prince anada prince bakhu. and prince kimbhila... along with koliyan princes. devadatta and a barber named upali approach to the buddha and ask for ordination. the buddha ordained upali the barber first. followed by each of the 6 princes respectively.

not long...after their ordination... venerable upali bhaddiya anuruddha bakhu and kimbhila attained arahantship(attained enlightenment). venerable ananda recieved instruction from venerable punaman taniputra...

attained the full vision of stream entry. venerable devadatta... achieved only the mundane attainments of *** cycling power later... the sangha requested that the venerable ananda that he acted as the buddha's personal attendant. venerable ananda... the sanha is in agreement...

that you will be suitable for the position of the buddha's attendant. what are your feelings toward this? our lord and great teacher.*** i'm already to serve and attend to you. but please.. may i make 8 requests of you? very good ananda. make your requests.

my 8 requests are as follows... 1...may lord buddha not give me good quality robe***. two... may lord buddha not give me good quality alms food. three... may the lord buddha not have me stay in the same dwelling as himself. four...

may the lord buddha not have me accompany him on meal invitations. five... may the lord buddha attend all invitations that i accept on his behave. six... when visitors come along ways to seek an invitation... my i have permission to take them

to see the buddha straight away. seven... may i be granted permission to ask questions of the lord buddha whenever i'm in doubt. eight... almost ever occasion the buddha gives a teaching of the dharma with myself not present

may he will preach it to me afterwords.** i consent to your request. i'm from the royal clan. why all the laity respectfully devoted to another monks...and not to me. aha!...prince ajatashatru. son of king bhimbisala of rajagaha. he is still young, doesn't get know right from wrong. i'll display my supernatural powers

and gain the devotion of the young prince. then whatever i may wish for... he will find the way to get it for me. "rajagaha" sir! who are you? what do you want with me? don't harm me! soldiers!

wait! prince ajatashatru don't be frightened. venerable sir... venerable sir how do you know me? ohoh...prince look at me! ah...venerable sir! my name is venerable devadatta. i wish you no harm. i'm here to help you!

to help me? to help me with what? you will know when that time comes. farewell for now. just a moment! i displayed my supernatural powers... and prince ajatashatru gained great faith in me. now...whatever i wish for..he'll give to me. what i ***i would be for the sangha.

lord.. you're now getting very old. it's time for you to lay your duties down. i request the burden of leading the sangha. please make the**known to all the bhikkus. from now on... i'll take over your teaching responsibilities. absolutely not...devadatta. good god!....lord!***

the buddha humiliated me in front of all the monks. then he the pakasaniyakarma prevented the others monks from speaking to me. humiliating with me.*** from this point on...i'll set my mind done bring him to destruction.** he can't do this. he can't do this for me! your royal highness...please think it over.

even though you have now inherited... to the throne as you wished. you must still execute your royal father. surely he changes his mind... and wish to take his throne back. he would be sure kill you. therefore you must act first without warning! that could be arranged... i'll keep him imprison...

until his life come to an end. as your decision..your royal highness. i've tried to take his life 3 times but it vain. it's time to try my last resort.*** i have to pretend to be strict in dharma vinaya(discipline) so that all the bhikkus... would become my disciples. in order that the bhikkus in the buddha dispensation may inspire great faith of the laypeople.

may i request that the buddha approve the following 5 rules to establish strict practice guidelines for all of monks. number one... a bhikkhu must live only in the forest not in a town or village. number two... a bhikkhu must live only on food given on alms round. meal invitations are not to be accepted.

number three... a bhikkhu must wear only rag robes. he mustn't accept offering of new robes. number four... a bhikkhu must live only at the foot of a tree. not on a man-made construction. number five... a bhikkhu must not eat any kind of meat. should any bhikkhu break any of these rules

he must face punishment. what does the lord think about these rules? i deny my permission. this dharma vinayaa is not slack in its rules. what you're asking for... would create inconvenience for all bhikkus in terms of maintaining their livelihood. let all these observances be voluntary. as for the rule against eating meat.

i allow meat which is pure in 3 aspects... not seen... heard... or suspected to have been kill specifically for the sake of oneself. my bhikkhus...who do you think is superior? my rules are strict *** whoever agrees should come in live with me. don't do this.

breaking up the bhikkhu-sangha it's a very heavy evil karma. from this day on...i'm no longer your disciple. i'll be carrying out from the lax community.*** only with my own monks. whoever agrees...follow me. can't you see that are not a suitable leader for bhikkhu-sangha. gogalika...what are you saying?

hahahaha...what am i saying what am i saying? just now..buddha's left and right hands disciples venerable moggallana and sariputra came to give teaching and instruction to your disciples. having listened...almost all of your disciples followed the 2 venerables back to jetavana monastery. only a few of your most foolish***'s impossible!

it's impossible! impossible.. is that all... the strict forest monk can say? gogalika! you!! you're a fake! you're lying on the yellow robe. only for the sake of gain and honor!

gogalika! comeback here now! i've been seriously ill no improvement for a long time. but in return..the buddha has nothing... but loving kindness toward me. expressing not even the slightest ill-will. or resentment. now coming to the end of my life. i would like to seek out to lord buddha. in order to ask for his forgiveness. quick and take me to the jetavana monastery. we're getting close to jetavana monastery. stop for awhile. so that i can make myself before entry*** into the present of the lord buddha.*** blessed one knower of worlds. glorified knowledge and conduct.

great one..teacher of gods and humans. i leave my chin bone as an offering to the buddha. and i take the lord buddha as my refuge forever... i take the lord buddha... as my refuge foreverrrrrrrrrr. venerable devadatta has perform greatly serious evil karma. even coming so close to jetvana monastery

he still unable to*** and sunk down in the hell. and i, myself cooperated with him i can't sleep at night. doctor jivaka..what shall i do? your humble servant thinks.... that your highness should go ***to the lord buddha.

and to ask for his forgiveness. you're right. let's go together to pay our respect to the buddha. our lord i now realize my mistake. please...may i beg your pardon? please forgive me. i promise..i will never do unwholesome deeds like that again.

your is the timeless law that in this world hatred can only ever be appeased by non-hatred. one who associate with fools one who is perfect in morality shine like a bright flame. one with mindfulness is happy. and grow in the dharma at every moment.

if a king rules with dharma all his citizen will be happy. bhikkhus... all conditions*** have the nature to arise persist for awhile therefor we should consider such thing as impermanent...uncertain...unreliable. the tears of beings who wander from birth to death

on the wheel of samsara are countless. their corp *** it's such an enormous pity. those who cling to attachment to the forms sounds...smells tastes...and touches of this world have not the slice of chance of ever going beyond it.** i declare myself as a buddhist lay practitioner. i'll take the triple gems as my refuge

the king has no alternative but receive the heavy result of his terrible deed ...murdering his own father. the perfect vision of the dharma therefor... did not arise in him here.*** birth... aging... death. greatness...

striving... struggling... conceit the lord buddha has arrived in the royal palace. oh lord... i think my life is ending. i can't bear the suffering very much longer. oh father please do not worry.

all condition*** have incoming to being they persist for awhile having persisted... it's their nature to pass away. it's only suffering arising... existing...and ceasing. nothing other than suffering.

there is no woman... no man. no them. all the last 7 days... lord buddha... you have taught me the and night. i have been liberated from the round of rebirth and attained to nibbana. i have now here...little time remaining.**

i wish to express my veneration and then enter...nibbana. for whatever faults... i have committed through party... speech...or mind. please...though your great compassion forgive me. now...i ask your permission*** to take my final leave

and let me pass...into nibbana.*** "nigrodharama" we have asked for ordination form the lord buddha 3 times. but he has not yet given his permission. however...we won't give up*** let's shave our heads... put on the yellow robes

and follow the lord buddha wherever he goes. if women were allowed to ordain in the buddhist dispensation could they attain to the level of arahanthip? ananda... if the women were ordained in the buddhist dispensation they could attain to arahantship exactly the same as men can. if that is the case... in your kindness...

please give ordination to queen mahapajapati. who raised and taught to you when you were child.** and that fulfill *** ananda...if pajaparti would practice according to the 8 strict conditions. i'll give her my permission. the 8 strict conditions are... one... a bhikkhuni who had been ordained for even 100 years

must bow to a bhikkhu ordained at very*** day. a bhikkuni may not spend the rains retreat in the monastery where there are no bhikkhus in residence. 6 months later... we have practiced the 8 strict conditions for the periods of 2 rains retreats. please may the buddha consider our ordinations. i permit your ordination. after their ordination...

pajapati bhikkhuni and the sakyan bhikkhunis practice mental cultivation with great determinatio until each of them had attained to arahantship. now king mahanama of the sakyan clan has inherited to the throne of kapilavattu. *** to show how unstable and impermanent even kingship in this world.*** prince siddhartar my husband relinquished the royal throne

without the second thought when he went forth. my son and even queen mahapajapati gotami have followed after him and ordained. that being the's best for me also to relinquish material comfort and ordain in the buddha's dharma vinaya. princess yasodhara... and a great number of her ladies of the court

traveled to jetavanna monastery in sravasti. after practicing the 8 strict conditions her 2 rains retreats. princess yasodhara was ordained as a bhikkhuni. she practiced mental cultivation with great dedication and attained arahantship. her ordained name was venerable... bhaddakaccänäteri. "sravasti city"

having performed the twin marvel. the buddha arose from his crystal seat and stepped forward with his right foot he placed it...on the summit of mount yukondhara. then he stepped forward with his left foot placing it on the summit of mount sumeru. upon which tävatiṃsa heaven is located. with his 3rd step the buddha ascended into tävatiṃsa heaven.

he seated that himself upon the pandukambala stone the seat of lord indra the god of tävatiṃsa heaven. his purpose was to teach the dharma to his mother in accordance with the tradition of past buddhas. delighted lord indra and the host of tävatiṃsa heaven gathered before the buddha to hear his discourse.

tell me...have you seen my mother? our lord.. your mother was reborn sandusita devaputtra in the high realm of dusita. i will quickly go and invite your mother down. mother please come and sit close by. the kindness you'd shown me in your past life was great beyond major as an expression of my gratitude

may i take this opportunity of teaching you the dharma during the 3 months rain retreat here in tävatiṃsa so that you may attain the path...fruit and nirvana. mother please listen... ignorance and craving lead the person to rebirth. agitated... their heart rushing around within samsara for as long as the aggregates come into being. the supposition of a being is also there.

in truth...such condition things are not worthy ** to be called the being. there is only suffering which arises and suffering which decays and ceases. aside from suffering...nothing arises. aside from suffering...nothing ceases. lord have ascended in tävatiṃsa heaven and taught the abhidhamma to your mother for the full 3 months duration of the rain retreat.

the people of the world are now wondering... when will you depart from heaven and descend to the human world? moggallana...please let the people know that i will descend from heaven in 7 days time arriving in the gate of the city of sankhasa. this is the last day of the rain retreat. i will create 3 heavenly staircases for the lord buddha descended

the crystal staircase for the lord buddha is in the middle. the golden staircase on the right is for myself and the other deities. the silver staircase on the left is for sahampati brahma and his host of brahmas. "devo day"(the day that buddha returned from his visit to his morther in heaven) as he descended from heaven...the buddha performed the marvel called logavivarana

making the realms of and hell visible to all. having reveal this amazing side he step down to earth at the gate of the city of sankhasa oh...this renunciant has a very noble appearance fitting to be a great man here in kruru is very hard to find a husbad suitable for my daughter apagandhiya.

but today i've found one. venerable name is magandhiya. i have a daughter who i would like to get married. but here in kruru, i can find no suitable husband. and then i saw you today. i'm very pleased by your appearance please...accept my daughter as your wife. oh! and don't worry that she's ugly or unattractive. there is nobody in this whole country

more beautiful than magandhiya. please wait here. my dear child! my dear! oh...i'm exhausted. hurry up! make yourself as attractive as you can now! right now! quickly my daughter. if you're tired then sit down and take a rest husband.

and..why do you want our daughter magandhiya to dress up prettily? come on please! sit down and rest. oh...magandhiya...are you ready yet? hurry up! i'm ready father. right...right!*** go quickly! i'had met him...i met him! met who?

i met him where is he gone?! what is all about? you brought me all this way i still don't know what you're talking about. i've met our daughter's future husband that is what i'm talking about. i told him to wait for me here...but he is disappeared! ah..there you see?

his footprints are still there. you know legible in the text dealing with the interpretation of footprints. have a look at them. two footprints are exactly match in this way... of the footprints of the great being. they show that he is beyond craving beyond anger...beyond delusion without defilement. such a one is not interesting in household life.

no defilement. what! every man likes beautiful women. let's see what happens when he sees our daughter. remain thing is to find where he is gone to... oh...over there! i found him. quickly wife! magandhiya hurry! follow your father. venerable sir! venerable sir...this my wife

and this is my daughter...magandhiya who i'm going offer to you. brahmans...i rejected sensual pleasure on the day at my enlightenment. i've seen root cause of your existence kama. you arise from sensual thoughts those thoughts arise in longer. you're...kama will appear no more.** brahmans...listen to this teaching.

the wise person must put effort into raising his mind out of attachment. to sensuality.*** freeing himself from mara's snare steadying himself with the hook of mindfulness. he is able to master himself. he is able to have victory over himself. your teaching have illuminated the path that heads for us both.*** not hold it against our daughter. magandhiya is still very young. we ask permission to go to my younger brother to give him all my wealth and ask him to take overs guardian of our daughter. as for my wife and me... we will ask permission to join the monastery*** so that we may in time...realize enlightenment. "veranja city"

my name is veranja brahman. i'm the ruler of this town the veranja. hearing of your reputation as a perfectly enlightenment buddha. i wish to have a dharma discussion with you. but why is it that when i... your senior in years... arrive make no gesture of respect. don't rise up to welcome me.

and don't invite me to sit on the same level as you. veranja brahman... in this world or any other world i have not yet met anyone superior th drahma to me. to whom i must make a gesture of respect. stand up to welcome... or offer my seat. it's my view that your way of practicing and conducting yourself is quite tasteless. way is indeed tasteless. i have abandon the taste of sensual pleasures of form...taste...smell...sound and bodily touch. but i'm not tasteless in the way that you understand it. you have no assets. you teach non action and play in annihilation and furthermore i would say you are lonesome. brahman...i have no assets or wealth

because such things consisted forms...tastes...smells...sounds and touches. venerable brahman...i teach non wrong action non evil action by body...speech and mind. i play the annihilation of lust... hatred...and delusion. brahman...lonesome is bodily misconduct verbal misconduct...mental misconduct. i loathe all of this evil and unwholesome.

but i'm not at all lonesome in the way that you believe. you teach eradication...destruction. you teach non arising and non birth. brahman...i teach the dharma. for the eradication of lust...hatred and delusion and for the eradication of all unwholesome states. i teach the destruction of bodily misconduct verbal misconduct and mental misconduct. because these are things which are worthy of destruction

i've attained to this state of non arising and none birth. by abandoning the causes of birth and becoming. i only speak the truth in respond to your comments. the truth is not as you understand it to be. pay attention venerable veranja brahman. and i will teach you the dharma. sending your mind outside and seeking fault in others is a cause for suffering. reflecting internally developing awareness

of one's own the path nirodha...the end of suffering is his fruit. the dharma have given has illuminated the way for me. for the rest of my life... i take the triple gems as my refuge. and please...may i invite you to spend the rain retreat here in order to teach the dharma

to the citizens of veranja. "rakitavana forest" who is that? come out where i could see you right now***. otherwise... otherwise'll do what? who are you? what do you doing here.. i should be the one asking you the same question! i'm the lord of monkeys and i have been living

in rakitavana forest for along time. and you? what are you doing here? i'm parileyyaka...the lord of the elephants. i got fed up with all those busyness and problems of my entourages. i've left to spend sometime alone. yes...your entourages sound just ** ***ever busyness at retaining as mine. you says, you're the lord of the elephants

but then why are you wandering around spying on a human?! this*** is not like other human beings*** he*** from the moment i saw his bearing and the grateful peaceful way he moves *** faith and inspiration.** well..if that the case let's go and ask him some questions.

"gosampi city" did you know that the lord buddha has left the gositarama monastery. well...he is probably gone to give teaching in another city. not at all! i've heard that one of the senior monk expert in the monastery discipline had has**to the senior monk

expert in dharma teaching. all this of small matter of the discipline not only that... but student of the 2 seniors monks have side with their teachers.*** so that the quarrel spread. and now there is a major conflict. it goes so bad that even when buddha himself admonish the monks

and ask them to give up their conflict. they wouldn't listen. as so he left the monastery alone.** that's terrible those monks are really stubborn and intractable how long will it be... before we will able to hear the teaching from thee lord buddha again. that's the point the monks's dispute means that all the rest of us

aren't able to listen to the lord buddha teach. the lord buddha must be fed up with these disobedient monks. we shouldn't make anymore food offering to them. oh...good idea! let's encourage all the others lay supporters to do the same. we've been coming back from alms round with empty bowl for many days now.

nobody in gosampi is fulling our bowls with any food offerings anymore. if this will we survive? what will we eat? the lay people are unhappy that we are continue the arguing and in conflict.** and that by ignoring the lord buddha 's admonition we made him leave. and where has the lord buddha gone to reside now.

** we've entered the rain retreat period and it is not possible to go off in search of him. "jetavana monastery in sravasti city " venerable ananda i and visaka and my wife*** along with all the wealthy family of sravasti have come to know that... lord buddha is ***and living alone

in the forest. and so we wish to sending invitation to him. requesting that he greatly come to reside here in our city of jetavana. the people of this city will offer food to the lord every day. in order that we may able to listen to his teachings. please...would you assist us in this? do not worry anantabintika.

i'll see to it myself. the rain retreat has ended now. so i will take 500 monks with me to rakitavana forest. to invite the lord buddha to come and reside here. you may put your mind at this. it's a great good fortune. to be able to pay respect to the lord buddha again and to listen to his teachings

parileyyaka...that is venerable ananda my personal attendant and those monks accompanying him are my disciples. allow them to approach. lord of elephants...lord of monkeys. allow me to kindly thank you for your service to me and looking after me in this forest.'s the time for me to

to return to jeta's grove monastery how many ten of thousand of years more was pass before **another such great being appears in the world. it has been our great fortune to have had the opportunity to serve the lord of such close** this will be very unlucky that we won't have such an opportunity again.

we will probably never...see the lord again. the lord buddha has forgiven us for our dispute. it was good that we saw our fault...** and swift *** to pay our respect to the lord buddha in jeta's grove. you're right. the lord is going to give us a dharma talk. pay attention. know this...monks***

this flourishing or decline of this teaching is not dependent... on the action of outsiders. but depends upon the fourth full assembly of monks and nuns... laymen and laywomen. consider the fool who acts of body speech...and mind... cause harm to self...

and others. you have all entered the sangha and have been training in he well expounded teachings that i have given to you. be diligent in your efforts. so that you may realize the fruit of the training that you have not yet realized that you not yet get fully penetrated.** so that you may...become truly noble.

"jetavana monastery" in a short time...angulimala will commit matricide. he will kill his own mother. this is a very heavy karma which prevent one for attaining to the path.. fruit...and nibbana. but this outlaw doesn't kill with malicious intent. he does all of ignorance. this being the case...

he should still be able to attain of the dharma. i will help him to escape from the deadly snare of his foolish mistake.** i've already collected 999 human's fingers. if i kill just one more person** i'll have the full 1000 fingers has instructed by my master. there is a recluse walking alone. he is about to meet his doom.

that 's strange! the samana ahead just keep on walking but i'm running till exhaustion and still can't catch him stop there samana! samana stop there! i have stopped already. it is you who have not yet stopped. a holy man should speak only the truth.

but there you are staring on words** telling me you've stopped who i am staring still! and you tell me i haven't stopped. ahimsaka... i have stopped stopped killing...stopped harming stopped pursuing wrong livelihood. stopped all kinds of misconduct.

not stopped killing. not stopped harming. not stopped pursuing wrong livelihood. not given up misconduct. you're still grasping your sword. how can you've already stopped. the words you have spoken are immortal and true. but never before heard*** even in my master's hermitage.

ahimsaka...all things which arise are of the nature to eventually cease. the sword which you 're carrying has now been laid down. so let go off the mental defilement associated with your wrong actions. should your heart dwell on old actions** it would soon become spoiled.** focus on recollecting your good actions

your heart will become increasingly cheerful and radiant. be industrious in making merit maintaining morality and brightening your mind in every single moment. i devote myself buddhism. please give me ordination in your excellent dispensation. i agree to give you ordination.

follow me back to jetuvana monastery. ah...this poor human beings. thinking their good and the good deeds make any difference. when in fact...all thing is already fixed dependent on my will. they are so ignorant. the brahma god bakha has the wrong view. i will help him to see the truth of things.

wow ah...lord buddha please sit down has the lord buddha some important reason for coming to see me? or would this be more of a social call. bakha. i'm aware of your thoughts and believes. know my thoughts and my believes. well...never mind. i have never conceal them.

they are the truth. on heaven and on the human realm everything that exist in this universe is all fixed is all fixed and eternal. all created by me. there is nothing on earth or in the sky in the sun in the moon and the stars

are which i do not have omniscient knowledge. nothing is hiding from me. bakha...are you sure? that you are the creator and master of all thing.. are you sure? that you alone knows all things and there is nothing is hiding from you. absolutely. in that case...why don't you use your powers

to create the magic body? and hide in a place you believe nobody else can find. then i will look for you. yes!...sure. i can do that. try to find me if you can bahka! you want to be a you? bakha! so you want to be a bee is that why you are passing around the flowers prone.

bakha! do you not want to enjoy the happiness of the brahman realm any longer? is that why you have made yourself so fine and mixed yourself with the sand grains on the sea floor. i grant that you are capable of finding me. but now is your own turn... if i can't find you then i will admit that you are...the omniscient one. one more are seeing than me.

all right...i give in. whatever world system... whatever universe you conceal yourself in. please show yourself. bakha...i did not conceal myself in any world system or universe. all the time that you are searching for me. i was walking up and down above your head. lord buddha i offer my obedience.

the powers that you have shown to me exceed those of all the deities and brahma gods. close attention to this teaching. the power and pleasures in this brahma realm are very long last thing. they encourage you to think** that all things are impermanent in fact...all phenomena have the nature to arise persist for sometime and then pass away.

all things exist in dependent on causes and conditions. all beings are born of their actions... heirs to their actions... are related to their actions... have action as their refuge... are owner of their actions. whatever actions are performed good or bad

we must receive the result. "veruvakama in vaishali city" lord buddha you are seriously ill. you are in tremendous pain. maintain great composure. you withstand your discomfort with great patience. and tortured your illness with determination. it fills me with great faith

that the lord buddha will live a long life with disciples and followers forever. at this moment i have reached 80 years of ages. my body is going weak like a dilapidated old wagon held together with pieces of bamboo. it is not strong enough to last forever. but i'm focusing my will to keep my body going and make this travel possible**

you should be mindful to take care of yourself. in this universe...there is nothing that is more important than yourself. "pavala stupa in vaishali city"** the pleasings of palivare ashatiya** are peaceful and quiet. should anyone develop the 4 methods for success. and have the wish to extent his life... for very long period.

he will surely succeed in what he wishes. the lord buddha has displayed the light omen to venerable ananda. in order that venerable ananda might invite him to extend his life span and continue teaching the dharma for a longer time. don't count on it! i must obstruct venerable ananda's heart and prevent him from understanding

so that he will remain silent and appearing different to the light omen. the buddha has spoken to venerable ananda 3 times. and each time i've obstructed the message leaving the venerable ananda silent. ananda...go and find the peaceful place and develop your meditation. do you remember? that after you had attained enlightenment

you sat there for so long at the assembly of ordained and an ordained buddha's men and women has not yet become establish in dharma humans and gods has not get attain to the path and fruit. and buddhism has not yet spread widely in all directions. you would not yet passing to parinirvana. well...

now all your goals has been achieved. you may as well pass away at this very day. why trouble yourself further with benefiting sentient beings. mara... no need to get heated up... with worrisome speculations. in 3 months time...i will enter early in nibbana.** be sure keep your promise.

our lord..what was the cause of that such unexpected earthquake? please tell me. ananda...there are 8 possible causes for such an earthquake. 1.movement of the winds. 2. a personal psychic powersใ 3. the bodhisattva departs from the heaven of dusita and enters to his mother's womb.

4. the bodhisattva is born. 5. the buddha becomes enlighten. 6. the buddha give the first teaching setting the wheel of dhamma in motion.** 7. the lord buddha lets go of the life ***principle and 8. the lord buddha passes away. i have now let go of the life principle. in 3 months time, i will enter... parinirvana.

this is the cause for the earthquake which just to current oh!...lord buddha... please live on to the end of this eon to teach the deities and humans. oh buddha on to the en of this eon ananda.. why do you make this request of me 3 times? oh lord said that...

whoever develops the 4 methods for success chooses he decide to extend his life*** for long period time... he will be able to do so. that why i've just now...pleaded with you 3 times. ananda...i have displayed the enlightenment giving you the chance to invite me to extent my life 16 times already. 10 times in the city of rajagaha(rajgir)

and 6 times in the city of vaisali. the 16 times had just now in the preachings of pavalijatiya.*** after which...i'd let go of life principle*** had you made your invitation on any of these occasions i would turn it down only twice*** and accepted the third invitation. but now i have met with mara

and resign to die. that with the tathakata(buddha) had let go of... had undone it's not suitable to ask that he take up such a thing again. ananda...all the conditions thing have impermanence as their very nature. having a reason, they must eventually cease. complete cessation is a fulfillment of happiness.

nothing can be compared with it. "pava city" a wise person...should leave his mind out of longing sensual pleasures. give up the snare of mara using mindfulness for restraint. a wise person is able to control himself. able to attain victory over himself. in addition to coming to stay in my mango grove

you also give me a dhamma discourse. you have shown such kindness to me... junda, the goldsmith's son. tomorrow morning... please accept my invitation to receive alms food a my house. this dish is called "sukaramaddava" it's a fine nutrition food. please may the lord accept it.

junda, this sukaramaddava is food is food that have been prepared... especially for me and it's suitable...only for me. apart from my*** i give you the remaining portion to please bury in the ground. and for my monks and disciples please bring them food of another kind to eat.

yes lord. ananda my disease is now getting worse again. we must to the town of kusinara. it is there that i will passing to parinirvana. let's stop and rest under this tree. and please fetch me a little water to you?. this river is drying up and a caravan of carts had just crossed**

the water is muddy and unsuitable for drinking. river kakuda is not fr from here. its water is clear and cool. please traveling on this*** it's not very far, you can drink and bath there. even i advise the buddha that the water is muddy and muggy, he still say he will drink it. or the buddha must have his reason, this is the first time the buddha has stop for a drink on his journeys.**

previously he has never requested wter before reaching the destination. great is the buddha's power. lord buddha, my name is pukusa. i am a son of the king of malla dynasty and the disciple of the laid*** arara hermit. i'm traveling from the city of kusinara to pava. what great fortunates to meet you. i had made the determination in my heart

that i may have the opportunity just once to hear the buddha's teaching. listen pukusa...this heart is luminous but it is obscured by incoming defilements. the uninstructed *** and so doesn't train his mind. but the well instructed noble disciple his clearly aware of this truth. and so train his mind.

pukusa i've known of nothing which can change it rapidly a the mind*** you should therefore maintain your focus on *** recollect the virtue of the buddha dharma...and sangha. recollect your own well practice morality. and recall to mind those sacrifices that you have made for the others. reflect on the heavenly beings

come to very ***happy state full cultivating generality morality and mental development. when reflecting on these things... your heart will be free from lust... you were therefore... experience and understanding of dharma. and the delight would come with understanding dharma. the experience of delight gives rise to rapture

with the experience of rapture... the body becomes tranquil. the tranquility of the body gives rise to happiness with happiness the mind becomes firm and stable. this is called peace. none suffering...the mind*** to enter the stream of dharma. these 2 pieces of singgivana robes are very valuable. the robe is fine***

the golden grow like a coal of a warm fire*** may i offer this robes to you as a gesture of worship. please accept them lord buddha. pukkusa ... i would like to accept just one of your robes. the other...please offer to venerable anada, my attendant. lord...these singivanna robes are of great value.

please accept them both. and wear one as the lower robe and one as an upper robe. oh lord! your complexion is splendid clear and bright. what a wonderful sight! ananda...the buddha's complexion appeared pure and bright on 2 occasions. one before the moment of enlightenment

and the other before the moment of parinirvana. we must quickly travel on to kusinara. "kakuttha river" junda gave me my last meal but dramatic clear*** people may think that his alms food was the cause for my passing away. alms food offered on two occasions is a special merit

and who give great fruit. the honey milk ***offered by sujata supported me at the time when i ended the mental defilements. the sukaramaddava offered by junda would take me the ending of the 5 aggregates. the last residue of condition things. ***anyone blame junda you should explain what i've told you.

***junda blame himself you must erase worry with these words of mine. the food which junda offered to me was the final meal that sustaine me "hiranyavati river" "sala grove of the malla dynasty in kusinara" ananda...from now on i wouldnot rise of this place again. ananda...if in the future

someone should offer material things of great value attribute to me. no matter how great the value of such things such attribute would not be the higher homage. ananda...whoever should practice according the dharma which just lightly taught by me such a person paid the highest homage. ananda i will pass to parinirvana tonight. lord buddha...please don't pass away

in this small town in kusinara. please traveling to a large city, such a sarati, gosambi or paranasi. these cities have lot of number of nobles, brahmans and householders... who have great faith in you and the lesson you had given them. not flaw kusinara... for being such a small town.

in the past it was a great capital city with tremendous wealth, abundant food and many citizens. the sounds of singing and music were heard through all the day and all night. another things, should i go to pass away elsewhere supattha paripajaka would not meet with me. and therefore would miss the opportunity to attain enlightenment.

if i should attain to parinirvana in another city a great war would break out with *** over my bodily relics of the corpse. here in kusinara lives dhona the brahman. he is capable of quarreling such dispute.*** he will distribute the relics of my cremated body amongst the nobles who come here from many different cities. has the result...there will be no war.

these are the reasons i have made the effort to reach kusinara. in the past, great numbers of those*** who have faith in the dharma*** would travel from every directions to seek you out, listen to your teachings and asking questions. but from now on...all those peoples and myself would be deprive of the opportunity to see you

and to have an audience with you. ananda...there are four places which you*** for recollection of me 1. lumbhini park....where i was born. 2. bodh gaya in the state of magadha where i was enlightened. 3. the deer park at isipatana where i gave the first dharma teaching. at finally the place of my parinirvana salavana park

in kusinara...right here. those who make pilgrimage to these followed locations will experience disenchantment with the world and feel inspiration to follow in my footsteps. lord this celibate life one of encounter women.*** some are mothers, sisters and relatives of monks. others of those with faith in the triple gems***

how should the bhikkhus practice in relation to women? ananda...a bhikkhu ought not to look at women at all. it's better this way. what if a bhikkhu must see women... how should he behave towards them? ananda, if it's necessary to see women they are not engage in conversation with them it's better this way. even it is necessary to converse with women

how should the bhikkhus practice? in that case, the bhikkus should have... well controlled mindfulness and sensor strength. he should have orderly speech and guard his mind from falling *** to lust and infatuation. the beautiful things of this world themselves are not sense desire. but the lust which arises in one's mind

through the unwholesome intention that is a person's sense desire. once one has abandaned pleasure and unwholesome states the beautiful objects of this world still exist but there is no way one can be harm by them.*** lord buddha, after you have past to parinirvana how should we treat your body? use the methods for treating the body of the wheel turning monarch.

wrap the body in 500 layers of white robes, lying with cotton wool*** then place it in a coffin with perfume oil, then place the coffin on a pile of sandalwood. once the body had been cremated... enshrine the relics in a stupa which just to be built in the crossroads so that people can pay their respects there for a long time to come.

suphattha is intent on having audience with the buddha. now each of the malla dynasty kings have just finished approaching the blessed one, who is sick. if i allow anymore guests... it will be a great burden on him. supattha...i can't permit you to see the buddha. as this time...he is seriously il and must rest.

ananda...please allow supattha to come to me. at this time, there are 6 of doctrine*** each has many many followers of they 6, can you tell me which*** supattha , in any faiths which is just not have the noble eight-fold paths there is no true samana(monk) to be found there. should bhikkhus or non bhikkhus continue to practice the noble eight-fold paths.

this world wiill not lack for arahants. now listen to my teaching of the dharma. this heart is luminous, shining like the moon but it is subject to incoming defilements. as is doubt and obscured like the moon concealed by passing clouds lord buddha teacher of the most excellent dharma you make*** for so very long.

please in th buddha dispensation. ananda please take on the task ordaining supatta as a bhikkhu. supatta...consider the hair of the head hair of the body, nails teeth and skin. as well as all materiality and immateriality according to the truth. such things are changing

decay...impermanent. suffering is not self... not a being...not a person. not i...not mine. not myself. not him...not his not himself. supatta...your suppose for the holy life*** will be alms food.

simple robes to cover yourself.

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